AIP-368: ApeChain - A zk-Powered Polygon Layer-2 to Support ApeCoin Growth

Hey, Igor Mandrigin from here!

To add more specificity to this proposal, we are an implementation partner (IP) and contributors for Polygon CDK.

We have launched a rollup-as-a-service platform, using Polygon CDK. It allows you to spin an L2 on Polygon CDK in literally 6 minutes and 4 clicks.

Of course, RPCs, bridges, provers, faucets are included. Long term support to make the whole thing work too.
Not only that, you get extra tools out of the box if you want, that were tested and run well with CDK, like block explorers (Blockscout, Chainlens or Dora), Oracles, AA with Safe, etc etc.

Also you have support for the dev tools out of the box.

You can read more and try to create a devnet at Presto App!

All that, and you can keep your L2 on your premises, we can also work on the SLA needed and we have best in class technical support.

Palm blockchain is currently migrated their testnet using our tool and Gnosis Pay uses that under the hood.

We are more than happy to help you to setup devnets, public and private testnests and the mainnet.

We at Gateway have been running production infrastructure with 10s of thousands of requests per second over 2.5 years now with high SLA.

Feel free to reach out to me here or on TG, happy to chat more!