[Answered] Is Special Council compensation actually 125k APE/6 months?

Or was it changed in a later AIP?

At the time AIP-1 was written, it was $20k/mo, but for the past 6+ months it’s been closer to $80k+ / month (125K * $4 ape price / 6 months = $83,000). Which seems just a tad high, so I wanted to ask/confirm.


This was for the very first cycle, wherein three of the first five would be paid for 6 months (Maaria, Amy and Dean) while the other two would remain on for a period of a full year (Alexis and Yat).

AIP-138 set the present cadence for SC election in motion, while retaining the originally outlined pay structure of $20,833/month ($250k per term, in this case).

Election Cycles

  • Timing and cadence of elections: Elections shall occur every 6 months.
  • Nomination and election to occur over November & December; elected Special Council member(s) to start in January (“Cycle One”)
  • Nomination and election to occur over May & June; elected Special Council member(s) to start in July (“Cycle Two”)
  • The following seats will be up for election at these times:
    • Cycle One: Seats 1, 2, & 3
    • Cycle Two: Seats 4 & 5
  • Rationale: Succession planning is paramount. A twice-yearly staggered process helps to maintain continuity for longer-term objectives and avoids a cataclysmic change wherein every Special Council seat is up for re-election at once. This should be balanced against the risk of low participation-rates from excessively frequent elections.

Election Terms & Limits

  • Term: Each seat is for one-year term.

Amazing, ser, thanks so much!!


I think the UK Prime Minister is paid under 200K in USD - just sayin.

Do we know if these salaries have been paid to date? As I could use these figures in my table I’m compiling to get a better estimation of the number of APECOIN they collectively control in the absence of self declarations.

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As I’ve unfortunately never been the lucky recipient of such a payment, you’d have to ask a Special Council member directly for a definitive answer. These are paid out from the Coinbase wallet as I understand it, which generates a new address for any transaction over a certain amount, making clear tracking not exactly the easiest of tasks.

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Maybe @cerebrous could comment - how often are Special Council salaries paid out please? Or maybe @Gerry or @BoredApeG or @veratheape would comment.

We already know the amounts, so to enquire roughly how often these salaries are paid should not be top secret imo, as no case could be made that divulging such info could have price impact or help re speculation - using response such as monthly, quarterly, etc etc.

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Hello @furiousanger,

Special Council, Governance WG Stewards, and Discourse Facilitator compensation is disbursed monthly using the prior 30 days moving average for the price of $APE.

I hope this helps. :slight_smile:



Spot on. Ty Amplify.


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