AIP-IDEA postpone all staking until we have bolstered the DAO treasury through successful implementation of profitable ideas

Rather then focus on ways we can siphon money from the DAO Treasury, our focus as a group should be instead to implement ideas that will increase the funds in the treasury. After this we can find new ways to partake in those profits.


As a community, our focus should be on gaining the DAO profits, it is irresponsible to siphon money from the treasury without a flow of income.

Staking does not help incentivize creativity and everyday innovation nor does it help to align motivations and values to shape the future of web3. It is the easy route that is far less creative then we are capable of. Postponing staking shows the entire community we have every member of the DAO’s best interests at heart. We have a collective responsibility to leave everything better than we found it and while the harder route, this idea shows our persistence.


This idea is fairly simple in that it acts as a guide for other ideas, this discourse would be the platform used. By preventing DAO funds from being allocated to staking until we have added profit to the DAO ensures that we are responsibly growing the treasury before allowing members to siphon from it.

Steps to Implement

There are no associating costs with this AIP-IDEA, the main steps to implement this Idea are following through the entire process as outlined in AIP-1 and getting community feedback so that we may shape this in the best possible way.


1: Allow the IDEA to go through due process and evolve through community feedback
2: Focus DAO attention to IDEAS that will generate revenue for the DAO
3: Successfully implement a profitable idea
4: Incentivize community to take personal responsibility in the success of these ideas by holding back any sort of personal siphoning of the DAO by its members.

Overall Cost
This Idea would have no associated costs.


I’ve read this and had time to talk with you briefly on these topics. We agree on some points… specifically that we should focus on what this coin can do and implement uses for the coin.

I agree that we should wait to invest in projects such as social media or merchandise or otherwise until we are successfully making money.

I disagree with postponing staking. Many members want to stake their NFT and/or $APE to make more coins. It secures their future earnings in this project.

I am cautious about seeing people who are not focused on the utility of this coin earn more control and votes. But that is their own agenda that we cannot control.


Staking would create activity and help build network economics. Staking NFT’s might pose some legal issues (expectations of return define securities law)


I hear you here and after considering all things, perhaps it would indeed be best to move forward with some sort of staking so that we as a group can then re focus on more important things relating to the revenues of the DAO. Until that happens, It would indeed be a challenge to shift the narrative away from it.

That being said, I believe it is more responsible of us as a whole to focus on bolstering the DAO treasury.


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Thank you @Papasito for your ideas and the ApeCoin DAO community for the thoughtful discussions. A moderator will get in touch with the author to draft the AIP in the appropriate template. Once the AIP is drafted and meets all the DAO-approved guidelines, the proposal will be posted on Snapshot for live official voting at: Snapshot

Follow this Topic as further updates will be posted here in the comments. @Papasito please see your messages for the next steps.

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