What’s love got to do with it

My thoughts also, it would be nice to hear some folks voice


Exactly :100: it would make the platform here more lively

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It would take it into the future

Including audio in the forum could make it more inclusive, especially since Apecoin DAO members come from diverse linguistic backgrounds.


This is one of the reasons we need an upvote and downvote button for suggestions like this because i dont see how this will benefit the community.
Its just my opinion tho


100% see audio is a great addition. Like how we have the Apekin, I would love someone from the community to come forward to create a bunch of ApeCoin sounds which can be added to a Rodecaster and used in X spaces.

They could also used used in Discord which now also has the ability to add custom sounds and not just custom emojis.

Who will invent the voice of Apekin?


I think ai is the obvious choice for the voice unless we can find Morgan freeman lol


We aren’t going to get apekin with sounds from jane goodall. After all her Foundation is getting 10m APE


Who here can get us in contact with Jane?

Would be great to have her talk to the community. Did you know she just turned 90 a few days ago.

Congratulations to Mrs Jane Goodall!

:monkey_face: :see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :speak_no_evil: :apekinlfg: :apekinyes: :apekinhug: :apekinhype:

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This is a lovely idea
Hearing ones voice proves that each person persent here ain’t a bot

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