Proposal Name:
2/3 “Super Majority” Requirement to Alter Fundamental Tenets of ApeCoin DAO and Its Operations, as outlined here: ApeCoin DAO Governance
Proposal Category:
Abstract | Two or three sentences that summarize the proposal.
This AIP proposes ratifying the existing default 50%+1 threshold or revising the approval threshold to 2/3 “super majority” (excluding Abstain votes) for changes or additions to fundamental tenets of the DAO or its operations, as defined here: ApeCoin DAO Governance
Cheers, and remember to have fun!
Author Description (mandatory if the AIP is requesting funds) | A brief background of yourself
A rando Ape taking initiative on something that seems to have a high degree of interest and agreement, incorporating suggestions from the ApeCoin Forum during the Idea and Draft phases thereby making this a collective effort.
Motivation | A statement on why the APE Community should implement the proposal.
This hadn’t been discussed much or formally approved and a lot of token holders seem concerned about it so whatever threshold we adopt it “should” be by conscious vote instead of just living with the current default 50% +1 pass threshold, at least when it applies to fundamental changes to the DAO.
Rationale | An explanation of how the proposal aligns with the APE Community’s mission and guiding values.
A super majority is by definition super!
We don’t yet have an approved Mission, and presumably the $APE Community’s values include not making major, fundamental, highly impactful changes without at least consciously ratifying the default 50%+1 threshold or raising it.
Key Terms (optional) | Definitions of any terms within the proposal that are unique to the proposal, new to the APE Community, and/or industry-specific.
Specifications | A detailed breakdown of the platforms and technologies that will be used.
Nothing new will be added to or required of the existing systems at all.
Steps to Implement | The steps to implement the proposal, including associated costs, manpower, and other resources for each step where applicable.
Update the new approval threshold wherever applicable.
Timeline | Relevant timing details, including but not limited to start date, milestones, and completion dates.
This can be implemented as soon as the vote is passed.
Overall Cost | The total cost to implement the proposal.