AIP-506: Update treasury dashboard to reflect pre-allocated funds


Update treasury dashboard to reflect pre-allocated funds


@SmartAPE | DAO member [Trust Level 3] | writer-of-many-words

I am an indie software developer who has been in the games industry as a gamer and game dev for over 40 years. I have designed, developed, and published over a dozen games during my career.

My first game, Battlecruiser 3000AD (aka BC3K), was a ground-breaking game that was ahead of its time. Published by Take Two interactive in 1996, it was one of their portfolio titles when they went public in 1997. So, you could say that I helped the company succeed to where it is today.

Over the decades, I have worked with some of best software developers and publishers around the world, and my works have been featured in various online and print magazines around the world.

I am also a lifetime member of the International Game Developers Association, and was Florida chapter board member for several years.

You can learn more about me on my professional LinkedIn page.


This proposal is for the updating of the treasury dashboard on to accurately reflect the amounts remaining in the DAO treasury when pre-allocated funding for proposals are taken into account.

AIP-267: Add ‘Treasury’ tab to added a “treasury dashboard” tab to, and was designed to do the following:

"The purpose of this proposal is to address a lack of transparency around the size of the ApeCoin DAO treasury and the rate at which treasury funds are being spent.

“This proposal requires that the “Treasury” tab include a live counter that tracks the size of the DAO treasury, the amount of the DAO treasury that has been spent, the rate of current spend of DAO funds, and the estimated time when the treasury would be depleted at the current spend rate.”

“While not required in the initial version, a future version of this page could also include a break-down of where DAO funds have been spent, including a visual representation of DAO spend by category.”

However, a vital component of this dashboard is missing. That being, the pre-allocated treasury funds set aside for passed AIPs. This value would show the actual amount of funds left in the treasury when pre-allocated funds are taken into account.

For example, as of this writing, the dashboard shows combined holdings of approx $169M which does not take into account pre-allocated funding for passed AIPs. In fact, if we deducted the combined amounts from recently passed proposals since July 3rd vote closing, we can conclude that the treasury is in fact depleted to the tune of $108,372,400.00, and thus barely has $60M (!!!) left.

AIP-267 delegated the updating of this dashboard to the Treasury Working Group (which failed to pass at vote) and the Governance Working Group.

“Future responsibility for proposing updates to this page should fall to the Treasury Working Group, once it is created, and the Governance Working Group, in the meantime.”

$APE (as of this writing, 08/14/24 @ 11:01 ET) :


Transparency in the financial activities of the DAO is, now more than ever, vital to the survival of the DAO. And the treasury dashboard was designed to provide this much-needed transparency.


Within 7 days of this proposal passing, the dashboard should be updated to reflect pre-allocated treasury funds culled from AIPs which have passed at vote.

The dashboard should include a break-down of the AIPs for which funds have been pre-allocated and awaiting disbursement by the APE Foundation. For example, see this table of funded AIPs maintained by the previous DAO secretary.

This section of the dashboard should denote the pre-allocated AIP funds in both $APE and $USD with data extracted from live sources.

Going forward, the dashboard should be updated following the passing of any AIP which requests funding from the DAO.


The expectation is that this proposal would be implemented by the DAO’s administrative team. The community should regularly review the impact of this proposal. If accepted, the administration and the community should review the impact of the updates after the 3-month period for conflict ends.


Total amount requested from the ApeCoin Ecosystem Fund = No Cost

Within 7 days of this proposal passing, the Foundation is expected to coordinate with Nodeblocks and update the ApeCoin DAO Treasury Dashboard to reflect pre-allocated treasury funds from AIPs which have passed at vote. The dashboard should include a breakdown of the AIPs for which funds have been pre-allocated and awaiting disbursement by the APE Foundation. This section of the dashboard should denote the pre-allocated AIP funds in both $APE and $USD with data extracted from live sources. Going forward, the dashboard should be updated following the passing of any AIP which requests funding from the DAO.


I strongly agree. Without true financial information, there isn’t transparency. This one should be high on the list of priorities.


tbh, I am surprised that this wasn’t already in the treasury dashboard. But @LiveFast9986 is working on some data tools which will hopefully feed into that dashboard since it’s the same data. You can read more about that over here DAO Secretary To Update AIP Tracking


@AllCityBAYC will you guys also be updating this without the need for this AIP?

