hackhathon ethonline 2023 - 24/7 online radio

hello. i’m participating on an online hackhathon called ethglobal, and my mission inside it is to build an app powered by apecoin. it will be a 24/7 radio, on which only the holders of the anky genesis nft collection will be able to push music into it.

any person can listen.

the mechanics of the radio are on the readme file on this repo:

if you want to contribute, it is all open source.

if you have any questions, please ask them here. i need your help in order to understand how to build this thing.

i need to understand which will be the connection between apecoin and music.

this is my exploration into that.


You can make it possible to upload your tracks and get APE as a reward for it.
you can make an advertisement between tracks and buy a subscription for APE to remove this advertisement

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It’s sounds more like Web3 Spotify than 24/7 radio lmao


Both of those sound amazing.


thanks) i think too)

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Congrats on playing in the streets where music and apecoin meet!

Have you taken a look at AIP-339 yet? It’s nothing to do with what you’re building, but the music industry experience and talent on that team is a pretty powerful squad to tap into, maybe.

Anyway, good luck - looking forward to seeing where this goes.

SSP :call_me_hand:t4:


i love this idea. like a web3 enabled soundcloud that people can end up using to download tracks to play in their dj sets also.

the thing that i can’t wrap my mind around is: why would they pay in $APE instead of eth? how would you answer to that question?

i somehow can’t justify why to build on top of $APE more than because of my willingness to build on top of ape.

@loowl yes, but the 24/7 random radio would be a powerful mechanism for discovering music by a mechanism other than the algo. i bet this would bring some interesting serendipity into the equation.

@Gerry what will be the first youtube video that you will add to this radio? (reply with the link. i wanna listen to your music before this thing is live)

@ssp1111 you know… since i discovered the otherside i’ve always dreamt of the blend between it and an irl club. we are so used to dancing towards the dj. what if the club if the dj and this 24/7 radio is what is being played in there all day long?

i like thinking out of the box, and i think that the whole experience of partying will get a massive upgrade because of the metaverse. the question is:


why apecoin?

  1. The $APE rate is significantly lower than the ETH rate, so the cost of services will be much easier to calculate

  2. It is much easier for people to part with smaller amounts (for example, paying for services in online games)

  3. The cost of accommodation in the amount of (for example) 10 coins even looks better than 0.001

  4. If we are talking about APE radio, then it would be strange to pay in a different currency)

Yes, 24/7 DJ playing in the Otherside is the north star.

I can see guest DJs playing and listeners appreciating/rewarding in apecoin.

Good luck,

SSP :call_me_hand:t4:
8-Track DJ @ApeCoinRadio

(ApeCoinRadio is my own Radio Station going live soon’ish – NOT in the metaverse) :rofl:

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I truly believe this will be useful for the community. I guess, there are a lot of music lovers!

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