AIP-448: ApeCoin Hotel

There exist an idea for Miami:

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Thanks for reference bro. The core of this AIP is to provide benefits to holders. Our proposal focuses on offering real-world application examples and brand exposure.

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Completely understand your point. We will continuously seek opportunities to build and strengthen the ecosystem.

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This topic was automatically closed after 7 days. New replies are no longer allowed.

Hi @DeSmart,

Thank you for your ideas [and the ApeCoin DAO community for the insightful discussions].

A moderator will reach out to the author to finalize the AIP Draft using the appropriate template.

  • Once the AIP Draft is confirmed by the author and meets all DAO-approved guidelines, it will receive an AIP ID number and move forward for Draft Analysis Review.
  • @DeSmart please see your messages for the next steps.

Follow this Topic as further updates will be posted here in the comments. In accordance with DAO-approved guidelines, if the author does not respond within 30 days, the proposal will be automatically transferred to the Withdrawn category, and the author can re-submit the idea.


Hi ApeCoin DAO Community,

The AIP Draft submitted is currently incomplete and feedback has been provided to the author.

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Thank you,


Hi ApeCoin DAO Community,

Edits have been made to this Topic, by the author, by the author’s request, or with the author’s consent. You can click the Pencil icon at the top of the post to see these edits.

The AIP Draft submitted is currently incomplete and feedback has been provided to the author.

Follow this Topic as further updates will be posted here in the comments.

Kind Regards,


Hi ApeCoin DAO Community,

@DeSmart has completed editing their AIP Idea to be their AIP Draft.

This proposal has been assigned the AIP ID Number 448.

Follow this Topic as further updates will be posted here in the comments.

Kind Regards,


Hi ApeCoin DAO Community,

Our team has reviewed and discussed @DeSmart’s AIP Draft and have sent a list of initial questions. We await answers.

Follow this Topic as further updates will be posted here in the comments.

Kind Regards,


Hi ApeCoin DAO Community,

@DeSmart has responded to our questions and they are in our review once again.

Follow this Topic as further updates will be posted here in the comments.

Kind Regards,


Hi ApeCoin DAO Community,

@DeSmart has responded to our questions and has provided consent to share them in this forum for the community.

Click to expand Q&A with @DeSmart

1. This proposal would “create themed rooms for the APE community, including Otherside, BAYC, and Mocaverse.” Your images contain some of these IPs’ proprietary marks, which ApeCoin DAO does not own the rights to use. Please provide proof of collaboration with YugaLabs and Animoca or, alternatively, update these images within your proposal.

If our use of the BAYC logo is not for commercial profit but for promoting BAYC/APE culture and brand, it should not be an issue to reach a cooperation agreement before execution. For now, we can add a Disclaimer: Images & Logos for Illustrative Purposes Only. BTW: all NFTs in the images are held by the team

2. One of the stated Community Benefits is “Offer 50 room nights for free to APE holders.” Would each holder receive 50 nights free, and if so over what time frame? Or would it be 50 total nights per week/month/year, first-come-first-served? Please provide more detail regarding this process.

Total 50+ nights for the ApeCoin holders, max 1 night for each holder, FCFS. Processes have been wrote in the draft

3. One of the stated Community Engagement goals would be to “Host events for ApeCoin members every two months, gathering the community and strengthening connections.
a.) Please provide more detail regarding these proposed bimonthly events.
b.) There doesn’t appear to be a stated budget line for these events. How would they be funded?
c.) There is no mention of these events under the Steps to Implement section. Please provide an update for the Steps to Implement Section outline the expected cost, personnel needed, any estimated dates, and any Key Performance Indicators for the events.

Since we are transforming the hotel into an APE/MOCA-themed venue, Southeast Asian community members will find it easier to participate in offline gatherings. Given that we have event spaces and even accommodation available, we can initiate some informal and relaxed gathering activities within the community every two months. Examples include community member cocktail parties or themed discussions. We will arrange with the hotel to provide basic beverages and snacks. The AIP team will handle event organization and venue setup, with no additional costs. Specific timings will be determined based on community sign-ups at that time. Since no extra investment is needed, there will be no KPIs for now.

