@AllCityBAYC - Governance Steward Nomination 7/2023

Personal Information

Discourse ID: @AllCityBAYC

Twitter: https://twitter.com/AllCityBAYC

Educational Background:

Marketing Management and Communications (BCIT)

Professional Background:

Serial entrepreneur who has owned and operated numerous small businesses, with an employment history in project management and creative consulting. Experienced in a variety of industries including Cannabis, where I helped businesses navigate through the complexities of federal legalization in Canada. Duties included preparing detailed reports for shareholders, maintaining communication channels with provincial and municipal governments, coordinating comprehensive licensing packages and compliance audits, executing community outreach and open house agendas, public speaking, as well as planning store layout and security features to keep employees safe.

I’ve also been responsible for establishing partnerships with nonprofit organizations and developing meaningful initiatives for the underprivileged.

Nomination Statement

Concise statement on why you are running for Steward of the Governance Working Group

Governance positions require experience and an extensive understanding of ApeCoinDAO processes and needs.

I wrote AIP-169 BeyondTheSWAMP which received funding on April 21st to develop an ApeCoin and ApeCoinDAO-focused magazine and currently working on a soon-to-be-published mentorship program that pairs successful AIP authors with first-time writers. It should also be noted that I finished first overall in Thank APE points during its inaugural season for most meaningful contributions to the community.

My background in project management and providing creative direction will allow me to strategize DAO frameworks and processes using an important mix of logic and progressive thinking.

As an elected official, I will make it my priority to establish ongoing one-on-one communication with our largest voters and delegations to make sure that their priorities are included while continuing to keep the broader ApeCoinDAO voting community voices heard and expectations met.

When elected, my first commitment to the ApeCoinDAO will be to ensure all outgoing messaging will be screened to meet a new set of comprehensibility standards to ensure that we are never creating more confusion than we are clarity—a concern raised far too often by people interested in participating, but end up leaving disconnected. Next, I will initiate an efficiency audit on Discourse paying close attention to the Help & Resources section, our AIP Draft Template as well as how proposals are viewed on Snapshot. From there, I will begin reaching out to third-party developers to budget an ApeCoinDAO mobile app that will access the Discourse API but is built with our own look and feel, downloadable from app stores.

I will also start rethinking our approach to growth and how we view providing opportunities to proposals focused on utilizing NFT intellectual property. It’s no secret that we struggle with participation and the simple truth is that not everyone is as interested in governance or the AIP process as we are—but they are eager to use their IP in ways that when executed correctly, can bring visibility back to ApeCoin.


Details on your motivation for becoming a Governance Working Group Steward

We need a body of governance that understands where and what we are today, with a clear vision of how to make improvements that move us forward, not sideways. We also need thought leaders with communication skills willing to roll up their sleeves and build bridges between our biggest and smallest voters—and I believe that I can do this.


Share relevant experience and skills that will bring value to the ApeCoin DAO

I’m one of only twenty Discourse contributors to reach Trust Level 3 and collected the most points overall for meaningful contributions during Thank Ape’s opening season.

My understanding of the DAO and its members would be considered extensive and I’m able to break down complex frameworks and legislations into easily digestible messaging suitable for all levels of reading and comprehension.


Further describe relevant experience, including crypto and governance participation

I’ve been named as British Columbia’s point of contact for Bored Club Canada, organized successful events for PizzaDAO and been an active member of Working Group Zero since its inception. I am also a successful AIP author and contributed to other winning proposals like The Hunt For the Missing Meebit during Meebits PropHouse.

Concluding Statement

Summarize your statement as to why you are the best choice for Governance Working Group Steward

My day-to-day goals as a Governance Steward will remain locked onto improving efficiency on community forums and internal workflows, but the efforts put into fostering communication channels with our largest voters and delegations, combined with progressive growth strategies tailored specifically to the broader ApeCoin holder base is what will separate me.

We need leadership, and it starts here.



