AIP-239: Working Group Guidelines & The Governance Working Group Charter


  • @0xSword doesn’t like the working group proposal, which is absolutely his prerogative
  • 0xSword either doesn’t understand the proposal or is purposefully spreading misinformation in an attempt to dissuade people from voting for AIP-239
  • The, “alternative” solution that he is proposing does not contribute in any way to decentralizing the DAO or empowering the $APE community
  • The, “alternative” solution he is proposing costs around $43,000 more per month than AIP-239 and the Community Discourse Facilitators proposal combined

The longer response
@0xSword doesn’t like the idea of working groups. That’s totally fair and everyone is allowed to have their own opinion on if they want to decentralize the DAO’s operations to the community or not.

What isn’t fair is that you continue to spread misinformation about what AIP-239 does, what the Ape Assembly is, and the actual cost of the proposal.

As it’s written, your proposal is in no way, “an alternative” to decentralize and operationalize the DAO. Framing it this way only sows confusion instead of providing constructive criticism. Just like you’re doing by naming your proposal, Ape Assembly, which was specifically defined in this AIP and has been part of our public discussion for the last month.

The Ape Assembly’s budget is $10,000 per month for four months to allow high-context DAO members, similar to those in WG0 to undertake initiatives they feel are important to the DAO. This is around $100,000 less than your proposal each month as it stands.

Regarding your perceived lack of certainty – you’ve stated multiple times that you appreciate and believe in what WG0 has done so far, including cutting down AIP review time over half, so I’m very confused why an evolution of that group as part of the DAO’s governance feels so uncertain to you.

I believe in the people that are invested in ApeCoin DAO governance through sweat equity, or voting participation, or large $APE holdings – these are the people that will make up the Ape Assembly, why don’t you believe in them?

It’s clear based on the responsibilities listed for the Governance WG Stewards that these aren’t secretarial roles. The Stewards will be elected by the DAO to lead these autonomous efforts to further decentralize the DAO.

This proposal in no way changes the existing AIP process. Nothing in the proposal suggests anything different, I’m not sure why you continue to focus on an issue that literally doesn’t exist.

We’ve estimated the cost for Discourse Facilitation at $24,000 per month to engage 3 community members to fill these roles. It’s funny that you accuse this proposal of being wasteful and at the same time feel emboldened to request over 4x that amount monthly.

For anyone that made it this far – I encourage all of you to read the proposal, ask any of the Stewards of WG0 if you have any questions about the proposal, and then decide for yourself what makes sense for the future of ApeCoin DAO. Thank you