4. To claim a free room, holders must “Logon any wallet holding Apecoin, show their wallet and Apecoin balance > 1.”

a.) What platform would holders be required to login to in order to verify their wallet holdings?

Any platform where they hold ApeCoin will do, like metamask, CEX, DEX, etc. I doubt anyone knows our event would cheat for just holding 1 ApeCoin, LOL.

b.) How would holders be expected to verify their ApeCoin Forum account?

Show the webpage where they are logged on the forum will suffice.

c.) Do you have plans to protect any collected user data? Please elaborate.

We hardly need to collect users’ sensitive information. The hotel will record the Holder’s forum ID for identity verification to prevent the same ID from enjoying multiple free nights.

d.) Since your app would require token holders to connect wallets, what are the plans for security audits of the app?

We don’t need to use new app or let holders connect wallets, make it simple and easy for the holders.

5. “50% of the revenues from themed rooms will be received by ApeCoin DAO.”
a.) Please clarify the total number of themed rooms being proposed.
b.) Would the return of 50% revenues from themed rooms continue in perpetuity, or for how long exactly?
c.) For how long would the production of themed rooms continue?
d.) Is there an expected schedule for the distribution of revenue back to the DAO treasury?
e.) Is the business entity prepared to facilitate the distribution of “gross revenue” back to the Foundation in a way which is compliant with both the relevant local regulations and Cayman regulations?

There are 5 rooms and revenues for 1 year since the room is ready, and decoration within 2 months after receiving the funds. Funds will be returned to the DAO Treasury on a quarterly basis, and the hotel will handle the local compliance and settlement of the funds.

6. Please provide a revision for your Steps to Implement section. As specified by the AIP Draft Template:

Please provide the expected start and end dates for the project.

The expected start date: the first day of receiving funds
The expected end date: will continue for 545 days.

Can you provide any more specific metrics to be tracked, or the expected key results, for each step?

Step 1:
Expected Key Results: We will provide receipts detailing each procurement expense, and we will also show the hired employees.
Step 2:
Expected Key Results: We will update the room renovation status every half month. Once the renovation is completed, we will update Twitter with images of the APE-themed room, APECHAIN-themed room, Otherside-themed room, BAYC-themed room, and Mocaverse-themed room.
Step 3:
Expected Key Results: We will display images of the APE-themed swimming pool and all hotel lobby decorations, and update them on Twitter.
Step 4:
Expected Key Results: Announce on Twitter that APE holders have free room stays and publish the monthly number of occupants.
Step 5:
Expected Key Results: Attract at least 1000 people to visit the exhibition, with more than 5% uploading and sharing photos.
Step 6: APE Rooftop Bar
Expected Key Results: Announce the relevant details on Twitter and have a professional photography team shoot the visuals.
Please refer to the following link; our setup will be similar to theirs.
Step 7:
Timeline: To be completed within 3 months after funding.
Expected Key Results: Assist in promoting over 20 MBA brands.

Fully implementing all steps means completing: APECHAIN-themed exhibition, APE community-themed exhibition, APE-themed rooms, APECHAIN-themed rooms, Otherside-themed rooms, BAYC-themed rooms, Mocaverse-themed rooms, APE-themed swimming pool, employee expenses, APE rooftop bar and the cost of free room usage, hotel lobby decorations, and MBA-themed exhibition area. These should be fully completed and ready for transparent public display at any time.

Please update to provide more detail for the associated costs, any specific partnerships that have been secured, and any required personnel needed for each step.

We will collaborate with a professional materials company team, who are also APE holders and frequently provide materials for Chinese Ape Club events. We can ask them to provide some collaboration proofs and documents. This team is recommended by X: @Johnnylee_ddc, and he can be contacted for further information.

