@Zack74eth - Nomination 7/2023

Personal Information

Discourse ID: @Zack74eth

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Zack74eth

Nomination Statement

Concise statement on why you are running for the Special Council

Hey ApeCoin DAO family, it’s Zack! If elected to the Special Council, I’ve got big plans:

1. MORE Participation:

I want to see our community grow. Imagine, in just three months, boosting our engagement by 10X. Together, we can create more laughter, vibrant debates, and celebrate shared victories.

2. Encouraging Financial Diversification

I firmly believe in leveraging our funds intelligently, not only through grants but also by making strategic investments. Let’s be clever with our resources and safeguard our shared future.

3. Promoting Sustainable Growth

We are not here for a fleeting moment; we are building something enduring. I am committed to ensuring long-term growth for ApeCoin DAO. We are shaping a cultural evolution, and I will prioritize sustainability in all our initiatives.

And here’s my promise to you:

I’ll listen. Your voice matters, no matter where you choose to express it. Whether you reach out through tweets, DMs, or participate in Twitter Spaces, I will ensure that your thoughts are heard and valued. I understand that life gets busy, and you may not always have the opportunity to share your ideas on the ApeCoin website. Rest assured, I am here to make sure your voice counts, everywhere.

Don’t let anyone tell you ‘website or silence.’ With me, your voice counts, everywhere. Let’s embark on this journey together, have some fun, and make a real difference in our community!

Today, I stand humbly before you, sharing the same love for our DAO and the web3 culture that it represents. I am applying for the ApeCoin Special Council to channel this passion into action.

APE isn’t just a token; it’s our tool to shape the cultural landscape of the metaverse. Our shared initiatives, powered by APE, drive this cultural evolution forward.

My background gives me an understanding of the balance needed for sustainability. As a member of the Special Council, I will advocate strongly for the development and acceleration of sustainable revenue streams for our DAO. While not solely executing these strategies myself, I will work tirelessly to guide the narrative, coordinating closely with our legal team to ensure compliance. This focus is intended to secure our DAO’s long-term prosperity.

I also value the legacy we’re building. Collaborating with the legal team, I aim to maximize our influence far into the future, ensuring a lasting impact.

This application encapsulates my enthusiasm for our shared vision. I hope to embark on this journey with you, making our dreams a reality and creating a meaningful future and most importantly have fun.


Details on your motivation for becoming an ApeCoin DAO Special Council member

My motivation stems from a passion for decentralized culture, and a belief in the power of our DAO as a transformative force in the metaverse. Being part of this journey, shaping our shared digital future excites me immensely, and I am eager to contribute to this journey.


Share relevant experience and skills that will bring value to the ApeCoin community

With a robust background in entrepreneurship, crypto, NFTs, and DAO governance, I bring a versatile skill set that can aid ApeCoin’s sustained growth. Specifically, I will focus on fostering an inclusive & innovative community.


Further describe relevant experience, including crypto and governance participation, and/or ideas for DAO improvement

Allow me to further describe my relevant experience and ideas for DAO improvement:

1- Goal-Oriented Action:

As a Special Council member, I am committed to translating community priorities into tangible outcomes. I will work tirelessly to ensure that the initiatives that matter to our community materialize during my term.

2- Profitability Focus:

Activating and promoting the profitability potential of the ApeCoin DAO to ensure sustainable growth and development. By exploring innovative revenue models and fostering strategic partnerships, we will secure our DAO’s long-term prosperity by enabling the profitability aspect for the DAO.

3- Community-Centric Communication:

Every voice in our community holds immense value. Whether you mention ApeCoin or reach out to me directly on Twitter, your input will carry the same weight as an official post on our website. I am dedicated to actively listening to everyone and ensuring that every opinion is heard and duly considered.

Let’s co-create a lasting, positive legacy in the metaverse together.

My fascination with crypto’s global enabling power has led me to dedicate significant time to research and continuous learning in this field. Armed with this knowledge and a deep-seated commitment to ApeCoin DAO, I am confident in my ability to contribute innovative solutions that drive its progress. As a Special Council member, I aspire to strengthen our DAO’s financial resilience, all the while nurturing an engaged and empowered community. Our shared journey lies in co-creating a legacy of positive, enduring impact in the metaverse.

Concluding Statement

Summarize your statement as to why you are the best choice for Special Council

Let’s co-create a lasting, positive legacy in the metaverse together.

My fascination with crypto’s global enabling power has led me to dedicate significant time to research and continuous learning in this field. Armed with this knowledge and a deep-seated commitment to the DAO, I am confident in my ability to contribute innovative solutions that drive its progress. As a Special Council member, I aspire to strengthen our DAO’s financial resilience, all the while nurturing an engaged and empowered community. Our shared journey lies in co-creating a legacy of positive, enduring impact in the metaverse.

