AIP-265: 2/3 "Supermajority" Requirement to Alter Fundamental Tenets of ApeCoin DAO and its Operations

Hey @br00no !

Thanks for raising this topic.

  1. “Abstain” votes should count. Meaning count as “Not in Favor”. I’m guessing some / many believe that’s already the case, so if nothing else this should be clarified?

I’m pretty sure Abstain is there as a neutral option for people to show that they participated but not affect the scales. Basically, if I don’t think I can help vote on a specific topic I don’t have enough knowledge of then I’ll choose to abstain. That way I’m still showing that I’m active but not voting. Checkout AIP-200 for more info on Abstain.

  1. Pass threshold “in Favor” should be higher than 50%. I’ll start by suggesting 70%.

When a vote passes with a simple majority of 50%, it means that only half of the voters supported the decision. The other half either did not support it or were indifferent. Therefore, it may not accurately reflect the will of the majority.

I suggest 2/3 (66.67%) which seems to be a logical proportion since this way the amount of the majority will always be twice as much or more than the minority. Twice as many should be decisive enough.