Please elaborate on the plans for “Step One”, since it is cited as using the majority of the funding. I.E. Do you have partners already selected for processing payments, hotel location, renovations team, estimated costs for hiring staff and purchase of materials/equipment, etc.

To expedite the completion of themed rooms, swimming pools, bars, and other facilities at APE HOTEL, we will immediately purchase all materials and hire a large number of renovation workers upon receiving the funds. Step 1 includes the material and labor costs for the following rooms:

** APE-themed rooms*

** APECHAIN-themed rooms*

** Otherside-themed rooms*

** BAYC-themed rooms*

** Mocaverse-themed rooms*

** APE-themed swimming pool*

** Hotel lobby decorations*

** APE community-themed exhibition*

** APEChain-themed exhibition*

** APE rooftop bar*

** MBA-themed exhibition area*

Additionally, we need to conduct advance training for staff to ensure they understand how to introduce APE and handle APE payments. Therefore, we will hire staff immediately after receiving the funds.

We have already planned the payment method. We will provide a MetaMask address for receiving Apecoin payments. Training will be provided to staff so they understand how to receive Apecoin.

Hotel Location: We have selected a location in Khlong San, Bangkok.

We have identified relevant renovation teams and estimated material costs.

Within one month of receiving the funds, we will provide proof of employment and material procurement completion.

Regarding Step Two, the expectation is that revenue from the themed rooms would be returned to the DAO. Please clarify the expectations around the themed rooms. I.E. The amount of time the themed rooms would operate, expected costs for guests to stay in the themed rooms, specifics around the amount of revenue to be returned to the DAO, projections for the exact amount of revenue expected to be returned over the duration of the project.

We expect the daily room rate to be $200 USD. We have a total of 5 rooms available. The expected occupancy rate is 60%. DAO share is 50%. The number of days rooms are sold is 455 days (545 days - 90 days preparation).

Calculating the expected income:

200 * 5 * 60% * 455 * 50% = 136,500

Therefore, the expected income is 136,500 USDT.

Regarding Steps Six and Seven of your Steps to Implement, and your Benefits to ApeCoin Ecosystem section, please elaborate on the process for members to access the rooftop bar and MBA exhibition areas for free. Additionally, please outline the expected costs for developing these areas.

We’ve decided to allow everyone into the APE bar to better spread APE culture. The decoration will primarily feature BAYC/MAYC themes. BAYC and MAYC are crucial original holders within the APE community. Establishing the bar plays a significant role in uniting the APE community and promoting APE culture extensively.

Please refer to the link below where the founder of BAYC personally shared about Western APE bars. Asia is also crucial, so constructing one here will greatly promote the APE ecosystem.

Regarding Step 7, after receiving funding, we will announce details on Twitter. This will allow everyone to apply to showcase MBA items in the exhibition area. Anyone with an MBA number can participate. We’ll hire a professional photography team for media coverage.

Please outline any expected costs for Steps Two, Three and Five.

Step 2 focuses on themed room setup: APE-themed rooms, APECHAIN-themed rooms, Otherside-themed rooms, BAYC-themed rooms, and Mocaverse-themed rooms. The construction costs for the rooms were covered in Step 1, and Step 2 specifies the expected completion times for each room.

Step 3 covers the initiation of the APE-themed swimming pool and hotel lobby decorations. The costs for these were included in Step 1, and Step 3 specifies the expected completion times for the APE-themed swimming pool and hotel lobby decorations.

Step 5 pertains to the APE community-themed exhibition and APEChain main theme exhibition. The material costs were covered in Step 1, and Step 5 specifies the expected completion times for the APE community-themed exhibition and APEChain main theme exhibition.

7. Since the budget is requested in ApeCoin, would the success of this initiative depend on the price of ApeCoin at the time of disbursement?

The budget is calculated based on the value in USD

8. Do you anticipate raising any third-party capital? If so, please clarify, including who these anticipated third parties are, the fundraising period and any decks.


9. Provide a detailed breakdown of the 14 bullet points under the Overall Cost, elaborate on the 410,000 ApeCoin budget being requested and how the community should expect that it will be spent.

