ApeCoin Mascot - Work in Progress

ApeCoin fam!

I’ve been sketching and came up with a range of torsos, legs, and arm designs for the new ApeCoin mascot - Apekin.

I would greatly appreciate your feedback on these.

Please vote for your favorite concepts below!

  • Arm Design 1
  • Arm Design 2
  • Arm Design 3
  • Arm Design 4
0 voters

  • Torso Design 1
  • Torso Design 2
  • Torso Design 3
  • Torso Design 4
0 voters

  • Leg Design 1
  • Leg Design 2
  • Leg Design 3
  • Leg Design 4
0 voters

The head I will design when the overall body shape is decided.

Is there a specific part that you really like?

I would love to get your feedback :slight_smile: