AIP-346: Monthly Laughing Ape Stand-Up Comedy Show Utility for all $APE Holders

Thanks Chris,

We really appreciate the feedback and positive comments from people and would love to move on to the next phase.

Or to put it in more Web3 terms: LFG!


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Hi @AaronHaber,

Thank you for your ideas [and the ApeCoin DAO community for the insightful discussions]. A moderator will reach out to the author to finalize the AIP Draft using the appropriate template. In accordance with DAO-approved guidelines, if the author doesn’t respond within 30 days, the proposal will be automatically transferred to the Withdrawn category, and the author can re-submit the idea. Once the AIP is Drafted and meets all DAO-approved guidelines, it will be published on Snapshot for the official live voting phase at: Snapshot.

Follow this Topic as further updates will be posted here in the comments. @AaronHaber please see your messages for the next steps.



Hi ApeCoin DAO Community,

@AaronHaber has completed editing their AIP Idea to be their AIP Draft.

Follow this Topic as further updates will be posted here in the comments.

Kind Regards,



Hi ApeCoin DAO Community,

Our team has reviewed and discussed @AaronHaber’s AIP Draft and have sent a list of initial questions. We await answers.

Follow this Topic as further updates will be posted here in the comments.

Kind Regards,



Hi ApeCoin DAO Community,

@AaronHaber has responded to our questions and has provided consent to share them in this forum for the community.

1. Aside from providing the funding, is the APE Foundation expected to engage in any of the steps of the AIP implementation? If so, please specify the steps and elaborate on how it is expected to work.

Not at all. We would not need the Ape Foundation to engage in any of the steps towards AIP implementation.

We have decades of experience producing live and live-streaming comedy events and in recent years have also integrated our Comedy Club Metaverse Below Bored.

The Bored Silly Comedy Events proposed in AIP-346 is Laughing Ape simply doing what we do: produce great comedy events!

Should the Foundation wish to collaborate in terms of disseminating information to DAO members we’d welcome it, but it’s not needed.

2. Since NiftyKit and other specified platforms would require token holders to connect wallets, what are the plans for security audits of the platforms used?

We believe Attendees would only need to connect wallets to Monaverse, Otherside and Sandbox. It is our understanding (and we have spoken with NiftyKit and Mona) that each platform conducts routine audits to ensure the highest level of safety possible. That being said, nothing is guaranteed to be 100% safe and we would suggest to all our attendees that they utilize warm wallets or burner wallets to be absolutely safe.

3. Do you have any estimated costs for users attending remotely to use the platform’s features, or any premium features?

The cost to $APE Holders would be zero. Laughing Ape INC, would not charge $APE holders anything to attend these events either IRL or online. If a user is holding $APE, they get in. If anything, we might add different levels of access for users holding more $APE to encourage the holding of larger amounts of $APE, but again that cost would be zero.

4. Would your expectation be to keep complete ownership of content produced from this proposal?

Currently our expectation is not to keep the content produced at all. While we understand the value of a library of content, these events are meant to be live. We also are likely to get more comedians agreeing to perform if we’re not keeping the content. This was the same understanding as when we worked with Yuga Labs’ BAYC Council on the first Bored Silly event.

5. What are the Objectives and Key Results which have been identified for your project?

The Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) for the “Bored Silly: Exclusive Comedy Shows for $APE Holders” project can be structured as follows:

Objective 1: Create a Monthly Comedy Series for $APE Holders

1.1. Launch the first “Bored Silly” comedy event within 2 months after the proposal is approved.

1.2. Successfully coordinate with NiftyKit for tech needs, including $APE integration (NiftyKit has already successfully implemented most, if not all, of their approved AIP-88 objectives.)

1.3. Secure fantastic comedians and finalize the show lineup.

1.4. Organize and produce the first of the monthly comedy series.

1.5. Gather post-event feedback and implement improvements for subsequent events.

1.6. Conduct monthly comedy events thereafter for the term of 1 year (12 events).

Objective 2: Foster Camaraderie within the $APE Coin Ecosystem

2.1. Attract $APE Holders from around the world to participate in the exclusive comedy events through our online event access. $APE Holders from all over the world can come together each month for not just the Bored Silly comedy show but also for additional pre-show and after party activations, which can all be experienced online together.

2.2. Create an opportunity for DAO members to gather and build camaraderie.

2.3. Promote the project within the APE Foundation’s guiding values (Boldness, The Weird, The New, Equality, Transparency, Collective Responsibility, Persistence).

Objective 3: Introduce a new Utility for $APE Coin Holders

3.1. Laughing Ape firmly believes there needs to be more utility for $APE Holders other than simply “watch price go up or down”. While a comedy series might seem frivolous to some, we believe it will give $APE Holders a new, exciting reason to be part of the DAO and even bring in new members.

These objectives and key results outline the specific goals and measurable outcomes for the “Bored Silly: Exclusive Comedy Shows for $APE Holders” project. They cover the aspects of event organization, community engagement, financial sustainability, technology integration, and promotion to achieve the project’s success.

6. As per the ApeCoin General Guidelines, “proposals will not be put up for vote if they involve illegal activity, hate speech, pornographic material, or are at odds with the mission or values of the APE Foundation.” Can you ensure that the content of these comedy shows will be in keeping with these guidelines?

While we can’t guarantee what comes out of a comedians’ mouth during the events, as when we signed our agreement with Yuga Labs, it is understood that we don’t knowingly work with comedians who engage in hate speech or illegal activity.

While there is adult language (R Rated) we do not exhibit pornographic material.

Basically our understanding with Yuga Labs (and I do understand Ape Foundation is a completely separate entity, I’m simply using Yuga Labs as an example of what we’ve done before), was: Should anything resembling hate speech or outside of relative decency be said in the show by a performer, I (acting as the host) would denounce it, which is something I would do anyway.

Laughing Ape, INC firmly believes in the rights and fair treatment of all people.

While we understand and appreciate the question, we don’t believe our events are any more likely to feature inappropriate comments or content than any other content produced by any other AIP implementor.

7. What is the minimum number of shows planning to be created, and how many in total do you expect this funding to help produce?

We will produce 12 monthly events. Some will have an IRL component but all will be live-streamed for any $APE Holder who would like to join.

8. Do you provide consent to share these questions and answers with the community in this forum?


A DAR package is being worked on and upon completion this AIP will move into Administrative Review. Follow this Topic as further updates will be posted here in the comments.

Kind Regards,



Hi ApeCoin DAO Community,

We have no further questions for @AaronHaber. This AIP is now under Administrative Review.

Follow this Topic as further updates will be posted here in the comments.

Kind Regards,



This proposal is live for vote on Snapshot. The voting period closes next Wednesday at 9PM EST.

The AIP implementation is administered by the Ape Foundation. Implementation may be immaterially or materially altered to optimize for security, usability, to protect APE holders, and otherwise to effect the intent of the AIP. Any material deviations from an AIP, as initially approved, will be disclosed to the APE holder community.

Hi ApeCoin DAO Community,

The voting period has closed for this proposal and it has been accepted with a 51.08% pass rate. The proposal will be passed on for implementation.

Follow this proposal under the AIP Transparency and Execution Category. A new post has been created here, Implementation Update | AIP-346: Monthly Laughing Ape Stand-Up Comedy Show Utility for all $APE Holders, and further updates will be posted.

