Good points here as well, and always appreciate my dawg Matt Borchert’s opinion on anything ApeCoin DAO-related.
Regarding the Forum look, I don’t feel like we need to be cookie-cutter just for the sake of fitting in or looking like others. This is ApeCoin, and ApeCoin is about culture and community, unlike most other primarily crypto-focused DAOs or protocols.
That said, my concerns about the bugs—and how they affect both the appearance and functionality of our primary governance platform—remain. In my opinion, governance should, by default, equate to reliability, consistency, and tried-and-true processes, platforms, and procedures.
As for the ApeKin topic, while I agree it’s more of a messaging issue, it goes beyond just marketing. Branding and appearance aren’t just about advertisements; they form our identity. These decisions reflect our direction and require significant financial resources and efforts to make real, which must be approved and deployed by the powers that be.
That being said, I also believe that decision-making like this shouldn’t rest solely on the Foundation or the community. It requires professional guidance from highly strategic and creative minds who understand human psychology and the impact of visuals on long-term sustainability and marketability, which translates to growth. Or in other words, a seasoned agency.
In summary: this is a great discussion with no wrong perspective and should be treated similar to a focus group, providing feedback to professionals who can offer opinions, projections and options to the DAO based on discussions like this combined with proven theories and historical results.
Just my two cents, but again, love the convo.