AIP Milestone Tracker

Hi Vulkan,

This is amazing, you never stop, LFG. I think this is most certainly a step in the right direction.

Self-reporting from AIP authors should be interesting.

Also, I see there’s a ‘milestone’ labelled “Run a transparent RFP process”; you were involved with that process, so that part just me chuckle.

Joking aside, I think this leads into a bigger conversation re an independent oversight/COI ‘division’ or committee.



Thanks. How can that be done?

DAO sends tokens to recipient. Recipient converts, and now wallet you’re tracking is a dead end… correct? Could’ve converted to fiat and lit it on fire for all any wallet tracking is aware of.

That’s why we need proper oversight & audits, of which there is none in place or proposed. Not for the DAO / Foundation, not for Working Groups, not for recipients. The “candy store” has no locks on the doors.

@Vulkan’s AIP for Milestone Tracking is a big step forward. Shocking, disappointing, and a shame it didn’t exist since Day 1, not for lack of trust but because it feels lonely and uninspiring to be told “OK, here’s some dough now get lost and go do your thing I guess!”

“Vision” type of people often come up with great “big picture” stuff but then lack the know-how / habits / experience / motivation to proverbially put one foot in front of the other to get it done. It’s seldom if ever funding that differentiates successful ideas from ones that do not succeed or even become done.

“Big picture” thinkers are usually not grind & discipline types. Checking in to keep track isn’t so much policing or adversarial as it is showing “we care, and we’re with you along the way … what’s up… all good?.. what do you need?” And that can include reasonably asking “got a receipt for that?”


Yeah, I agree with Hangout. Keeping things simple and posting updates in the thread makes the information readily available for everyone. If the objective of the AIP is achieved and it requires a demo the author can jump into discord voice chat.


Yes, I’d have a separate forum section where a post is created upon AIP approval for updates only. Nobody but author and mods can post to that. People can Like, though. Anyone can find these update threads by searching for “AIP-XXXX”

I wouldn’t let authors add to original AIP simply because those AIPs can get very busy. And then people will reply after updates and updates get lost, etc.

Of course, ti would be better if we could group threads - is that a feature of this platform? So original AIP as parent, then under it an Updates thread, etc.


I’m not sure if Discourse contains group thread functionality. Will look into it. Thanks for your suggestions.


Quick update: I have setup a form here for AIP authors to submit Milestone Updates to be reviewed and added to the database. I have also updated the original post in this thread to reflect this addition.


Nice! I’d perhaps clarify “Proposal ID” with an example, i.e. do you want “AIP-123” or just “123”? Unless you don’t care.

I’d add example content for all fields if you want less chaos with formatting in responses (or instructions like “keep it brief”).

Lastly, perhaps remove “TBD” Status unless you have specific scenarios in mind for it? Maybe I’m thinking slow (pre-coffee), but can’t think of why something wouldn’t be either In Progress or Completed. Except “Awaiting Funds”. Seems those are the 3 statuses but dunno.


This will be super helpful long term! Thanks Vulkan!


@Vulkan did you connect API to make the data move automatically? Do you need help in that matter?

-Mr. Hype :fire:

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Thanks these are all great suggestions.

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Will reach out about it, thanks.

Thanks, will reach out and connect.

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Completely agree with your message.

Its part of the value of building in/with a community that you get a variety of characters to focus on their areas of strength. I think there is something really interesting about community involvement post funds transfer. @Vulkan 's milestone tracker is great.

How could /should the community be involved in projects on an on going basis? If the community could be involved more than just transferring cash, then ApeCoin DAO moves beyond just being a grant giving DAO into an accelerator. Imo that’s super exciting because the impact per $ we could have would be multiplied by the expertise in the community supporting the projects we choose to support.

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We’ll catch up on the User facing template design and I’ll start working on it. Looking forward to whats to come.

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Quick update: I’ve gone through each of the 46 approved AIPs and have an updated, initial list of milestones posted on the Airtable database. Here’s a breakdown of how many milestones fall into each category.

Screenshot 2023-05-09 at 2.19.01 PM

Next steps include getting in touch with authors to find current statuses on the TBD items. Stay tuned. :saluting_face:

Reminder for authors: You can post here in the thread of fill out this form to let us know of any updates you have.


Spent some time catching up on the forum today and was surprised at how many posts expired after 30 days with no feedback from the authors.

I recognize that this is slightly different than milestones, but I’d appreciate tracking this metric in order to better understand what creates this falloff and to avoid wasting time with authors who aren’t serious about the process.


This is a great point and something I’ve noticed as well. Will add this to my list of things to track :saluting_face:


Appreciate it, thank you Vulkan!

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I’ve been pondering an AIP to put those authors on pause from another AIP for “x” amount of time. Barring exceptional circumstances of course.


Good point to focus on BT

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