AIP-424: Laughing Ape Builds A Global, Freaking Comedy Empire!

Thank you for the kind words and the question!

Community feedback is a crucial step of the process, not just in this phase but all steps of the way, even after the vote (and hopeful) funding.

We had a lot of really great questions and suggestions (some on the public forum here and some in private conversation) which we have carefully considered and even implemented in some cases.

While the idea phase has ended (which is the main way we received feedback before submitted and finalizing our AIP in draft phase, we look forward to continuing the conversation and welcome all ideas and feedback ongoing.

Thank you!
Aaron Haber
Chairman of the Bored
Laughing Ape, INC

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Hi ApeCoin DAO Community,

@AaronHaber has responded to our questions and they are in our review once again.

Follow this Topic as further updates will be posted here in the comments.

Kind Regards,


Great. Iā€™ll be there!!!

Hi ApeCoin DAO Community,

@AaronHaber has responded to our questions and has provided consent to share them in this forum for the community.

Interview with @AaronHaber

1. Is the Ape Foundation expected to engage in any of the steps of the AIP implementation? If so, please specify the steps and elaborate on how it is expected to work.

Laughing Ape will not require the Ape Foundation to engage in any of the steps of the AIP implementation. However, Laughing Ape would be thrilled to collaborate with the DAO where opportunities arise.

2. Would you be open to receive funding in tranches?

Thank you for the question, for a host of reasons, including the ability to see through our implementation, as well as taxation, we would like to accept the entire funding at the beginning of our agreement with the Ape Foundation.

3. Would token holders be expected to connect wallets in order to participate in certain elements of the proposal? What are the plans for security audits of the relevant platforms?

We believe Attendees would only need to connect wallets to Monaverse, Otherside and Sandbox. It is our understanding (and we have spoken with NiftyKit and Mona) that each platform conducts routine audits to ensure the highest level of safety possible. That being said, nothing is guaranteed to be 100% safe and we would suggest to all our attendees that they utilize warm wallets or burner wallets to be absolutely safe.

In addition, we plan to utilize Ape Chain for the vast majority of our blockchain activities and mints/claims and so we would also work with Horzen Labs to make sure anything we offer is properly secure and as safe as possible for anyone interacting with our contracts.

Lastly, Laughing Ape is connected to some of the best Blockchain security minds in the space and would look to work with them, where necessary to ensure contracts are secure.

Should The Ape Foundation have any recommendations as to who they would like to see contacted in this regard, Laughing Ape will give those suggestions serious consideration.

4. Please revise your Platforms & Technologies section. As specified by the AIP Draft Template, provide a detailed breakdown of the platforms and technologies that will be used, if any.

Regarding ā€œHorizen Labs/Ape Chainā€ our intention is to release the vast majority of our blockchain/NFT offerings utilizing Ape Chain. We also will, not only, accept $APE as payment for as many blockchain/TradFi items as possible (and we think almost 100% will be possible) but will incentive the use of $APE by offering discounts for customers who pay in $APE.

5. Have you begun to engage in discussions with movie theaters, potential Board Member candidates, and/or distribution and streaming platforms regarding some of your stated deliverables?

We have various levels of conversations being conducted with potential board members, major movie theater content distributors and a major player in the streaming industry.

6. A.) Regarding any granted permission to use ApeCoin trademarks by the Ape Foundation, do you expect to maintain full ownership rights to the content and/or IP which may be created as a result of the approval of your proposal?
B.) Would your expectation be to keep complete ownership of all content produced from this proposal?

Laughing Ape will own all content created by Laughing Ape, should the Ape Foundation not wish to have their IP/Trademarks shown in any of these Laughing Ape owned assets, Laughing Ape will honor that request.

7. As per the ApeCoin General Guidelines, ā€œproposals will not be put up for vote if they involve illegal activity, hate speech, pornographic material, or are at odds with the mission or values of the APE Foundation.ā€ Can you ensure that the content produced would be in keeping with these guidelines?

While we canā€™t guarantee what comes out of a comediansā€™ mouth during our events or tapings, as when we signed our agreement with Yuga Labs, it is understood that we donā€™t knowingly work with comedians who engage in hate speech or illegal activity.

While there is adult language (R Rated) we do not exhibit pornographic material.

Basically our understanding with Yuga Labs (and I do understand Ape Foundation is a completely separate entity, Iā€™m simply using Yuga Labs as an example of what weā€™ve done before), was: Should anything resembling hate speech or outside of relative decency be said in the show by a performer, I (acting as the host) would denounce it, which is something I would do anyway.

Laughing Ape, INC firmly believes in the rights and fair treatment of all people.

While we understand and appreciate the question, we donā€™t believe our events are any more likely to feature inappropriate comments or content than any other content produced by any other AIP implementor.

8. A.) Are there any expectations on when revenue might be returned?
B.) Is there an expected schedule for these distributions to the DAO?

