You heard YugaLabs. Time to start thinking of a new chain for Apecoin

Hey Mecca! There’s been a few innappropriate “gotchas” here. Don’t let that throw you off. We were encouraged by Yuga Labs to begin to look in the direction of migrating to our own chain. It’s worth talking about.

I’d like to see Yuga, Animoca, Improbable directly leading the conversation and proposals for a new chain. They are the ones building the metaverse ecosystem that will use ApeCoin, and its hard to speculate on their specific technical needs. If they were to come on here and say “hey, we need this and propose this,” it would certainly make these conversations easier to have. Right now…ehhh.

I have heard a great point that “we have the leverage and power to start a new chain, why not?” and I agree with that. That could be a layer 2 on Ethereum or something different, we’ve got options there.

Its hard to have conversations about it when we don’t know what the developers of the ecosystem need. And I’d certainly hate to see a proposal pass that conflicted or didnt address Yuga/Otherside needs directly.


Hi guys, I feel we should not leave ETH as it has the largest and most established ecosystem. No big attacks (secured), full of defi, gamefi, basically every ecosystem type started from ERC ETH before having the idea built elsewhere for “lower gas fees”. We can simply stay in ERC and use Layer 2 for NFTs etc such as Immutable X and Polygon. I work in the crypto space and I feel this is the best for such an influential project like Ape, which grew from ETH. Just my 2 cents.


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