Beta Testing Group

Love this idea for AIP authors to have this resource.

I recently helped out the author of the recently passed “Apecoin Rugs” proposal test out their ‘user experience of checking out with ape’ on their site, as it was something they needed a hand in. But to have a group who helps in a more official capacity is much needed to really see though these AIP’s succeeding^^


Thanks @SeraStargirl love hearing that feedback! We totally agree that our tools could really help AIP projects succeed as well as empower the marketing/ communications working groups with more data and easy to use tools. Super excited to see what the Ape Coin DAO community builds using Blocksee! :rocket:


Just a quick reminder that Blocksee is nearing the end of our private beta. A big thank you to all the beta testers from the DAO and the amazing comments I’ve seen many of you post on this thread! If you tried the platform, be sure to leave some feedback for us here.



CALLING ALL APES!!! :monkey_face:

Wanted to say, first and foremost, a big THANK YOU to everyone that signed up for our Beta and saw firsthand how we can provide support to the DAO and AIPs going forward.

The Blocksee team is super excited to announce everyone can now Sign Up For Your FREE Account to get started with our dashboard to manage your Web3 projects on ETH or Polygon. (More chains coming soon).

We always welcome feedback and can’t wait to see all the creative use cases our clients come up with. Please enjoy, and we hope this makes running projects on blockchain easier and more inviting as we continue to grow the DAO community :partying_face:


This is a nice idea, i will love to be part of the testing group.


I believe @Hangout is working on setting up the next Beta Testing assignment in conjunction with @badteeth and his Rara Avis Chrome Extension. @Hangout, is this correct?

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We’re switching out our API, so will reach out to @Hangout when it’s ready to test. Soon! Thanks Vulkan,



Looking forward to it!


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@MemeBrains you should be able to post in this thread now.

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yes love to if it still time

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Hi everyone! :wave: :star_struck:

I’d love to ask you all for UX/UI feedback help! :pray:

This is regarding the Transparency Dashboard we’ve been building for the ApeCoin community :heart: :monkey:

How/where to provide feedback:
Send me a DM, or to my Discord user id: ‘memebrains’. I’m thinking we might not wanna accidentally flood this posts replies threads, so DM me or Discord is prolly best. :mechanical_arm:

What is the Transparency Dashboard (in 1 sentence:)
A simple place to find the important information about the DAO.

What feedback am I looking for?

  1. What are your first impressions when you see it? :eye_in_speech_bubble:
  2. Did you get stuck/confused anywhere? If yes, where, and why? :thinking:
  3. Is there something really important I should include on it that’s not there now? If yes, what? More detail the better :fire:
  4. Other specific recommendations or suggestions? :slight_smile:

Where is the Transparency Dashboard?
Here is the url to see the transparency dashboard in it’s current Beta state.

fyi this is the same Transparency Dashboard I posted here as an AIP as an idea. I’ll likely use all your all your feedback in future development considerations and feature launches.

What specifically does it do?

1. Treasury - Easier Access to Treasury details, such as:

  • Official list of treasury addresses and their current holdings (Note: currently the dashboard only has the treasury addresses currently posted on which is an incomplete list, we can update this as we get better info to what the current read-only treasury addresses are)
  • Runway/Burn calculations
  • Transaction labeling
  • Debits/Credits report generation (this feature isn’t live yet)

2. Community Participation Details:

  • See which members are active in voting, which are not, and how those trends change over time and through proposals
  • Quantity of proposals, quorum & support rates
  • Total wallet holders
  • Participation rates by members

3. Delegation Details:

  • See who are the top delegates, which delegates are trending, which delegates voted in which direction on which proposals
  • Change who you delegate your votes to (this feature isn’t live yet)
  • Review which proposals different delegates vote on before you make your delegate decisions

4. Personalized Profile Area

  • Optional PFP, wallet, bio, social links
  • Token holdings, voting power, personal participation totals/rates, vote streak
  • Voting history with quick links to those proposals voted on

5. Token Holder Summaries

  • Wallet holders
  • Quantity of holdings and participation quantity by wallet holder ie: whale movements and influence

6. Event Badging:

7. Proposals - Easier Access to Proposals and Voting, such as:

  • Complete snapshot votes directly from the website
  • See a complete historical timeline chart of past proposals
  • See who voted on which proposals, and what their votes were

8. Membership Directory:

  • A token gated membership directory of ApeCoin DAO members with features such as optional bio, social links, voting history, participation rates and more (Note: Membership Directory not live yet but would be coming soon)

Here’s a screenshot of the landing page as a primer! Menu tabs browse through the rest of the above functions & features :fire:


pick me plz Vulcan I knnow im late but pick me

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i totally agree but can we

I’m interested in participating in the beta test.


je suis ravi de faire parti de cette commutée forte et ambitieuse , je ne possede pas de bayc ou autres mais je m’ de pres a legende of the marra et je pense investir cette année , je viens donner mon avis sur tous votre formidable ecosystème passionant depuis des années maintenant rt suis a l’ecoute d’en apprendre d’avantage par la suite !!!.. :heart_eyes: :hear_no_evil:

If it was part of Thankape I’m sure a few more beta testers would be keen.

Hi, fam! You can also count on me as a beta tester - I have experience with my work IRL. I can help the community to provide better projects and products.

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I’d love to be a beta-tester :heart: