Changing the UI of discourse

Hahah @TheFatherOfAllStorms hey I have looked at your tech screenshots, and it stumps me as to why it happens. I’ve wondered if it might be an issue where you should try reinstalling your operating system, but I’m not sure your tech specs or how you have things setup.

From my understanding, Facilitators may have the ability to do more stuff like update the categories and utilize the announcements, maybe even refresh the help & resources section. I think we’ll see improvements soon without need for an AIP like AIP-7 Discussion: Restructuring the ApeCoin Forum.

As far as this early idea, it’s been really difficult to make many changes after the precedence set in AIP-7. I do think we can get past that stage now that Ape Assembly puts forward Facilitators, pending how that is setup through summer time. @muxty what suggestions do you have for improving?