We would work with the DAO and our accounting team to pick a mutually beneficial rev share payment schedule with the Ape Foundation.

Assuming there is revenue in the first quarter (or year 1 depending on the schedule) we would make those rev share payments on the first date decided upon.

My expectation is that rev share would begin to be paid out within the first 6 months to a year and then ongoing regularly on the normal dates.

Please note this is not a guarantee of when Laughing Ape will begin to have revenue to share.

9. Do you provide consent to apply updates to the relevant areas of your proposal based on your responses to the questions above?

We would like to give written permission on each change that would be made to our proposal. As weā€™ve worked with our Facilitator before (and heā€™s amazing) we know this would all happen within a very short time span.

10. Do you provide consent to share these questions and answers with the community in this forum?


Edits have been made to this Topic, by the author, by the authorā€™s request, or with the authorā€™s consent. You can click the Pencil icon at the top of the post to see these edits.

A DAR package is being worked on and upon completion this AIP will move into Administrative Review. Follow this Topic as further updates will be posted here in the comments.

Kind Regards,


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Hi ApeCoin DAO Community,

We have no further questions for @AaronHaber. This AIP is now under Administrative Review.

Follow this Topic as further updates will be posted here in the comments.

Kind Regards,


Iā€™ve already commented on this, but as someone in the entertainment industry, this is a great proposal and shows a clear understanding of whatā€™s possible. There needs to be a high ask for this to work, as booking comedians is not cheap.

Comedians can sell more tickets than almost any music artist. However, you need money upfront to book them, as well as the right connections. You clearly have connections. The profits returned to the DAO will be significant if this passes. Iā€™m fully behind you on this. The ask is big but justified, and the returns are very promising.

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Hi ApeCoin DAO Community,

Edits have been made to this Topic, by the author, by the authorā€™s request, or with the authorā€™s consent.

You can click the Pencil icon at the top of the post to see these edits.

Follow this Topic as further updates will be posted here in the comments.

Kind Regards,


Love that you added the budget breakdown fam, thatā€™s both critically important and very helpful imho :heart: :gorilla:

Curious to hear about your sales team and sales strategy, some things like whoā€™s leading the team, how many people there would be on staff for it, the go-to-market strategy, maybe thatā€™s a Space discussion? Or if you have some info you could post here thatā€™d be cool :star_struck:

Happy to brain storm a bit with you as well.

Thanks, MB!

I hope you had a great time reading our 50 page line by line breakdown of our budget, truly a fascinating page turner.

For Web3 marketing, our Chief Executive Degen would spearhead our marketing along with KOLs we respect in the space.

One of the items our CED will head is rounding our their team with other proven Degens in the space (in terms of planning, marketing and executing Web3 drops).

For our normie customers we will use a different marketing team who will be led by our CMO.

While some of our team has worked with Laughing Ape for 2 years now and some of our team is being onboarded (TBA), some of our team will be hired once we have the funding to hire them.

This will be the case for our CMO, Social Media Manager and the PR firm we contract with.

This funding will allow us to scale the entire project including parts of our team.

Thanks for the great question.


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It actually is fascinating to me, reading the detail specs is like a glance into the minds of the author, although the world is driven by heart, it operates based on math :banana: :heavy_equals_sign: :earth_americas:

I wonder how many others saw this in the financial reportā€¦and what type of cookie it could be :cookie: :thinking:

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We donā€™t have a budget line item for cookies soā€¦

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Glad you enjoyed the read and hopefully when you glanced into my mind it read ā€œThe DAO should fund ambitions and hereā€™s mine and hereā€™s the thought out budget!ā€

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Hi ApeCoin DAO Community,

After review, this Topic submitted by @AaronHaber has been ā€œReturned for Clarification.ā€ The ApeCoin Special Council waits for answers, and the community will be notified whenever the author responds.

Kind Regards,


Hi ApeCoin DAO Community,

@AaronHaber has responded to the Clarification questions and they remain in Administrative Review.

Follow this Topic as further updates will be posted here in the comments.

Kind Regards,

Hi ApeCoin DAO Community,

Edits have been made to this Topic, by the author, by the authorā€™s request, or with the authorā€™s consent.

You can click the Pencil icon at the top of the post to see these edits.

Follow this Topic as further updates will be posted here in the comments.

Kind Regards,


Hi ApeCoin DAO Community,

After review, this Topic submitted by @AaronHaber is ready for vote under AIP-424. The proposal will be posted on Snapshot at the next weekly release date and time, which is the first and third Thursday of the month at 9PM EST.

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimise for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

Kind Regards,


This proposal is live for vote at Snapshot. The voting period closes 13 days from now at 9PM EST.

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimize for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

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Hi ApeCoin DAO Community,

The voting has closed for this proposal and it has not been approved.

This Topic will be moved to and remain in the Rejected AIPs subcategory.