Peace and love :purple_heart: :sparkles:


nice ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

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My number one question I am asking to all nominees is, in your opinion what is the biggest hurdle we’ve yet to get past in the DAO?

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Loved chatting on Discord that night, dvee/Zack. Wish you the best in this election, would enjoy working alongside you if we both make it through. Cheers!

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Hi @Zack74eth
Love your thinking re treasurer and revenue models but there is a constraint currently in terms of legal and tax structure for the DAO to be able to earn revenue. What is your thoughts on overcoming this? Also how much time do you plan to commit to the role if successful?


Nice to have you here my friend :purple_heart:

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This !


Now ask me why it is happening?

Multiple reasons that nobody is addressing.

  • We’re all about being decentralized, but we’re only using English. Doesn’t really show off our global flair, does it? We need to be more inclusive.
  • complexity. Our AIPs they are just “Proposals” simplicity is the key this is just small example. We need to start there.
  • User experience. We’re running this place like a company where our investors and supporters are the customers and users. The thing is, we’re only treating them like DeFi/Crypto investors. We need to change that up.
  • Here’s something interesting. I showed the ApeCoin site to over 100 non-crypto entrepreneur buddies of mine. You know what they said? It’s like a puzzle, We gotta be inviting eco system and able to scale.
  • Our forum site works alright, but we can make it better. or just replace it.
    There’s always room for improvement, right?
  • We are wasting time and don’t have a priority list.
  • What’s the real value people get from our site? What’s that one thing that makes them come back? Right now, it’s all about governance. boring, no seriously extremally boring for most of people that even a Koda can’t fix it, But we can make it so much more. We can offer something that actually solves a problem for them, something that saves them time or helps them exchange value.

Now picture this. What if people logged onto apecoin.com and found all kinds of our accpeted proposals and got access to them there? The apps, and services right there? Like “Thank Ape”, for instance. What if they could use our platform to raise funds for their projects?

What if popular YouTubers and other content creators started directing their followers to our site?

We have the potential to be much more than a governance platform. We could be a platform for innovation, a space where people come to achieve their dreams or have fun. We could be like Kickstarter or Uniswap, but first we need to be welcoming everyone.

Let’s put ourselves in their shoes and think about what keeps them coming back. Let’s make apecoin.com a platform that adds direct value to people’s lives.

And you know what’s funny? We’re all trying to logically figure out how to manage and grow the DAO. Meanwhile, Yuga is out there adding utility to the DAO and help making it better with every move. But do you know what the best thing YugaLabs has built is?


We are hungry people for success we are hungry to leave a positive impact

We can’t sit still

We can’t waste time and resources

We can be another force aligned with Yuga’s force to affect people’s lives and make the change!


Ignore this message

Sasha, if people don’t choose me, I truly hope they’ll choose either you or @captaintrippy. I’d be more than satisfied with that outcome, You are a hidden gem for the DAO, I hope more people get the chance to talk with you :purple_heart: :sparkles:



Why the orange background are the smartest apes out there? :grin:

ok… let me share my perspective on your questions…

First, it all begins with a decision, right? very few of us here in the DAO with some business background have noticed how challenging it can be to steer an organization that doesn’t have a steady flow of cash coming in. And it’s not exactly sustainable to give away grants, is it?

Now, about the foundation, it was set up to distribute grants, and the way it’s structured it can’t take in funds or revenue. But the DAO? It absolutely can. That’s why we need to kick off some serious chats with legal to map out the best ways to make this happen.

There’s always a way to do it, but someone’s got to step up and push things forward, and that’s where I plan to come in. Keep in mind, legal teams tend to answer our questions, but they aren’t typically out there pitching ideas on how we can level up, or providing answers to questions we haven’t thought to ask yet.

So, my plan is to keep this issue in the spotlight, set a solid deadline, and get the DAO ready to start accepting funds as quickly and as safely as we can. Ideally, we’ll strike a balance that aligns with the best practices so we can get the cash flowing and minimize the DAO’s risk.

Now, about time commitment
When I dive into something, I give it my 100%. Right now, ‘all in’ equals 15 hours of focused, determined work each day, I don’t take weekends off.

When I get elected for this role, you can bet I’ll be giving that same level of commitment to the DAO for my whole term.

Thank you for reaching out. It means a lot to me. Really.

Let’s make this happen!