Some details are described in Question 6;More details could be provided within 1 month after receiving the funds

10. If the proposal is approved:
a.) How would the funds be managed over time? Would a corporation be used?
b.) Who, or which corporate entity, would receive the grant?

We plan to manage the funds through a multisig wallet, with multisig permissions granted to team members. Additionally, we will publish a detailed report on fund usage every 2 months.

11. How would decisions be made in the ongoing development of the ApeCoin Hotel? Would ApeCoin DAO play any role in the ongoing decision making?

The overall hotel renovation, setup, and event organization will be managed by specialized team members and partners with successful implementation experience. Therefore, most of the time, we will respect their professional decisions. The core team members will only need to review the budget and cost expenditures, oversee implementation progress, resolve critical issues, and integrate community and promotional resources. For some open-ended questions and issues closely related to community activities, we will initiate votes or opinion gathering within the community. However, the final decisions will still be made by the implementation team.

12. Are there any plans in place for communication and reconciliation if certain milestones are not met on time?

Under normal circumstances, the project plan is fully within the team’s experience and capability to implement successfully. If we encounter force majeure that prevents implementation from proceeding as expected or even leads to termination, we will communicate with the Apecoin DAO about the next steps and response plan. Termination of the plan and refunding the remaining unspent funds is not ruled out.

13. Do you provide consent to apply updates to the relevant areas of your proposal based on your responses to the questions above?


14. Do you provide consent to share these questions and answers with the community in this forum?


Edits have been made to this Topic, by the author, by the author’s request, or with the author’s consent. You can click the Pencil icon at the top of the post to see these edits.

A DAR package is being worked on and upon completion this AIP will move into Administrative Review. Follow this Topic as further updates will be posted here in the comments.

Kind Regards,


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Hi ApeCoin DAO Community,

We have sent a list of follow up questions to the author.

Follow this Topic as further updates will be posted here in the comments.

Kind Regards,


Hi ApeCoin DAO Community,

@DeSmart has responded to our follow-up questions and has provided consent to share them in this forum for the community.

1. You’ve stated in the previous interview round “Total 50+ nights for the ApeCoin holders,” which implies more than 50 total nights would be made available for free. Please clarify how many free nights would be made available to ApeCoin holders.

Currently we are negotiating for more free quantities; we can guarantee it will be no less than 50.

2. As requested previously, in your Steps to Implement section please outline any expected costs for Steps Two, Three and Five using specific numbers (as you have in Steps 1 & 4).

Step2\3\5 costs are included in Step 1’s cost, it’s 150,000 / 115,000 / 50,000, plus labor costs and related materials and equipment expenses 55,000, total 370,000 of step1

3. Rephrasing Question #7 from the previous interview round, you’ve noted that the budget is calculated based on the value in USD. Considering your Overall Cost request is in ApeCoin, would fluctuations in the coin’s market price negatively impact your ability to meet the outlined budget?

There will be no negative impact; we will convert Apecoin into USDT.

4. Do you provide consent to apply updates to the relevant areas of your proposal based on your responses to the questions above?


5. Do you provide consent to share these questions and answers with the community in this forum?


A DAR package is being worked on and upon completion this AIP will move into Administrative Review. Follow this Topic as further updates will be posted here in the comments.

Kind Regards,


Hi ApeCoin DAO Community,

We have no further questions for @DeSmart. This AIP is now under Administrative Review.

Follow this Topic as further updates will be posted here in the comments.

Kind Regards,


This proposal is live for vote at Snapshot. The voting period closes 13 days from now at 9PM EST.

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimize for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

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Hi ApeCoin DAO Community,

The voting period has closed for this proposal and it has been accepted with a 76.25% pass rate. The proposal will be passed on for implementation.

Follow this proposal under the AIP Transparency and Execution Category. A new post has been created here, Implementation Update | AIP-448: ApeCoin Hotel, and further updates will be posted.

