AIP-339: ApeCoin AI Remix Contest

APECOIN AI Remix Contest - Sounds of the swamp
Category: Ecosystem fund allocation


The following proposal presents a new mobile and web based music platform that empowers collectors to easily create music and content with a AI companion NFT on the Korus platform. Pixelynx, in partnership with renowned stars deadmau5 and Richie Hawtin have supported Pixelynx in building this platform which is now powered by a growing library of licensed content and AI models from iconic and emerging artists and record labels.

Our vision is to create a new economy for the music industry that helps artists, fans and collectors build real value together.

We believe music is a powerful medium to build community and unlock new forms of expression and growth. ApeCoin DAO is at the forefront of building a new economy that puts creators and collectors first! Music is evolving and new ways of creating, releasing and monetising music are here. The Korus platform has been designed to create a fairer way for artists, fans and collectors to grow the value of the music industry together by blurring the lines between music, gaming, AI and Web3. Korus AI companion owners can remix and even release AI generative songs in collaboration with their favourite artists, labels, brands and communities.

This proposal presents ApeCoin holders the opportunity to benefit from exclusive ApeCoin tailored features that will deliver interactive music experiences across the metaverse and beyond. Korus was built to revolutionise the way music is collected, created, performed, monetised and shared. The Korus x ApeCoin DAO partnership aims to bring new music artists into the Yugaverse and support the ecosystem by enabling cutting edge music creation utility that is fueled by $APEcoin.


  • A new $APEcoin utility is established
  • Opportunity to win $APEcoin prizes
  • Opportunity to win Music NFT’s
  • Exclusive KORUS features token gated for $APEcoin holders
  • Exclusive access to Artist DNA from renowned artists such as deadmau5 and Richie Hawtin
  • Exclusive artistic outputs for $APEcoin holders only


  1. Empower the ApeCoin DAO community by providing exclusive perks and benefits to all $APEcoin holders first
  2. Raise awareness and utility of $APEcoin by integrating $APEcoin and its holders with our upcoming music ecosystem
  3. Network growth Tap into a network of global partners including iconic artists, labels and brands that will support our success and growth. The Pixelynx network of partners have over 100m fans across their social channels and we will continuously aim to introduce new members into eachothers communities that will participate and add value
  4. Bring together APEcoin DAO and Web3 music, two communities with closely aligned verticals and areas of mutual interest and benefit
  5. Gain feedback We view APEcoin DAO as a leading community of individuals deeply interested in Web3 and other emerging technologies. Getting the opportunity to have APEcoin DAO users try our products for free and gain their feedback would be a fantastic way for us to gain product insights from some of the keenest minds in the space.

We have reviewed $APEcoin DAO’s community mission and guiding values and would like to showcase how we feel the Remix contest proposal speaks to those virtues.

Boldness: We don’t shy away from the weird, the hard, or the new.

This proposal is a step towards a new form of AI music creation and revenue generation. This space is in its early stages and tapping into it now gives $APEcoin holders the chance to learn about the growing music AI space and participate in the growth of this area. It won’t be easy. There’s lots of work for us to do to help prove this proof of concept and create this new revenue stream for artists and content creators but we believe that APECOIN DAO would be an incredible partner to embark on this journey with.

Equality: One APE equals one APE

Music and other art forms have always championed an equal playing field. With the arrival of the internet, artists around the world were empowered to create and share their music. We believe web3 presents a second coming of this very moment but instead, web3 will now empower artists to own how they share their content without the interruption of middle parties. As such, equality is a key belief within our core build structure and we fundamentally believe in an open playing field for all.


All $APEcoin participants that enter will start on an equal playing field with the same Artist DNA available to them to use for music creation

All $APEcoin participants that enter will have an equal opportunity to win Music NFT’s from our Music NFT’s prize pool. Each track created = 1 ticket for entry.

The only point in our proposal where users are treated unequally is where participants can vote on the top tracks created by $APEcoin holders, however, this is users voting on musical preference and any $APEcoin prizes awarded will have been earned through the skill of how a $APEcoin participant creates their tracks.

Transparency: Processes and decisions are shared openly with the community.

