@boredelon - Nomination 1/2022

One of my key goals, should I make it onto the council, is to develop an indie game development program that is funded and built around Apecoin.

This is a great idea, and I’d love to be involved. In fact, I demand it, because I’ve been posting about exactly this for months in numerous threads. I have many resources/connections that could be extremely helpful.

Everything you said in this paragraph I’m a huge fan of. But here’s the bigger and more immediately relevant point. @bc said this in his letter:

At any point in time, any community member can write an AIP to form a working group, to form a sub-DAO, to ask for funding for a new tool, why is everyone always waiting for someone else to write these proposals. Why does an individual need to get elected to the Council to start writing these proposals?

And the part of your statement I have the problem with:

Why is it a key goal “if you make it onto the council”?

  1. If you make it onto the Council, your time HAS to be spent researching the legal implications and risk managing ALL proposals. Whether you believe it or not, this is the primary concern of SC, because no one else besides Cartan has the ability to do this. Anybody can write an AIP for an indie game dev program. You can do that now, without an SC position, and because of your Twitter clout, it would at least have the visibility needed to pass.

  2. Joining council guarantees the majority of your time will be spent with people who don’t need more attention, not with the up-and-coming builders who do. And again, BoredElonMusk already has the clout to get in touch with whomever he needs in crypto, so joining SC doesn’t give you any added reach. But the next-gen builders who could actually use your attention are stranded.

So we’ve got you spread too thin and focused away from the target audience. But the point that bears most repeating, and I don’t even agree with @bc on a majority of stuff:

Why does an individual need to get elected to the Council to start writing these proposals?

Council members should be full-time administrators doing the unsexy work of this, again from the open letter:

The Special Council exists to make sure that nothing can get to a vote unless it is properly researched for risk to the Ape Foundation.

Again, this is from the insider guy with access to all the info who is trusted by everyone, not the lowly Mutant with no backing behind his opinion. I’m just repeating Brandon’s words here. You wanna argue that point, argue with him, not me.

IMHO, BoredElonMusk’s talents better serve the DAO in the “C-suite” of ApeDAO’s Entertainment Working Group.

Maybe you could help me get people to understand how to fund efforts in highly speculative industries using yield, not principal — to use crypto’s unique properties to protect the DAO in an industry where 95% of stuff fails. @Feld agrees with this, but when I presented it in my Bluetail idea, it caused confusion because it wasn’t just a straightforward ask from a “trusted source” [read: influencer], I guess.

Perhaps you could get people to understand the good sense in building/buying a platform like Newgrounds and consistently bringing IP to the DAO instead of investing millions into single IPs and risking the same disastrous results that befell other “AAA teams” in crypto gaming — Star Atlas, Axie, Pegaxy, GFC, Aurory, Illuvium, Cryptoblades, Netvrk, Rebel Bots, Alien Worlds, Ember Sword, My Neighbor Alice, REVV, Sipher, (I could go on). Again, all I get when I present this idea is confusion or non-interest.

Your thoughts also have me hopeful that you might understand how a model like that could be mirrored in other entertainment — fashion, music, visual design — and make the larger community understand how to responsibly capitalize.

Maybe you’d also understand how this model could be used to connect the DAO to colleges and municipal governments to help the proliferation of $APE as well as its validation in accredited institutions. I have those connections, and I’d love if the DAO would stop starchasing (which leads nowhere) and get down to the business of connecting with web2 through the obvious open pathways.

Special Council isn’t the place to do that. It’s the Working Group that I can’t start on my own (I’ve tried). But as you’ve stated, it needs to be built.

For your consideration.