Facilitator Note #9: ApeCoin Twitter Requests and Discourse Updates

Hello ApeCoin DAO Community,

In an effort to further enhance the Discourse user experience we have implemented several improvements, including:

Introducing the ApeCoin Twitter request form for Approved AIP Authors - The ApeCoin DAO has introduced a social media request form for a more streamlined process of requesting tweets, retweets, and other social media activities. As we work on establishing secure processes, the form is initially being provided to approved AIP Authors. Our aim is to eventually make it accessible to the broader community.

Vote link - You may have already noticed the addition of a ‘Vote’ link in the Discourse header. This link is available on both desktop and mobile and will direct you to the ApeCoin DAO Snapshot, where you can vote on live AIPs.

First Flag Badge - We have removed the First Flag Badge from the available badge list due to its causing confusion within the community. We want to emphasize our continued encouragement for the community to use flags as a means of moderating the forum, and we’d like to reiterate that users who use them remain anonymous.

Removal of spam accounts - Over the past few weeks, we’ve observed an increase in the number of users posting no-content spam posts. Akismet, our spam-blocking Discourse plug-in has helped us in identifying these accounts. Such actions are in violation of our community guidelines, and as a result, associated accounts have been removed.

Best regards,

-ApeCoin DAO Community Discourse Facilitators