AIP-365: PKing - 3D MOBA mobile game: YugaNFT+ApeCoin as game currency


PKing - 3D MOBA mobile game: YugaNFT+ApeCoin as game currency


Ecosystem Fund Allocation


The PKing team is composed of a group of professionals who love games and blockchain technology. Our team members have extensive experience in game and web3 project development, and have participated in the development and promotion of multiple successful projects.

Corporate entity:

Coplayer Limited

Core team member:

  • Beason: Co-founder
  • Woody: Co-founder
  • Ken: Core developer
  • Bert: Core developer
  • Stanley: Community management



PKing is a MOBA 3D pixel racing metaverse enlightenment game created for Meebits&Ape. Players can transform Meebits into PKing racers, DIY their own cars, and compete with global players online in a thrilling racing collision game. Explore the fun of character growth. The background of the game is set in the mysterious metaverse where humans, aliens and AI coexist after the Third World War. We will provide players with an immersive and fantasy metaverse experience.The PKing game will adopt both F2P and B2P modes to ensure that every player can participate. Through the game, we can enlighten the genes of the human metaverse and start the Genesis War.

Game screenshots

Meebits Game, Meebs Racer, Ape Coin!


ApeCoin’s current influence is mainly concentrated on the Web3 user group, and Web2 has a huge incremental market waiting to be developed. By promoting APE through PKing, we can quickly cover APE’s brand awareness to a large number of traditional game user groups, and Further expand APE’s influence in Asia. Through PKing games, APE tokens will be widely used. Usage scenarios include purchasing limited game props, vehicle upgrades, skill enhancements, etc.
:arrow_right:Increase APE influence and usage scenarios through games
:arrow_right:Increase APE currency holders through games
:arrow_right:APE Become a deflationary token through games
:arrow_right:APE and YugaNFT IP derivatives development through games
:arrow_right:Buy back APE and BAYC, MAYC, Punks, and Meebits through game revenue
:arrow_right:Enhance APE,YugaNFT holders joyment (Exclusive props, member rights, airdrops)


Highlights of PKing game

  • Low entry threshold: Web2 social account + MPC wallet login, easy access for both web2 and web3 users, simple and user-friendly operation
  • Classic pixel art style: 3D pixel game style, recalling the golden age of classic pixel games
  • Multiplayer online competition: quickly match global players, fun and exciting to meet the needs of multiplayer social entertainment
  • DIY racing: free DIY racing, custom game assets and programmable NFT, inspiring unlimited imagination
  • Immersive destruction: Vehicle collisions randomly destroy scenes and unleash your destructive nature.
  • Rich events: team competitions, individual competitions, and e-sports leagues to meet different entertainment needs
  • Exploring Gene Ownership: Story-driven game development, exploring human ownership of genes
  • Metaverse Culture: Creating game peripheral art, the joint novel “Edge’s End” with Metaverse enlightenment books was released simultaneously, Metaverse culture drives market growth

Meebits Co-creation Program

Allows Meebits holders to commission PKing to produce Meebs racers and put them on the DIY mall for rent, creating a fusion of Meebits and Web3 games and a 9th art experience.

Token Economy

  • PK: PKing Token
    Total issuance: 21 million
    Design: Deflationary Governance token
    Purpose: Participate in platform decision-making and governance;
  • APE Coin
    Utility tokens used in the APE ecosystem
    Design: Deflationary in-game utility token
    Purpose: Purchase limited game props, vehicle upgrades, skill enhancements

Business model

  • Source of income:
    a. Sales of game props
    b. Match ticket sales
    c. Vehicle skill upgrade
    d. Development of game derivatives
  • Income Distribution
    a. USDT income: Coplayer 40%, DAO treasury and prize pool 50%, repurchase 10%
    b. APE income: Coplayer 40%, DAO treasury and prize pool 50%, destruction 10%
    c. PK income: Coplayer 10%, DAO treasury and prize pool 70%, destruction 20%
    d. Legal currency income: Coplayer 100%


  • Blockchain: Polygon
  • Dev language: Unity
  • Game environment: Android & iOS
  • Asset security: MirrorWorld +