Governance Working Group Steward


Governance Stewards are responsible for Discourse and domain management as well as DAO reporting. They will also oversee facilitators and the Ape Assembly budgets.


Governance positions require experience and an extensive understanding of ApeCoinDAO processes and needs.

I wrote AIP-169 BeyondTheSWAMP which received funding on April 21st to develop an ApeCoin and ApeCoinDAO-focused magazine and currently working on a soon-to-be-published mentorship program that pairs successful AIP authors with first-time writers. It should also be noted that I finished first overall in Thank APE points during its inaugural season for most meaningful contributions to the community.

My background in project management and providing creative direction will allow me to strategize DAO frameworks and processes using an important mix of logic and progressive thinking.

As an elected official, I will make it my priority to establish ongoing one-on-one communication with our largest voters and delegations to make sure that their priorities are included while continuing to keep the broader ApeCoinDAO voting community voices heard and expectations met.


  • Protocol to ensure all outgoing ApeCoinDAO messaging is clear and concise
  • Establish communication channels with our largest voters and delegations to make sure that their concerns are heard
  • Conduct an efficiency audit on Discourse
  • Consult with third-party developers to budget an ApeCoinDAO mobile app utilizing Discourse API
  • Explore the possibility of offering more grant opportunities for IP focused proposals to reach a new audience and help push NFTs back into the mainstream


  • Received funding on April 21st
  • Hired a on-staff editorial advisor, two graphic designers, a final proofreader and multiple freelance contributors
  • Currently interviewing for a drop specialist, meme artist, online brand reps, social media manager and an open call for additional content creators
  • Nearly 5 ETH spent on prize pool
  • 25 pieces of finished content featuring ApeCoinDAO members and other prominent figures and project founders from within the NFT space with up to 10 more coming
  • On pace to launch within the proposal’s estimated time of 10-12 weeks from the point we received funding


  • ThankAPE Idea-a-thon winner
  • Late-stage development
  • Formally submitted once voting concludes

Reserved for future content…


What can I say, great dude right here.


Appreciate you bro… And back at you :100: :100:


Fantastic to see your application here, @AllCityBAYC. You epitomize active ambassadorship of ApeCoin through all of your efforts thus far, including the inspiration you have given me to get more involved.

More important than your project management skills & your go-getter attitude is how you lead with kindness. You’ve demonstrated many times that your moral compass guides your decisions.

Grateful for your great leadership thus far & looking forward to your continued leadership as an official Governance Steward. :handshake:


MY MAN! The legendary @AllCityBAYC

Glad to see you up for election for this role. There aren’t many people in this DAO that can say they are as involved and passionate about this community as you are. You lead with your actions not your words and truly want to make this community great.

Good luck friend. You will do great things if elected as a governance steward.



Awesome guy with great insight :muscle:

1 Like

Kind words… Appreciate you fam :muscle: :muscle:



Ehhhhh… You’re a friend and an absolute champ.

Appreciate the kind words mane.



Thanks justzb… That means a lot.

Peace broski :blue_heart: :blue_heart:



Only from the bottom of my heart and I feel the passion from you :+1::+1::+1:


Boa sorte!! Tu mereces. @AllCityBAYC


Love AC! ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎


Good luck with that, buddy!


Love the nomination statement. Look forward to see you help governance in the DAO


Gracias mi amiga te aprecio!

My man… One of the hardest working guys in here.

Fam :muscle: :muscle:

Thanks Dre :blue_heart:

Here for it… All about the DAO and how we can make things run a little more efficiently while brining more people on board.

Thanks for mention Srini :orangutan: :orangutan:



Always reasonable takes and obvious work ethic. Best of luck, brother!


Ehhhhhh… Thanks Sasha. We haven’t had the opportunity to fully connect yet but it was fun being on the ApeComms Spaces with you earlier.

Wishing you all the best on your campaign journeys as well :muscle::muscle:

Thanks again for the kind words.



I’m delighted to see that you are running for this position. Good luck :slight_smile: