Facilitator Note #1: How to Flag Inappropriate Conversations

Hi ApeCoin DAO Community,

We’re all here to participate in thoughtful, intentional conversation that moves ideas forward and enriches discussion. With this in mind, we’d like to remind you of the Guidelines for Engagement here on the Forum.

While one of the roles of Facilitators is that of community moderation, it’s also your responsibility as DAO members to actively support a productive, inclusive environment for all members of our community. In addition to making sure threads stay on-topic, you are encouraged to flag any posts you deem inappropriate, off-topic, threatening or contains any other content that runs contrary to the spirit of our civil discussions. For additional clarity, here is a more comprehensive look at what happens when you flag a post.

To be clear: flagging is anonymous, so the person being flagged cannot see who is doing the flagging. This is a valuable tool for Facilitators to help address any concerns, so we strongly encourage you to use this feature when appropriate rather than engage in off-topic exchanges within a thread. It should be noted that three flags on one post will trigger immediate action from the Forum.

We appreciate the daily contributions of our community members, and with everyone’s support look forward to continuing our discussions in a productive, inclusive way that ensures all members feel welcome to contribute.