Move Apestake staking protocol to Apechain

I wouldn’t peg it at more than $150K. With the pre-existing tools, it’s really not that hard. As I said, any one of us devs with blockchain experience could do it with a team of max 2 people on it full-time.

Anyway, it depends on whether a team of contractors or a company are hired. Either way, it will cost more than it normally would. I mean, just few months ago, McCurry got $750K to build a $40K DEX on ApeChain. heh

I feel that this is something that should have been a part of the ApeChain RFC so that it can be done in parallel with the creation of the chain. I guess nobody was thinking this far ahead. Shocking, if you ask me. /s


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Had five minutes and was catching up - what if we went even further and introduced a small change to end herding, bribery, popularity contests and politics when it came to special council appointments - let’s introduce a randomised selection to the final stage of SC elections (sortition) - making appointments fairer.

When six month forum membership & TL2 were introduced as entry requirements for special council nominees we moved further away from a meritocracy; instead championing & elevating devoted community members (which btw, given SC role requirements, I agree with). So with that in mind, why would we let the SC election process (in this instance) be determined by herding, bribery, popularity contests and politics?

Simple solution would be at the final stage - remaining pool - we’d choose with a fairer & proven system using random selection (sortition)!

Just my two cents on how we can go further and make all our elections fairer.

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The original staking contract was not that expensive and I’m told it’s not that expensive to make the change but perhaps a better alternative is to just have claim only on apechain unless you automatically restake?

As for ending staking I suspect you would find more objection from others rather than MOCA because they don’t benefit from staking anyway. I’m not disagreeing that staking should end but I think there are 150m current reasons why it won’t succeed, the MOCA vote is a tiny fraction of that.

On a related note as a lot of the naked ape staking is via centralized exchanges it may end staking on centralized exchanges or at minimum force it on-chain and/or force the exchanges to adopt Apechain


That’s all true, hence my post above about the costs. Yes, it could be less depending on whether or not we hire an experienced dev or an intern to do it. lol

That could work; but it comes with some intrinsic [security] issues. Plus, believe it or not, it’s more work than just migrating it in whole.

Yup - there’s that. However, most of the voting wallets likely won’t even know about the vote let alone participate in it. heh.

That’s actually a good [causality] point.