  1. We appreciate the benefit of building with a community and how important transparency is for this process. A simple step inside of the Pixelynx discord would give peace of mind here. We build together with our community, sharing frequent updates and giving community members opportunities to test our new features on a regular basis and provide feedback.

We build with our community and this proposal would be no different. Should the proposal be accepted, we will open a channel in our Discord group where $APEcoin participants can get regular updates from us on the proposals progress but also offer feedback on the KORUS product itself.

Collective Responsibility: We leave everything better than we found it.

We bring this proposal to the $APEcoin DAO with an understanding of this principle. For Pixelynx, we are at a key stage in our product launch where testing with Web3 communities such as $APEcoin DAO will empower us to gain a significant insight into how Web3 users interact with our product. As such, we place a great importance on our relationship with $APEcoin DAO and its participants. We believe that this proposal could be the starting point of a long, fruitful relationship where we (Pixelyxn) can provide a gateway into Web3 music / content creation and feel that that is a fundamental benefit to $APEcoin DAO in the longer term.

Persistence: Success is an ouroboros, not a straight line.

Although this proposal dictates a straight line with a start point and finish. We’d like to reiterate that this should be the start of a harmonious relationship. Should this proposal be accepted, we aim to complete the proposal campaign and revisit $APEcoin DAO with future proposals at a later date. We agree that success is an ouroboros and feel our relationship would echo this.


The Gen 1 version of Korus will be released in Q3 2023, featuring both the Genesis.Kor AI companions that anyone can experience, along with a collection of exclusive custom companions, based on the iconic IP and catalogue of an unquestionable leader in the music space - Beatport. Owners are already able to remix, own and release music from labels and artists with millions of monthly streams. A groundbreaking new paradigm for music!

Our $APEcoin DAO proposal plans to kick into gear in Q4 (pending approval) with an invitation to $APEcoin DAO community members to claim a $APEcoin DAO themed AI Companion. As such, please see below a short sneak peak of the LORE we’ve tapped into to help theme the $APEcoin DAO themed AI companion.

Example KOR’s created for our BeatKOR KORUS campaign. Here, we worked in collaboration with Beatport a huge online music store to create the artwork for the BeatKOR.
2023-09-28 16_59_57-(3) KORUS_AI on X_ Which BeatKOR is your vibe 🎨 Swipe right 👉 to explore mor

The Sounds of the Swamp LORE

Music is in our DNA, it started with an explosive symphony in the cosmos and erupted into a global frequency that connects communities, cultures and tribes together! We inherited the trait to create rhythm and melody as an ancient species. Since then we have evolved music so far through the centuries to give birth to thousands of new genres, cultures and instruments.

But the language of music is evolving once again…

Something is brewing on the Otherside.

The sounds of the swamp are echoing through the metaverse.

A new future for music is forming on the horizon.

Unearth the secrets of music and dive into an universe of sound with Korus and BAYC….

Concept: Sounds of the Swamp is the first music experience we will bring to the Ape ecosystem. It begins with a series of fun story-driven beats and interactive music experiences that explore the origins of music through the lens of the Yugaverse.


Phase 1: Claim a free Ape.Kor NFT and get creating (+1 month after proposal acceptance)
![KOR Inventory| 690x373

$APEcoin holders are invited to join the KORUS ecosystem with exclusive benefits and investment opportunities just round the corner.

By connecting a $APEcoin holding wallet, they are able to claim their free $APEcoin themed AI companion. This is the NFT that is used within the KORUS app to create tracks.

Each $APEcoin holding wallet can only claim 1 $APEcoin themed AI companion.

Once a user has obtained the AI companion, they can then enter KORUS.CO and create tracks. To make things super swampy, we’ve added a unique set of Artist DNA stems that are token gated so only $APEcoin themed AI companions can gain access to them.

Once a Track is created, the creator can then mint the track as an NFT (for free) and it will be added to the $APEcoin DAO Korus Tracks collection.

At the point of minting a track, the user is able to prompt our AI image generator to theme the Album Cover that will be the leading image for their track NFT. Yet another point of AI content creation is introduced (cool right!?).

Furthermore, each $APEcoin themed AI companion is a dynamic NFT which will showcase all of the music creations built with its assistance, serving as the owner’s ultimate testament of their musical identity on-chain. This means at any given time, if you want to play one of the tracks you’ve created, simply pull up the NFT, click into the Musicverse and play your tracks!

