PROPOSAL NAME: Enhance Working Group Transparency
ALL CITY is an elected ApeCoin DAO Governance Working Group Lead Steward.
With the Working Group structure nearing eleven Stewards and ApeChain on the horizon, ensuring streamlined communication between Working Groups and other critical DAO bodies will be essential for developing the infrastructure and ecosystem needed for a sustainable future.
Furthermore, clear communication and transparency regarding initiative progress to other Working Groups and the community as a whole are essential to remaining aligned with established goals and ensuring that resources are being allocated appropriately.
To address these challenges, this no-cost proposal seeks to take a proactive approach by making initiative and personnel reporting a requirement in all Working Group quarterly transparency reports. Initiative reporting should encompass key personnel and their involvement, milestones, expenditure tracking, risk management and mitigation strategies, performance metrics, and community impact. Personnel reporting should highlight key achievements, including any professional development steps taken to enhance their abilities within ApeCoin DAO, and what their involvement is within initiatives.
To streamline effective communication and help mitigate potential challenges among eleven diverse Stewards, each Working Group Lead should be collectively voted on by Stewards from all Working Groups every six months. In cases where there is an even number of Stewards voting, the DAO Secretary will be provided with an equal vote.
Working Group Steward Leads will continue meeting with the DAO Secretary and other Leads, every two weeks, as stated in AIP-239 Working Group Guidelines & the Governance Working Group Charter, and also serve as a point of contact for their Working Group for any ongoing communication with Special Council and the APE Foundation.
In Working Groups with three or more Stewards, the Lead should not be granted any additional veto power, and all internal decision-making should continue to be determined by a majority vote as-needed. Each Working Group should remain free to distribute compensation among Stewards as they see fit, with no requirement to provide Working Group Leads any additional amounts.
Improved Collaboration and Communication: Clear communication on goals, progress, and resource allocation ensures all Working Groups work towards the shared objectives of the ApeCoin DAO and the progression of ApeChain.
Increased Accountability: Mandatory initiative and personnel reporting creates transparency and holds Working Groups and their members accountable for their actions and resource allocation.
Community Confidence: Clear communication about progress and resource utilization will build an additional layer of trust with the ApeCoin DAO community.
Reduced Risk: Proactive risk management and mitigation strategies outlined in initiative reports can help identify and address potential issues before they escalate. This promotes a more collaborative effort, where other Working Groups and the broader ApeCoin DAO community can offer solutions and support.
Improved Resource Allocation: Clear reporting on expenditures will enable a more conscientious approach to resource allocation across Working Groups, ensuring efficient use of community funds and a more sustainable future for the ApeCoin DAO.
Attract Talent: A well-coordinated and transparent Working Group structure can help attract and retain top talent, thereby contributing to the overall success of the ApeCoin ecosystem.
There are no new terms introduced to the ApeCoin DAO community in this proposal.
These reporting requirements will be incorporated into each Working Group’s next quarterly transparency report following proposal approval. Any changes related to Lead Steward roles and responsibilities will take effect immediately.
Voting may take place on a platform of the Stewards choosing, and the proposal should apply to all existing Working Groups as well as any new Working Groups that are formed by a DAO-wide vote while these requirements are mandated.
In Working Groups with two Stewards, the Lead will retain the right to make the final decision when a consensus cannot be reached.
There is no cost to implement this proposal.