Council Consultation UX portal plugs

Would love to implement a constant council consultation portal where new councils can get consultation from previous formal councils.

This portal of communication UX should allow to post the questions in private council channel for ex formal councils by elected members. Responses can go on voluntary bases to help with an y council administrative related tasks.
This will help with the transition constantly far into the future.
This will help to get the work done fasted using the usual good tips from the previous or formal councils, still staying if any. This consultation mind not be payable or receive any rewards in coins as an appreciation if you want so.

We can also create a channel for professional consultation regardless specific proposals that are in the field not related to the councils: Legal. Tech, Design, law, Medical - only people who are vetted by the foundation and their proper certification can participate per field assigned.
This will help to understand the technical side of some proposals, their liability towards the laws, debacle if this projects has structural and talent capability of being able to complete the tasks within timeframe.
We can also implement ApeCoin rewords for a profession consulting type on voluntary bases - they participants can voluntary claim it or donate to someone next.

We can also have a third portal for non vetted folks where councils can drop a non legal or non medical question - and talented folks can help on finding info in exchange for the rewards if the answer was fairly helpful.

Most crucial part right now is the transition smoothness and backlog of proposals needing attention. So how about we have a constant portal plug to implement the speed of it?

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