Alongside the music creations side of things, phase 1 will also feature fully immersive liveops experience, featuring hundreds of quests and rewards, creator challenges, community voting and reputation recognition. All in all, we’re ready to bring an awesome user experience and compelling campaign to life within Phase one that excites, ignites and pushes us forward together into Phase 2 of the campaign.

We’re also happy to ensure that the above user flows will be supported with educational content and FAQ’s to make sure users know what steps to take and have customer support readily available. Our Discord has a specialised team of moderators that work around the clock to ensure fast, accurate support is available and for this proposal we ensure that $APEcoin participants will gain access to this support.

Phase 2: Build, share and earn rewards! (+1.5 months after proposal acceptance)

With Phase 1 up and running and $APEcoin fueled music being created throughout the Yugaverse. It’s now time to get our tracks on the map and start sharing the tremendous use cases from this proposal throughout Web3.

As such, at this point the campaign =efforts shift more towards social sharing and rewarding users for the noise they create! Rewards will be an array of Music NFT’s. Rewards can be won by either climbing the Sounds of the swamp Music Charts (more on this later) OR by climbing our social media quests ranking system. At this point, our internal marketing team will be paying close attention to the social sharing of our participants. Each step a user takes towards making noise around this campaign will be tracked and rewarded with XP. Users can climb the XP leaderboards to win cool Music NFT prizes that Pixelynx will provide.

What prizes / rewards are available?

Music NFT’s (provided by Pixelynx)

As part of this proposal, we want to bring the $APEcoin holders and Web3 music verticals together. Therefore, Pixelynx is happy to source and provide Music NFT’s from some of the leading Music NFT creators and share them as prizes for those that participate. This initiative will not only help $APEcoin holders learn more about the Music NFT space, but will also notify the Music NFT space of $APEcoin DAO’s keen participation in the growth of Music NFT’s. We hope this opens the door to future collaboration opportunities for the parties on both sides of that fence.

At this point, our internal marketing team will be paying close attention to the social sharing of our participants. We’ve adopted a cool social media quest system that will track users’ social sharing and support for this campaign. Each step a user takes towards making noise around this campaign will be tracked and rewarded with XP. Users can climb the XP leaderboards to win cool Music NFT prizes that Pixelynx will provide.

$APEcoin prizes (provided by $APEcoin DAO)

Sounds of the swamp music charts launch!

Each and every $APEcoin companion track created will now be published in the KORUS song board charts where any user can listen to any created track, vote on it and check it out on leaderboards. Sounds of the Swamp will get their very own prominent, separate leaderboard.

We’ve ensured that all tracks can be easily shared over web2 social media such as Discord or Twitter and have added simple tools for users to share their tracks throughout social media with a few clicks.

Once the leaderboard voting time concludes, the creators of the top voted tracks will be rewarded with $APEcoin prizes.

Phase 3: Feedback, reflection and seek our next direction! (+2 months after proposal acceptance)

As previously mentioned in our motivation points for this proposal. We are deeply interested in gaining feedback from the $APEcoin DAO community.

In Phase 3, we will look to reflect upon the campaign thus far and share our learnings. This will be released to participants as a series of community posts where users can view stats, data and interesting facts about the campaign performance and events that occurred along the way.

A secondary component to Phase 3 will be an optional feedback form that is sent to the $APEcoin DAO participants via a discord post.

The feedback form will look to identify the following points: ~

  • Overall feedback (how was the entire campaign experience)

  • Music creation feedback (how did you find creating music in the KORUS app)

  • Creative artwork feedback (what do you think of our NFT creative visuals)

  • Where should we head next (ideas for future $APEcoin DAO x Pixelynx collaboration)

Please note, all feedback sharing is optional for a reason. Furthermore, we do not expect email sharing / communication and will seek contact via more reasonable means such as posting our feedback sheets in Discord channels. We value your privacy.

