Apecoin Support - Issue with Transfer

Tried contacting ApeCoin last week on 5/1 and had not gotten any responses. I was told by a Bored Ape mod that this would be the next best way for contact. How may I speak to someone regarding an issue with my ApeCoin transfer?


I’ve been trying to get someone from APE Support since the otherside mint. I have an issue with a transaction. I’ve opened a Coinbase ticket and their support says I need APE support.

How do you get them? I’ve sent multiple emails so far and nothing.



I’m stuck in the same boat having issues getting in touch with APE support. Can a mod direct us to the right direction? With current market volatility, the extreme wait is really detrimental for us. Not even an email response that our request has been received.


I’m not sure there is an official Ape support, but you are both welcome to DM me your issue and I will try to help where I can.

Be aware of other scammers trying this, and do not ever reveal private information or worse, your seed phrase/private key.


That’s great you want to help, however I do not know who you are.

There has to be some type of support structure for APECoin.

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There is nothing that can be done with executed transactions, any transactions that are signed and broadcasted are final (that’s how crypto works, there is no reversing). I’m not sure what help you need, but maybe outline your circumstance and the community or a MOD will respond