Implementation Update | AIP-126: Provide ApeCoin Brand Assets for AIP-96

AIP Name: AIP-126: Provide ApeCoin Brand Assets for AIP-96

Implementation Status: Complete

Author: @Amplify

Abstract Summary: In order to fully represent the ApeCoin DAO at the upcoming ETH San Francisco Hackathon , we (@maariab. @ssp1111, @Halina.eth, @Lost @Amplify, and others) are requesting usage of the ApeCoin Logo for promotional materials for an IRL sponsorship table at the event. Some items include, but are not limited to, an ApeCoin tablecloth, an ApeCoin banner, and ApeCoin swag.

Overall Cost: There is no cost associated with this AIP.

Related AIPs: AIP-96: Funding for Public Goods (ETHGlobal & Gitcoin), AIP-291: Approve and Publish ApeCoin DAO Brand Guidelines v1.1 on & AIP-246: Working Group Charter - Marketing & Communications

Timeline Updates: The request made under this AIP is included in the AIP-96 Grant Agreement which foresees and regulates the usage of ApeCoin branding. Therefore, in connection with AIP-96, and the ETH SF Sponsorship, the use of ApeCoin’s Branding is Approved.

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