How Can We Setup A Treasury Management Team?

Cool, thanks for joining in the convo @StoicDegen. Okay, you’ve brought up some great points so lets expand on them. We’ve gotten only a small amount of direction from the Apecoin Board.

AIP-42 was declined because they want a treasury management firm before diversifying out of APE. In this post below, the author rebukes, stating there are a lack of trustworthy firms.

I feel the Boards stance indicates they want to outsource these operations. Which is fine, the board serves in different capacities as they desire or are mandated by the DAOs needs. In this case we’ll need to either A) find a firm, B) create an in-house solution, C) keep the treasury in ApeCoin. I get the feeling it would be preferred by the Board if the treasury management firm directly handled the funds. Though maybe advice & investment mandates for an inhouse team would work.

I want to see an in-house team built & given the ability to diversify & trade a percentage of the treasury. This is all pretty complicated…any way to simplify would be a good thing provided its safe for funds.