Team description

Inder Phull - CEO and Founder; award-winning entrepreneur

Ben Turner - Founder and music industry veteran

Dean Wilson - Founder and music industry veteran

Deadmau5 - Founder and music industry visionary

Richie Hawtin - Founder and music industry visionary

Paul Joffe - Gaming industry veteran from Sony Games and Disney

Richard Sanders - Music industry veteran; ex-CEO of Tidal and leader at Sony & Kobalt

John Devecka - Gaming industry veteran, patented technology behind Guitar Hero and sold patent to Activision

Supported by - a leading art and music AI tool creation company

Steps to implement
Content creation (30 days)

  1. Apecoin themed KOR (ApeKOR) - Pixelynx to create a KOR with Apecoin branding or styling. For context: A KOR is the musical companion NFT that users claim within the KORUS music. Once claimed, it will unlock the token gated music stems that we associate with each KOR on- chain. We appreciate that Apecoin branding or styling will most likely require approvals from the Apecoin DAO and are happy to discuss in the comments how we can best create the KOR with an approval system and what level of image / art rights might be available to our creative teams

  2. Sound of the swamps stems - Pixelynx to create sound of the swamps stem files. For this, there is no approval flow as we want the stems to be a surprise when they drop. Don’t worry, they will be amazing. Just check out some of our current work over at already to get a feel for how professional the ‘partners’ stem library is.

  3. APECOIN AI Remix Contest marketing materials - Pixelynx to create campaign marketing materials with a view to serving this content across both the Pixelynx and Apecoin DAO social channels. As previously discussed in our ‘Motivations’ areas, cross pollinations between our closely aligned verticals is vital for us to fuse our communities together in the hopes of future collaboration.

Content approval (10 days)

  1. Apecoin themed KOR and Campaign cross marketing materials to be reviewed and approved by the Governance Working Group
  2. Any feedback and subsequent changes required will be completed
  3. Final approval

Airdrop address gathering (20 days)
Marketing campaign goes live to gather addresses for the airdrop list for all ApeKOR’s. Throughout this period both Pixleynx and ApeCoin DAO will circulate marketing materials to raise awareness for the project with a view to harbouring as much attention as possible to allow all Apecoin holders the opportunity to redeem their free KOR and participate in the remix contest.

Airdrop (1 day)
ApeKOR’s will be airdropped to those that registered and the KORUS app will open for Sounds of the swamp token gated content creation e.g The Remix Contest is LIVE!!!

Remix contest run time (30 days)

Day 1 - The remix contest begins and users can create ApeKOR TRAXX using their ApeKOR inside of KORUS. Alongside this a separate Korus Track Feed will be set live on KORUS where users can view all TRAXX created by ApeKOR users and the amount of plays each TRAXX has.
Day 7 - Weekly review - cross market creation stats, TRAXX created, with the highest played TRAXX being showcased. 1 Music NFT Prize Winner announced. 1 ApeCoin Prize Winner announced.
Day 14 - Weekly review - cross market creation stats, TRAXX created, with the highest played TRAXX being showcased. 2 Music NFT Prize Winner announced. 2 ApeCoin Prize Winner announced.
Day 21 - Weekly review - cross market creation stats, TRAXX created, with the highest played TRAXX being showcased. 3 Music NFT Prize Winner announced. 3 ApeCoin Prize Winner announced.
Day 28 - Weekly review - cross market creation stats, TRAXX created, with the highest played TRAXX being showcased. 4 Music NFT Prize Winner announced. 4 ApeCoin Prize Winner announced.
Day 30 - Campaign review - cross market creation stats, TRAXX created, with the highest played TRAXX being showcased. 1 Grand Music NFT Prize Winner announced. 1 ApeCoin Grand Prize Winner announced.

Feedback period (7 days)
An optional feedback form that is sent to the $APEcoin DAO participants via a discord post.


*$100.000 $APE for the competition reward pool. All $ape added to the reward pool will be used as rewards for those that participate in this campaign.

Music NFT prizes and All other costs (Ape.Kor NFT production and distribution, new functionalities in the system, marketing, community activations) will be handled by Pixelynx.

*Please note, we are open to feedback and discussion around the competition reward pool amount, we see this as a great incentive to provoke creative participation but seek collaborative understanding here from Apecoin DAO’s perspective also.

Author: Timothy Hembrough - NFT Product Manager at Pixelynx

To experience the KORUS platform, please head over to and have a create some music!


Keen for feedback @ApeCoin DAO members!

