This proposal makes little sense to me for several reasons:
The conversion rate from people seeing an ApeCoin logo on your car to buying ApeCoin is closer to 0% than 0.1%. When you combine this with how little exposure this will generate outside of the web3 bubble, the ROI starts to make very little sense.
There are much bigger KOLs that rock Yuga PFPs than you. For example @Banks who has 2.7M followers and rocks a Punk PFP has 90x your following on just Twitter alone (way more if you count his other channels) with exposure to web3 bubble + normies. Why don’t we offer to buy someone like him a Porsche, or even a better car? I’m willing to bet that he’d gladly accept one and agree to some terms around marketing ApeCoin, so may other members of FaZe Clan (all with larger followings than you) and perhaps we offer them some package deal.
I thought this proposal was a joke at first, but apparently it’s not… If we’re going to waste money on another car sponsorship at the very least I’d to see us sponsor KOLs with more exposure.
The car is just a tool to polarize and get attention for whatever content is delivered to the target audience. The car itself will obv not convert anyone to buying $APE.
The real costs will be ~25k per year / ~2k per month. Take those numbers and the ROI will be great!!!
Ofc there are much bigger KOLs. Feel free to reach out to Faze Banks and offer him this deal for a 3 year partnership he will certainly be entertained.
I would actually like to see more KOLs approaching the DAO.
However, the interest in $APE is at an ATL (as is the price…) and I am committed to being engaged for another 3 years: creating content, educating degens about ApeCoin, ApeChain & the DAO.
I rather have a KOL that is really engaged than someone that shills every now and then where you can tell that he dgaf.
NOTE: This is NOT a car sponsorship. Please The F1 partnership was ***** and way too expensive for just having a small logo on a car with 10 other brands. You can’t compare these 2 AIPs.
PS: I chose a Porsche because it has great resell value after 3 years.
This proposal is live for vote on Snapshot. The voting period closes 13 days from now at 9PM EST.
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