AIP Idea: Otherside as an Avalanche Subnet

I am so tired of Avalanche propaganda. So, subnets, let’s break it down:

  1. To crate a subnet you need to buy and stake AVAX (they don’t mention that).
  2. Subnet security is abysmal (ex. their most popular subnent, with more activity than the main Alavalnche network, has only 5 validators. (Imagine that!)
  3. They mention consensus of Avalanche as if it is the “holy grail” of blockchains, but why should people care about another PoS consensus? In practice, their consensus is a solution to a problem nobody cares about anymore. There are so may alternatives, it is not even funny.
  4. They blame polygon for their multisig (and while I agree with tihs), they forget to mention that their own bridge is controlled by only 4 validators/companies (which, if asked by a court, will freeze all the bridged funds).

And by the way, Ava Labs (who solely develops and maintains Avalanche) is a PRIVATE company registered in NY. Talk to me about Decentralization!