Nomination Announcement - Marketing and Communications Working Group Steward Term Beginning January 2024

Hey @amplify.Admin,

I appreciate the transparency and well-structured approach you’ve implemented for this critical process. It’s seems to me a fair and informed selection of candidates.

Exciting to see who will make a huge impact on the DAO, much like the governance working group we’ve seen in action.

I’d like to emphasize that the election vote is carried out via AAP (Ape Assembly Proposals), not through AIP (Ape Improvement Proposal). Even though AIP-347, which you authored and which proposes the change to wide voting for stewards, hasn’t been voted on yet. Moreover, it won’t be applicable to the ongoing election round (which is already in progress), only on future ones, if will pass.

Thank you for providing this update and ensuring that everyone is well-informed about the process.

My feedback is related to Marketing and communications Working Group Steward and Metaverse, for Governance Working Group, AIP-239 set the election via AIP.

-Mr. Hype :fire: