Feedback on AIP161

Hello Apecoin Community,

Thanks to everyone who casted their votes, i highly appreciate the support and critics. I am trying to look into the reasonings behind the members who voted “against” to improve, discuss and clear any confusion if there is any. Also, for the people who posted messages that the requested amount is a lot, they need to look into the actual impact and see for themselves how far it has saved users funds on the dune dashboard: 10% of the funds affected is commonly used in bug bounties programs so it’s nothing new to the scene, I was able to quantify the impact that saves users on loss of funds upfront that what sets the difference.

Looking forward for your invaluable feedback!



I think it’s a great thing . It’s nice to see that people are looking out for on another here :blush::muscle:


This is the first dao I ever joined . Actually joined lol . And so far pretty cool and interesting. Soon we will be the group in dao that leads the way .


It occurs to me that voters who showed up to vote Against aren’t actually clear the amount of savings your work has actually generated. It’s also possible that people saw your ask as a request of a person just trying to get themselves a Bored Ape, which in terms of compensation is an unusual request in this format. It might have gone over better if you simply requested a dollar/$APE amount, but then again there are people out here who will downvote anything having to do with any sort of actual monetary ask. I’m sorry man, I was stoked when we got Dean Steinbeck to finally respond and was hoping this would go over better than it has up to this point.


It was quite harsh to be honest, especially when Horizen Labs CEO is totally ghosting me. I fixed their mess, they don’t even dare to care. Currently the value being accrued by the community that’s the best part that i am happy for. just fun to look at the dune dashboard and see how far the impact it has made. I do agree it could have gone better with asking for a concrete value instead of a NFT, i just admire the dream of having a BAYC, i tried to make it come true. but it’s fine. i will come back with an improved proposal. Let’s hope it make it through. Nonetheless, Thank you for the feedback and support! that’s the only thing that i am seeking this whole time and asking different people to get various perspectives on the matter.



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