Let’s hear it!

Love this!! :point_up_2:t4:

Congrats on such a detailed proposal. Based on past experience, now is the time to begin socializing the idea on Spaces, YT, podcasts, etc – and especially where our voting communities gather.

Also, can you add or embed a player with playlists or samples? Having a soundscape while reading this would be too cool.

Good luck.

SSP :call_me_hand:t4:


Thank you for your feedback.

We would love to start sharing this in areas that ApeCoin voting communities gather. Please feel free to link or point us towards some of these areas if any come to mind and we will dive in. In the meantime we will identify areas ourselves and raise awareness.

Good idea RE playlists / soundscape whilst reading this. I’m researching how to achieve this and will add.

Any other thoughts, just shout!


I find the idea interesting, I have a friend who writes music, the best known pagode here in Brazil, but I think I could introduce him and show him that he also has opportunities here with this platform.

In his case, he would only have to work on the production of the music, because apparently it is made with AI?
but from what you explained I understood that there is also room for those who write them.


It would be awesome to get him introduced to the platform.

A few things to communicate first:

Right now, we are working with Artist DNA (stem files) from their original music and users can then combine these stems with AI to create new tracks. This is a ever evolving platform and we are always adding new features and will expand upon the music creation opportunities.

If there are stems from his own songs then he can speak to our business development team about creating a Artist DNA pack including his songs, mint or airdrop them to users, and then users can create tracks with AI and his Artist DNA.

Hope that helps give more clarity on the use cases for your friend!

Thanks for your feedback and shout if any further questions! :+1:

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Your topic will be moving to the AIP Draft phase in less than 24 hours. Are you content with the feedback received or do you wish to extend community discussion for another 7 days?

If we do not hear from you within 48 hours after your topic closes, your topic will be moved straight to the AIP Draft process.

We look forward to hearing from you.


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This topic was automatically closed after 7 days. New replies are no longer allowed.

Hi ApeCoin DAO Community,

The AIP Draft submitted is currently incomplete and feedback has been provided to the author.

Follow this Topic as further updates will be posted here in the comments.

Thank you,


Hi ApeCoin DAO Community,

@KORUS has completed editing their AIP Idea to be their AIP Draft.

Edits have been made to this Topic, by the author’s request.

You can click the Pencil icon at the top of the post to see these edits.

Follow this Topic as further updates will be posted here in the comments.

Kind Regards,


You can attend twitter spaces and play some music to connect imo.
Show them screenshots or short gifs.
I’d recommend a tldr of this on a poster or gif to help people understand.
Is this correct?

Main outcome for individual :
Apecoin holder gets ai bot → make beautiful music together → license to resell & use commercially if you pay Pixylnx 10% cut

Outcome for DAO :
Pixlynx provide “Sound of Swap” stem files to create unique apecoinDAO music
New library of music for the dao (usage rights ?) created by dao members
Pixlynx run quests for music creation and marketing with dao members
Distribution of $100,000 in APE from dao treasury to participants

1 Like

I’m Korus user and it’s really easy to use.
Good way to get a style of music or several connected styles for the dao imo.

Less rewards imo.
I prefer when rewards include the number of participants as a factor.
Cap the reward total and participants if necessary.

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Thanks for your feedback @AlPlanet - we will work this into our final AIP.


I like such a detailed proposal. :heart_eyes: Thx for it

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Thanks for your feedback @vspandexe <3

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Hi ApeCoin DAO Community,

Our team has reviewed and discussed @KORUS’s AIP Draft and have sent a list of initial questions, to which the author has responded.

Follow this Topic as further updates will be posted here in the comments.

Kind Regards,


Hi ApeCoin DAO Community,

We have no further questions for @KORUS. This AIP is now under Administrative Review.

Follow this Topic as further updates will be posted here in the comments.

Kind Regards,


Hi ApeCoin DAO Community,

After review, this Topic submitted by @KORUS has been “Returned for Clarification”. The ApeCoin Special Council waits for answers, and the community will be notified whenever the author responds.

Kind Regards,


Hi ApeCoin DAO Community,

@KORUS has responded to the Clarification questions and they remain in Administrative Review.

Follow this Topic as further updates will be posted here in the comments.

Kind Regards,