Elections and DAO governance revamp

If an AIP is imminently posted to revamp ApeCoin DAO governance and sunset Special Council, I propose that we pause SC elections pending the outcome of that DAO governance vote.

And if it fails to pass?

Personally not a fan of more trust me bro.

Elections bring attention to the DAO. And plus I’m not liking this very centralised feel lately. Be good to get some more people from outside a seat at the table.

BTW - I’m glad you’re still active - can you please respond to my questions regarding the year contract for the administrators and why they are still in place without a further RFP or DAO vote. You can reply to my forum messages x 2 or my email. Same goes for @Ape.Admin and other special council members.

Maybe if we had new special council members in place we could end this zero transparency and accountability stage that had become normal around here.


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Why not all SC just step down like Airvey did if everyone agree with [No more dumb shxt] but require tons of AIP before this happen?

@Waabam Shouldn’t we just proceed to a vote on the SC positions and table sunsetting the positions until the end of the term of the existing SC members?

Given that the job descriptions of the SC have been clarified to be merely in an advisory capacity, I would think that the community would want to have some level of transparency that could be provided by SC.

If we move to administrators only, what person would be accountable to the DAO members to answer questions that the community might have in relation to governance?

Wouldn’t it be more effective for the AIP that revamps governance include a provision that ends the special counsel, thereby ending the need for elections?