Removing/Impeaching Elected Candidates

This is the right way to look at most things. I agree with you.

Just because one group of people were not able to see the most success of an endeavor… in no way … would determine that a different grop of brains, all with different approach, and also access to different resources
would also certainly fail to a proability that would warrant such quick termination…
Possible still for failure (always) but at least alternatives produce additional data.

I’ve applied this to many varying degrees in my 20 year business ownership career.
If we couldn’t do something; we usually hired someone better and then everyone wins!!
…or learns, which counts as winning :slight_smile:

Nothing should be terminated;
(without first) giving others a shot to do so,
and if they desire a chance to do so.
Much Love; Word Up!

  • MonkeyMike

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