@AllCityBAYC - Governance Steward Nomination 7/2023

Ehhh… Thank you nexus :slight_smile:


Profile now in its final form… Would love for everyone to scroll up to the top for a second read and a little more scope as to what I plan to explore :slight_smile:


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great magazine. good luck with the election

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Ehhh… Thanks fam. Workin hard.

Here’s a little thread with an update baked in a few slides down :muscle: :muscle:


Most qualified candidate in my humble opinion. The DAO is lucky to have people motivated and dedicated like you are


Thanksss Tiger!

Great nomination profile btw.

Your background, communication skills and reach in the space is exactly what this DAO needs. Front runner :muscle::muscle:


Bump :boom: :boom:

Please be sure to check the full proposal up top and drop any questions or comments for below. Also looking forward to joining @ssp1111 and @Adz tomorrow on ApeCoin Radio and linking it here when it goes live.


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My slot with The Bored Ape Gazette coverage ran today… Always appreciate the opportunity to speak with Kyle. Awesome guy doing awesome things :muscle: :muscle:

Here are my answers to the ten questions:

1. How did you get into the ApeCoin DAO?

Through AIP-169 BeyondTheSWAMP, which received grant funding on April 21st.

2. In a sentence or two, why should the community vote for you?

I’m quite passionate about utilizing my skillsets to help structure the future of ApeCoin DAO and helping it harness all of its amazing potential. I’m also proof that the AIP system works, and eager to remain aligned with the DAO as closely that I can.

3. If elected, you’ll be one of the first three WG Stewards. How do you feel about that and what kind of foundation would you like to help set?

For me it’s all about efficiency and making sure that DAO messaging is clear. The Governance Working Group is also responsible for Discourse and domain management, where I see opportunities to provide the community with a more robust experience. This means looking into mobile app development, improving the Help & Resources section and AIP Draft Template, as well as taking a hard look at how proposals are viewed on Snapshot. I also think that the site could use a general brightening up to make it a little more aesthetically pleasing, which could effect a user’s first impression and increasing the chances of them enjoying it quicker and assuring that they come back.

4. Where do you see the WG framework a year from now?

Well, I’d love to see handful of other necessary working group charters that are not only responsible for issuing grant funding in specific categories, but also able to elevate the DAO itself through their respective niches. It should also be noted that one of the commitments I’m making as a Governance Working Group Steward will be to utilize my platform to initiate a feasibility study on the possibility of introducing an NFT intellectual property-focused working group that would help people and projects push their IP forward into interesting directions. This could be branding or media. We’re already issuing these types of grants, so why not open it up a little more and help put our digital identities back into the mainstream spotlight. I believe that this may also be a way to increase DAO participation exponentially by appealing to the large percentage of ApeCoin holders who are not overly interested in governance but are eager for options to utilize their holder IP.

5. What would you like to accomplish as a WG Steward?

I’d like to look back in a years’ time and see a fully functioning, efficient DAO similar to a well-oiled machine truly celebrated by our community—with many winners along the way working together and lifting each other up after getting through the AIP process.

6. What makes you different from the other candidates?

Experience and character. I’ve gone through all of the processes successfully and I bring a unique blend of business and creative thinking. I’m also very open minded, which makes understanding, and mediating, opposing points of view easier, which bodes well for communicating with our community when tough decisions have to be made.

7. Do you have anything else you’d like to add or say?

Just that I’m here to stay and will remain aligned with the ApeCoin DAO no matter the weather. We’re working hard on BeyondTheSWAMP as well as putting the final touches on an ambassador and mentorship program aimed at pairing successful AIP authors with first-time writers that will move forward regardless of how Steward elections turn out.


So much energy creativity and passion to make the DAO better, I wish you the best.

Peace & Love
–Zack :purple_heart: :sparkles:


Thank you Zack!! Right back at you!!!

Good luck bro!!!


Quick bump to remind everyone that DMs are always open and happy to chat about any questions you might have for me :muscle::muscle:



I’m following you on your adventure and I hope you succeed. It would be a pleasure to see you at the DAO governance.


Good luck mate ! would be great to see you at governance :fire:


I find your nomination really good ! Really professional


great to see you running for this ser! You’ll have all my votes! LFG!


Appreciate you @MaCrypto @Chocolat @MaxwellX :muscle::muscle:

Fam frfr…


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Good luck All City


Appreciate you Karma… And back atcha :muscle::muscle:


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Appreciated getting a chance to speak with you to gain insight and perspective to your vision.

Congrats on winning top spot for the ThankAPE in season 1


Appreciate the chat, Keegan… Love what you’re up to and have nothing but love for all of the educators in the space, and IRL like you :100: :100:

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