Zack :purple_heart: :sparkles:

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嘿,ApeCoin DAO家族,我是Zack! 如果当选为特别理事会成员,我有以下几个大计划:

  1. 更多的参与:


  1. 鼓励金融多样化


  1. 促进可持续增长

我们在这里不是为了一个短暂的时刻;我们正在建立一些持久的东西。我致力于确保ApeCoin DAO的长期增长。我们正在塑造一种文化演变,我将在我们所有的举措中优先考虑可持续性。










关于你成为ApeCoin DAO特别委员会成员的动机的细节








1- 目标导向的行动:


2- 盈利性重点:

激活和促进ApeCoin DAO的盈利潜力,确保可持续增长和发展。通过探索创新的收入模式和促进战略伙伴关系,我们将通过实现DAO的盈利方面来确保我们DAO的长期繁荣。

3- 以社区为中心的沟通:



我对加密货币的全球赋能能力的迷恋,使我在这一领域投入了大量时间进行研究和不断学习。凭借这些知识和对ApeCoin DAO根深蒂固的承诺,我对自己的能力充满信心,能够贡献创新的解决方案,推动其进步。作为特别委员会成员,我渴望加强我们DAO的财务弹性,同时培育一个参与和授权的社区。我们的共同旅程在于共同创造一个在元空间中具有积极、持久影响的遗产。






Zack74eth :purple_heart: :sparkles:

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désolé si la traduction n’est pas parfaite, Si je gagne les élections, je promets de la rendre meilleure, même si cela signifie que j’embauche une équipe professionnelle à partir de mon propre salaire, c’est très important pour moi.

Hé la famille ApeCoin DAO, c’est Zack! Si je suis élu au Conseil spécial, j’ai de grands projets:

  1. PLUS De Participation:

Je veux voir notre communauté grandir. Imaginez, en seulement trois mois, multiplier notre engagement par 10. Ensemble, nous pouvons créer plus de rires, de débats animés et célébrer des victoires partagées.

  1. Encourager la Diversification Financière

Je crois fermement qu’il faut tirer parti de nos fonds de manière intelligente, non seulement par le biais de subventions, mais également en effectuant des investissements stratégiques. Soyons intelligents avec nos ressources et protégeons notre avenir commun.

  1. Promouvoir Une Croissance Durable

Nous ne sommes pas ici pour un instant éphémère; nous construisons quelque chose de durable. Je m’engage à assurer la croissance à long terme d’ApeCoin DAO. Nous façonnons une évolution culturelle et je donnerai la priorité à la durabilité dans toutes nos initiatives.

Et voici ma promesse pour toi:

Je vais écouter. Votre voix compte, peu importe où vous choisissez de l’exprimer. Que vous communiquiez par le biais de tweets, de messages directs ou que vous participiez à des espaces Twitter, je veillerai à ce que vos pensées soient entendues et valorisées. Je comprends que la vie est occupée et que vous n’avez peut-être pas toujours l’occasion de partager vos idées sur le site Web d’ApeCoin. Rassurez - vous, je suis là pour m’assurer que votre voix compte, partout.

Ne laissez personne vous dire le site Web ou le silence."Avec moi, ta voix compte, partout. Embarquons ensemble dans ce voyage, amusons-nous et faisons une réelle différence dans notre communauté!

Aujourd’hui, je me tiens humblement devant vous, partageant le même amour pour notre DAO et la culture web3 qu’il représente. Je postule pour le Conseil spécial ApeCoin pour canaliser cette passion en action.

APE n’est pas seulement un jeton; c’est notre outil pour façonner le paysage culturel du métaverse. Nos initiatives partagées, propulsées par APE, font avancer cette évolution culturelle.

Mon expérience me permet de comprendre l’équilibre nécessaire à la durabilité. En tant que membre du Conseil spécial, je plaiderai fermement pour le développement et l’accélération de sources de revenus durables pour notre DAO. Bien que je n’exécute pas uniquement ces stratégies moi-même, je travaillerai sans relâche pour guider le récit, en étroite coordination avec notre équipe juridique pour assurer la conformité. Cet objectif vise à assurer la prospérité à long terme de notre DAO.

J’apprécie également l’héritage que nous construisons. En collaborant avec l’équipe juridique, je vise à maximiser notre influence dans le futur, en assurant un impact durable.

Cette application résume mon enthousiasme pour notre vision commune. J’espère entreprendre ce voyage avec vous, faire de nos rêves une réalité et créer un avenir significatif et surtout m’amuser.

La Motivation
Détails sur votre motivation pour devenir membre du Conseil spécial d’ApeCoin DAO

Ma motivation découle d’une passion pour la culture décentralisée et d’une croyance en la puissance de notre DAO en tant que force de transformation dans le métavers. Faire partie de ce voyage, façonner notre avenir numérique partagé me passionne énormément, et j’ai hâte de contribuer à ce voyage.

