PROPOSAL NAME: Streamlining Working Group Elections: Improved Second-Round Voting Strategy
ALL CITY is an elected ApeCoin DAO Governance Working Group Lead Steward.
This no-cost proposal provides a solution for an element of second-round voting during ApeCoin DAO Working Group elections that currently restricts voters to selecting only one candidate when multiple seats for the same positions are being filled.
To fix this, we propose changing the Snapshot Strategy to weighted voting, which enables the option to distribute voting power among each of the candidates you wish to see elected.
It is important to note that we are already using this method of voting in the first-round of Working Group elections. Furthermore, under this format should you favour our existing second-round standard of single-choice voting, you can still concentrate all of your voting power on one candidate. We’re simply offering an alternative for those who wish to have a broader influence across all positions being filled.
Examples of other DAOs that utilize options to help voters to select more than one candidate when multiple seats are being filled include Arbitrum, ENS, and Optimism.
1. Improved Voter Representation and Accuracy: Under our current second-round voting format, election results do not accurately represent the community’s preferences when filling multiple seats for the same role. Instead, they reflect the community’s favourite, accounting for only one seat.
2. Stronger leadership teams: By obtaining more accurate election results, our Working Groups will be formed more deliberately, empowering the community to have a greater say in selecting the best candidates for the job.
3. Enhanced governance integrity: Elections and voting mechanics are polarizing, intricate components of any governance-operated entity. Yet, by pursuing changes in logical, fair, and meaningful ways, the sentiment within the ApeCoin DAO community toward these processes will be strengthened.
4. Preserving choice while maintaining traditional voting preferences: By shifting to a flexible voting strategy, we can provide options to voters while still maintaining the ability to select only one candidate, ensuring that members who prefer that method can still participate according to their preferences.
5. Promoting inclusivity and increasing opportunities for candidates: Weighted voting in the final round of elections will enable voters to more easily endorse multiple candidates with diverse perspectives simultaneously. This system may also amplify opportunities for qualified candidates who typically need expansive networks to obtain meaningful positions within the ApeCoin DAO Working Group structure.
Snapshot: Online voting platform that ApeCoinDAO uses that allows DAOs, DeFi protocols, and NFT communities to vote without gas fees.
Snapshot voting strategy: A set of conditions used to calculate a user’s voting power. These strategies enable Snapshot to determine the final result of voting on a particular proposal.
Snapshot weighted voting: Each user can spread their voting power across any number of choices, from one to all. Their voting power will be divided between their chosen options according to how much weight they attribute to each option by increasing or decreasing the voting power fraction.
Snapshot single-choice voting: Each voter can choose only one option.
The proposal centers around ApeCoin DAOs existing Snapshot space. No new platforms or technologies will be required.
Once approved, the strategy will be implemented before our next election cycle begins.
There is no cost to implement this proposal.