This one would definitely fall under the Foundation but could look at something similar for for sure…

Let me look into this :muscle::muscle:


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Hi @SmartAPE ,

The community feedback period for your proposal would be ending in less than 24 hours.

  • If you’re content with the feedback received, your next steps are to finalize your proposal using the AIP Draft Template.

  • A moderator will reach out to the author to finalize the AIP Draft. Upon receipt of the final Draft, we will review and provide instructions on the next steps.

  • Are you ready to proceed to the next phase or do you wish to extend community discussion for another 7 days?

We look forward to hearing from you.


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Yes I am. Please proceed. ty

This topic was automatically closed after 7 days. New replies are no longer allowed.

Hi ApeCoin DAO Community,

@SmartAPE has completed editing their AIP Idea to be their AIP Draft.

This proposal has been assigned the AIP ID Number 506.

Follow this Topic as further updates will be posted here in the comments.

Kind Regards,


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Hi ApeCoin DAO Community,

Our team has reviewed and discussed @SmartAPE 's AIP Draft and have sent a list of initial questions. We await answers.

Follow this Topic as further updates will be posted here in the comments.

Kind Regards,


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Hi ApeCoin DAO Community,

@SmartAPE has responded to our questions and they are in our review once again.

Additionally, edits have been made to this Topic, by the author, by the author’s request, or with the author’s consent.

You can click the Pencil icon at the top of the post to see these edits.

Follow this Topic as further updates will be posted here in the comments.

Kind Regards,


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Hi ApeCoin DAO Community,

We have sent a list of follow up questions to the author.

Follow this Topic as further updates will be posted here in the comments.

Kind Regards,


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100% agreed, financial transparency is pivotal for any sort of rational decision making

If there’s a confirmed scope from the Foundation then it should be covered by whatever budgets already exist inside the various org structures of the DAO to implement some changes

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The scope is as per this proposal. I have been notified, during admin review, that I need a commitment from nodeblocks (you guys) to doing this update.

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Do you know how we get API access to the figure which needs to be reflected?

I’m wondering who is coordinating that revolving figure, and where it’s stored. We would need access to it in order to integrate with the Treasury Dashboard and before we can comment properly on the scope or costs.

No clue. I assume the data would come from the Foundation similar to all the other data used in the dashboard.

For the other data in the dashboard we did some custom backend work and also plugged into the Coinbase API

For this update above, if someone wanted to (Foundation or otherwise) commit to tracking and updating all the data into even a simple google spreadsheet possibly, we could potentially just plug that data into the Dashboard. Any mistake on the spreadsheet however would result in a mistake displayed on the Dashboard so it would need to be properly maintained.

Therein lies the rub. Nobody is actually tracking any of that. Plus, for some reason, our new @BojangleGuy.Admin hasn’t released transparency reports for this year probably because he doesn’t have the data. Which is why I wrote AIP-507: APE Foundation DAO Transparency Reports

In my AIP-508: Update AIP Tracking Data proposal, I had required the secretary to update this data, only to learn that it wasn’t actually his job. And so, as of this writing, nobody actually knows whose job it is, other than to just say APE Foundation and let them figure it out back there.

Then I later learned that our resident data guy @LiveFast9986 was actually working on precisely this aspect behind-the-scenes, which he formally made public as a result of my AIP-508 discussion. You can find his data at ApeCoin AIP Information Dashboard (WIP)

To that end, obtaining the allocated funds data from his spreadsheet would work just as well since that data is pulled from the passed proposals.

However, we wouldn’t know how much of the funds have actually been disbursed because, as you well know, it can take several weeks - and sometimes months - for funds to be disbursed. And now that we’re making tranche funding the standard as per Facilitator Note #20 : Apes Gotta’ Eat we also now have to take that into account.

In conclusion:

  1. Funding amounts allocated can be derived from passed proposals via the LiveFast data metrics
  2. Funding amounts disbursed can be obtained directly from the Foundation. Perhaps LiveFast can actually obtain this data himself since he has access to GwG such as @AllCityBAYC
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Over the last few weeks and months, I’ve started to wonder if it would be in the DAO’s best interest to take me on full-time to start tracking and maintaining this stuff in a spreadsheet.

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