AIP Voting Results - December 19th 2024 - January 1st 2025

The Results are for this voting cycle:

AIP Title # of Wallets that Voted For Against Abstained Result
AIP-514 3D Printing and Reward for APE 567 21,490,685.08 2,019,781.23 566,740.74 In Favor
AIP-495 Organization of the Guinness World Record Attempt for the Largest Gin & Tonic During NFT Paris 2025 581 6,815,375.24 6,256,291.57 134,310.72 In Favor
AIP-572 Podcastization of ApeCoin Spaces on APECHAIN! (Resubmission) 580 10,512,297.04 1,716,281.55 714,187.69 In Favor
For Total For - In Wallet For - Delegated For - Locked Up For - Staked For - BendDAO For - Para For - ApeCahin For - Delegate on Apechain
21,490,685.08 3,762,212.35 7,531,700.50 0 1,804,313.51 5,282,813.03 0 794,026.81 2,315,618.86
Against Total Against - In Wallet Against - Delegated Against - Locked Up Against - Staked Against - BendDAO Against - Para Against - ApeCahin Against - Delegate on Apechain
2,019,781.23 5,228.07 766,508.94 0 46,050.99 0 0 290,427.19 911,566.05
Abstained Total Abstained - In Wallet Abstained - Delegated Abstained - Locked Up Abstained - Staked Abstained - BendDAO Abstained - Para Abstained - ApeChain Abstained - Delegate on Apechain
566,740.74 389.65 187,767.40 0 0 0 0 353,392.89 25,190.80
For Total For - In Wallet For - Delegated For - Locked Up For - Staked For - BendDAO For - Para For - ApeCahin For - Delegate on Apechain
6,815,375.24 3,090.44 6,488,425.20 0 183,246.49 0 0 70,917.76 69,695.35
Against Total Against - In Wallet Against - Delegated Against - Locked Up Against - Staked Against - BendDAO Against - Para Against - ApeCahin Against - Delegate on Apechain
6,256,291.57 23,026.67 1,974,544.82 0 80,942.99 10,409.58 0 981,049.95 3,186,317.56
Abstained Total Abstained - In Wallet Abstained - Delegated Abstained - Locked Up Abstained - Staked Abstained - BendDAO Abstained - Para Abstained - ApeChain Abstained - Delegate on Apechain
36046.80302 33.41705513 8436.437567 0 200.3024484 0 0 27376.64594 0
For Total For - In Wallet For - Delegated For - Locked Up For - Staked For - BendDAO For - Para For - ApeCahin For - Delegate on Apechain
10,512,297.04 11,101.62 7,849,363.20 0 107,651.40 183.13 0 258,819.69 2,285,178.00
Against Total Against - In Wallet Against - Delegated Against - Locked Up Against - Staked Against - BendDAO Against - Para Against - ApeCahin Against - Delegate on Apechain
1,716,281.55 12,736.69 443,440.07 0 21,332.89 0 0 278,733.07 960,038.83
Abstained Total Abstained - In Wallet Abstained - Delegated Abstained - Locked Up Abstained - Staked Abstained - BendDAO Abstained - Para Abstained - ApeChain Abstained - Delegate on Apechain
714,187.69 877.27 166,917.72 0 22,433.00 10,226.47 0 513,732.39 0.84

Some notable things that happen this voting cycle:

Happy 2025 ApeCoin DAO. Looking forward to see what everyone has in store.

If you would like to delve deeper in the data, please check out the ApeCoin AIP Information Dashboard.

If there is specific data or information you are curious or interested in seeing, or would like to leave general feedback, please do so either in the comments or DM me.


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