Reverting the Default ApeCoin Discourse Theme Back to Classic

Unclear which direction these comments are flying toward, but what I often see when the DAO is being criticized are what we refer to in North America as armchair quarterbacks, or people who take little time to develop solutions, yet choose to complain about everything they believe could be done better, while they lash out at those who are making a difference doing the actual work.

Not necessarily saying that applies here; but just saying.

I would also add that with four Working Groups, eleven Stewards, a variety of service providers, five Special Council members, and numerous teams working on ApeChain, I’m confident that many tasks can, and are, being worked on simultaneously back here. Some big, some small, some that matter to you, and some that don’t.

Hopefully, that didn’t sound too chippy, but the old “why are you working on this when that is so much more important” argument is typically as naïve as it is ignorant :smile: :smile:


So we should all sit by silent and clap always?

Is this not the whole point of forum discussions?

The DAO is not yet a dictatorship - although I know some would like it to be.

I think you’ve taken offence to my previous work and holding onto some grudges.

Anyway, my point that you said you can’t or fail to understand, was that branding is confused and needs addressing. But as I’m no branding expert, and unlike some here don’t pretend to be things I’m not, I won’t be pushing ahead with an AIP on the topic; in England we have a saying “jack of all trades, master of none”.

The DAO is not shaped by those on massive salaries trying to defend and protect their existence every other day; the DAO is defined by every person who puts their time in for free and believes in what a real decentralised place of opportunity it can be.

I often give comments, post ideas (never requesting monies for self-enrichment), and have certainly had input that’s been impactful (often copied too - never precious with my ideas). Just saying you need to chill out with the “back seat driver” comments as this is not applicable on a forum imo.

I’d say people who contribute not driven by money and self-enrichment are the ones we should be acknowledging. Just saying.



I remember you saying it to a DAO member who left because of it. Just do better. :handshake:

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Jokes aside… Sometimes we’re allowed on this side to dish a little back out, too.

But let the record state that I would never want anyone who cares about this ecosystem even remotely as much all of us in here to curb their comments, thoughts or how they express themselves — and that means you broski.

I just spotted an opportunity to vent and took it :joy::blue_heart::blue_heart:

DAO fam!



When I was away from the DAO back in Oct 2023 and returned beginning of June 2024, the new skin/layout was a jolt at first. I was like “Oh look, someone thought it was a great idea to move the furniture around, and paint the walls a different hue. Those blasted Monkes”. :rofl:

It doesn’t bother me because I know where everything is, and I use to bookmark key topics and sections. As for mobile, I simply created a shortcut on my home screen - and it works fine even without requesting a “desktop” site rendering schema.

Agreed. That’s why we have an RFC process. You could go that route and garner quality submissions to not only refine the Discourse skin/template, but even get a dedicated mobile app made.

Try as anyone might, there is no getting away from the fact that the Ape branding is all Yuga. There’s no way to change that. To the extent that even other Yuga IP aren’t as prominent in the culture. And so, I believe that we need to retain that Ape branding since it’s the community identity and brand.

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@AllCityBAYC This got me thinking. Given the great job that you guys have done with the GwG grants program, perhaps, given the low cost, this is something that could be funded through there instead of wasting time going through a voting RFP process? I am pretty sure that we have talented community members who could tackle this (at lease the website, not a mobile app) and get it done quickly. Just a thought.

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It’s actually quite interesting that you mention this, because for the next iteration of the small grants program, I want to make sure that we’re differentiating ourselves from initiatives like ThankAPE and the IRL events that the BAYC Council are funding, and plan on creating mini, quasi-RFP processes for the community to step up and execute on various things that the DAO needs. So a bit of a hybrid model to what you’re mentioning.

Also worth noting that I use the acronym RFP semi-loosely, as it could also be viewed similarly to how TA ran targeted seasons earlier on. Ours would just be more focused on DAO improvements being executed by community members who are playing the role of traditional service providers.

A fusion of the GWG Community Governance Improvement Program and our current small grants.



I think that’s a brilliant idea! Happy to help plan/map it out if needed. :muscle:

Right. Maybe instead of RFP, it’s something like DIP (DAO Improvement Program). I’m a dev; we can go crazy with the acronyms if given half a chance. :rofl:


Haha… Happy to get you more involved on one of these initiatives, Derek. We’re actually inching into our planning stage the next budget proposal and starting to map things out.

Let’s circle back for a call in a couple of weeks. Long overdue for a good catch-up anyways. Can bounce a few ideas around :muscle::muscle:



Old theme was great, get to the recent posts right away.


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