December 2023: Internal beta version—Meebits Co-Creation, starting whitelist testing
Q4 2023: Public beta version—PVP (player versus player), PVE , Camps battle
Q1 2024: Version 0.5—World Championship, Player DID Badge System (MeebID)
Q2 2024: Version 0.6—a social game for grabbing parking spaces
Q4 2024: Version 0.9 - War of Genesis beta, integrate with Otherside


Proposal application amount

Total Ecosystem Grants: 30,000APE

Usage of funds (after approval of proposal)

  • Marketing expenses 10,000 APE: cooperation with well-known KOLs, community,Media cooperation, various user growth and retention strategies
  • Competition bonus pool 10,000 APE: launch a variety of event activities and reward programs to achieve user growth and retention
  • R&D expenses 10,000 APE: design and development of Ape&YugaNFT themed game props


Related Links:
:globe_with_meridians: Website:
:bird: Twitter:
:tv: Youtube:

Business Partner:
Our partnerships include ThreeDAO, MeebitsDAO, VIP3, BeezTrip, Portus,, Naga, MirrorWorld, CrossSpace, Element, etc. These partners will provide support and promotion for our projects.

Game pre-alpha testing event in ApeFest HK:



Hi @CryptoWoody ,

Your topic would be moving to the AIP Draft phase in less than 24 hours.

Are you content with the feedback received or do you wish to extend community discussion for another 7 days?

If we do not hear from you within 48 hours after your topic closes, your topic will be moved straight to the AIP Draft process.

We look forward to hearing from you.


This AIP has been up for 6 days?

This is the first time it’s showing up on my feed! And only because of 12gauge’s reply!

What the crack??

Mind looking into this @Facilitators - the views alone seem to backup my experience.

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Hi @ssp1111 ,

Thanks for the flag. We looked into this, and although this AIP Idea started as a General Idea, it should not have affected forum visibility. You can click the Pencil icon at the top of the post to see those edits. I’d encourage the author to extend the discussion period and gather more community feedback.



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Thanks – just weird that it only popped up on my feed today – and I tend to be pretty active on these here forums.

Ghost in the Machine

Yes, I would like extend community discussion.
APE community feedback and advice is very important to the plan.

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Meebits Game, Meebs Racer, Ape Coin!

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We will start Alpha Testing on APE Fest Hongkong!
Winner will get this prize!
@Nov.3 -HK-PMQ

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This topic was automatically closed after 6 days. New replies are no longer allowed.

Hi ApeCoin DAO Community,

@CryptoWoody has requested to extend the community discussion period for this AIP idea. This topic will automatically close a further 7 days from now. We encourage the community to continue to engage in thoughtful discussions through constructive criticism, honest feedback, and helpful suggestions.

Follow this Topic as further updates will be posted here in the comments.


Hi @CryptoWoody ,

Your topic would be moving to the AIP Draft phase in less than 24 hours.

Are you content with the feedback received or do you wish to extend community discussion for another 7 days?

If we do not hear from you within 48 hours after your topic closes, your topic will be moved straight to the AIP Draft process.

We look forward to hearing from you.


This topic was automatically closed after 6 days. New replies are no longer allowed.

Hi ApeCoin DAO Community,

@CryptoWoody has requested to extend the community discussion period for this AIP idea. This topic will automatically close a further 7 days from now. We encourage the community to continue to engage in thoughtful discussions through constructive criticism, honest feedback, and helpful suggestions.

Follow this Topic as further updates will be posted here in the comments.


The theme is a little scary. play to earn sounds like something nicer than play to burn.

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I love MOBA games, it’s my passion. It’s a cool idea, I’ll be happy to play when it comes out.

Play game to earn PK and play to win APE/USDT.
some of ape income will be burned for ape tokenization.


And player can create a guild or join a guild.
play with guild, fight for ape guild,BAYC guild, Punks guild and so on.

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Hey @anunnaki_reborn
Can you give me some advice for the AIP idea?
I thought you might be interested in the topc of Ape games.
Hope I’m not disturbing you.
Aper support Aper!