Partager l’expérience et les compétences pertinentes qui apporteront de la valeur à la communauté ApeCoin

Avec une solide expérience en entrepreneuriat, crypto, NFT et gouvernance DAO, j’apporte un ensemble de compétences polyvalentes qui peuvent contribuer à la croissance soutenue d’ApeCoin. Plus précisément, je me concentrerai sur la promotion d’une communauté inclusive et innovante.

Décrivez plus en détail l’expérience pertinente, y compris la participation à la cryptographie et à la gouvernance, et/ou des idées pour l’amélioration de la DAO

Permettez-moi de décrire plus en détail mon expérience pertinente et mes idées pour l’amélioration de DAO:

1-Action axée sur les objectifs:

En tant que membre spécial du Conseil, je m’engage à traduire les priorités de la communauté en résultats tangibles. Je travaillerai sans relâche pour que les initiatives qui comptent pour notre communauté se concrétisent pendant mon mandat.

2-Accent sur la rentabilité:

Activer et promouvoir le potentiel de rentabilité de l’ApeCoin DAO pour assurer une croissance et un développement durables. En explorant des modèles de revenus innovants et en favorisant des partenariats stratégiques, nous assurerons la prospérité à long terme de notre DAO en activant l’aspect rentabilité pour le DAO.

3-Communication centrée sur la communauté:

Chaque voix dans notre communauté a une immense valeur. Que vous mentionniez ApeCoin ou que vous me contactiez directement sur Twitter, votre contribution aura le même poids qu’un message officiel sur notre site Web. Je m’engage à écouter activement tout le monde et à veiller à ce que chaque opinion soit entendue et dûment prise en compte.

Créons ensemble un héritage durable et positif dans le métaverse.

Ma fascination pour le pouvoir habilitant mondial de la cryptographie m’a amené à consacrer beaucoup de temps à la recherche et à l’apprentissage continu dans ce domaine. Armé de ces connaissances et d’un engagement profond envers ApeCoin DAO, je suis confiant dans ma capacité à apporter des solutions innovantes qui stimulent ses progrès. En tant que membre spécial du Conseil, j’aspire à renforcer la résilience financière de notre DAO, tout en nourrissant une communauté engagée et responsabilisée. Notre parcours commun consiste à co-créer un héritage d’impact positif et durable dans le métaverse.

Déclaration Finale
Résumez votre déclaration expliquant pourquoi vous êtes le meilleur choix pour le Conseil spécial

Créons ensemble un héritage durable et positif dans le métaverse.

Ma fascination pour le pouvoir habilitant mondial de la cryptographie m’a amené à consacrer beaucoup de temps à la recherche et à l’apprentissage continu dans ce domaine. Armé de ces connaissances et d’un engagement profond envers le DAO, je suis confiant dans ma capacité à apporter des solutions innovantes qui stimulent ses progrès. En tant que membre spécial du Conseil, j’aspire à renforcer la résilience financière de notre DAO, tout en nourrissant une communauté engagée et responsabilisée. Notre parcours commun consiste à co-créer un héritage d’impact positif et durable dans le métaverse.


Zack74 :purple_heart: :sparkles:


Ignore this message

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Spread the word, grow and collab, this is the way …

MORE Participation:

I want to see our community grow. Imagine, in just three months, boosting our engagement by 10X. Together, we can create more laughter, vibrant debates, and celebrate shared victories.


You got it!

Imagine me as a super charged rocket.

I’m all fueled up and ready to zoom! Let’s blast off and make this happen! :purple_heart:


Thanks for this translation.
Will forward this to the French Community :fr:

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I truly value your contribution. As a member of BAYC in Dubai my self, I’m dedicated to empowering our subcommunities.

Should anyone from the French club wish to assist with translation corrections, I’m completely open to that. I’m also willing to organize a meeting with you and our fellow apes, whether through Discord or another platform, to answer any questions that might arise. I’ve followed you on Twitter, let’s stay connected.


With the approach of the start of the elections of new members for the Special Council of the Ape Foundation… Here is a community approach from


! I have the honor to be at the initiative and in charge of the operation of the group’s delegation. Recently, we have received requests from candidates to allow us to discuss with them in order to present their ideas to us.

We thank them for their interest in our group.
As explained with them, in order to be fairer and more informed in our choices, we prefer to submit a form to all candidates in order to better understand their approach.

The FAYC delegation will carefully read all the answers collected.
Thank you in advance to those who will lend themselves to the exercise.

Here you can find the form : https://forms.gle/ZdQGrRh1hKpCxAX2A


I like your ideas and I think all of your points make sense and are much needed for the DAO. :100: