Rewards program - finding bugs in ApeCoin Dao

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I have been going through the ApeCoin Dao and come across various bugs and problems with the tools. Right now I have put up AIPs to fix them, but I think a bug finding program should be a formal program outside of the ThankApe tool which is more automated.

There should be an allocation of ApeCoin. It could be reviewed by the Stewards and/or Ape Assembly.

The rewards should be significant so people care to find these problems which will improve the overall quality and reputation of the ApeCoin Dao.

The reward bounties should be worthwhile and it is much cheaper than having people hired to do this. I think the rewards should be in the 500-2000 ApeCoin range if the bug is deemed important enough to fix by the community.

Some are straight out errors which need to be fixed asap:

Some are suggestions/improvements such as:

I have added another bug in the comments below, which I am not putting up as a separate AIP for now.

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Hi @bigbull,

Thanks for the idea. Would you be managing the coordination of this program or looking to find someone else to?

All statements and opinions are my own, not on behalf of the Ape Foundation.




Totally agree with this, make it happen


if the bug is relevant a reward for reporting is fair. My doubts are about the amount of the reward and who should be in charge of detecting and rewarding bug reporters. anyway overall great idea.


Yeah the range could be wider say from 100 APE to thousands of APE depending on importance/risk, its complexity to fix. If they just find the problem but not the solution etc.

What do others think?


Proportionality between reward and bug relevance is crucial. Good luck for your proposal.


Yes, I think the same way, fixing the bug or catching it is a great job, but the rewards should be fair according to the effort given to the situation.
Fixing a bug is much more difficult.


I agree that having a formal program to identify and fix bugs would greatly improve the overall quality and reputation of our community. This approach can be cost effective compared to hiring individuals specifically for this purpose.


@bigbull watch this. it could be useful for your proposal.


We have to implement few things that covers everything related to Apecoin DAO, from staking to snapshot to otherside and more. Rewarding all of this is bullish AF LFG DK!


I loved your idea, I think it would be very good, the community helps to find bugs and is rewarded for it


I’m totally on board with this bug finding rewards program for the ApeCoin DAO! It’s awesome that you’ve already spotted some bugs and issues in the tools, and I totally agree that we need a more formal and incentivized approach to tackle them. By allocating ApeCoin rewards, we can make sure people really care about finding and fixing these problems, which will boost the overall quality and reputation of the DAO. Plus, it’s way more cost-effective than hiring dedicated bug hunters.

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@yatsiu posted that this is important to do.

‘General Bug Bounty’


Really dont know how we dont have this yet, this is a must!


Hi @bigbull ,

Your topic will be moving to the AIP Draft phase in less than 24 hours. Are you content with the feedback received or do you wish to extend community discussion for another 7 days?

If we do not hear from you within 48 hours after your topic closes, your topic will be moved straight to the AIP Draft process.

We look forward to hearing from you.


Hi @bigbull,

One more question that came to mind. Would there be a maximum total amount of funds allocated to this Bug Bounty Rewards Program?

All statements and opinions are my own, not on behalf of the Ape Foundation.



I think a cap on the funds should be on the AIP. More funds would require a new AIP.

Hi @bigbull,

I remember Yat mentioning this for other AIPs approved by the DAO that introduced risk in a way similar to the staking proposal – which is different than what you’re proposing correct?

If you’re speaking about DAO specific bugs that aren’t AIP-related have you considered utilizing Thank Ape? This seems like a perfect way to reward meaningful contributions to the DAO that is already approved and looking to distribute $APE.

If you are speaking about AIP-related bugs, make sure to check out @zheerwagen’s proposal.

Lmk if any of this isn’t clear. Thanks,


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This topic was automatically closed after 7 days. New replies are no longer allowed.

Hi @bigbull ,

Thank you for your ideas [and the ApeCoin DAO community for the thoughtful discussions]. A moderator will get in touch with the author to draft the AIP in the appropriate template. Once the AIP is drafted and meets all the DAO-approved guidelines, the proposal will be posted on Snapshot for live official voting at: Snapshot

Follow this Topic as further updates will be posted here in the comments. @bigbull please see your messages for the next steps.