AIP-413: Hire a Head of Network Development at the APE Foundation

PROPOSAL NAME: Hire a Head of Network Development at the APE Foundation


Author: @buuvei Profile - buuvei - ApeCoin DAO - Forum Trust Level Level 3 “Regular”

  • 10+ years of strategic planning and business development experience
  • 100k+ delegate representative
  • Thank Ape moonshot finalist
  • APEFEST HK performer


This proposal aims to hire a Head of Network Development to help oversee matters within the
APE Foundation, supporting our community in achieving its strategic goals and ensuring
operational excellence. The Head of Network Development will be responsible for supporting
daily operations, facilitating strategic planning, coordinating community engagement, and
representing the DAO in external affairs. Additionally, this role will be well-positioned to make
recommendations for further improvements as needed. For clarity’s sake, this position does not
equate to a chief executive officer or “leader”, but rather a critical support function for the APE
Foundation and the DAO.
To optimize efficiency and create cost savings, this proposal also includes a proposed reduction
in future Special Council members’ payments to offset the cost of this hire.
The APE Foundation will be empowered to oversee the hiring process for this position, ensuring
that all legal, tax, and other relevant considerations are thoroughly addressed and optimized.
The Head of Network Development will serve at the pleasure of the Special Council, the DAO’s
Advisory Board.


As ApeCoin DAO continues to expand, the need for ongoing, dedicated, and professional
support at the APE Foundation has become increasingly evident. A Head of Network
Development will offer essential oversight, strategic facilitation, and operational management,
ensuring the ApeCoin DAO fulfills its mission efficiently and effectively. This role is vital for
maintaining momentum, building community trust, and ensuring the long-term sustainability of
the DAO. Additionally, this position will allow our Special Council to focus on their
responsibilities as the Advisory Board they are intended to be.

Upon the passing of this proposal, the APE Foundation will commence the hiring process for the
Head of Network Development.
Additionally, for terms starting January 1, 2025, this proposal also proposes that there be a
reduction in the payment of Special Council members from USD$125,000 to USD$100,000 per
12-month term. This provides USD$125,000 (USD$25,000 x 5 members) in savings to be
applied to hiring the Head of Network Development.


The expectation is that this proposal would be implemented by the DAO’s administrative team. The community should regularly review the impact of this proposal. If accepted, the administration and the community should review the impact of the updates after the 3-month period for conflict ends.


Total amount requested from the ApeCoin Ecosystem Fund = USD $120,000 per annum paid in $APE. However, we will reduce Special Council member payments to offset this cost. Effectively makes this proposal zero additional cost to the DAO up to USD $125,000 once the reduction of the Special Council members payments kicks in (January 1, 2025).

APE Foundation could use its discretionary authority to go over USD $125,000 per annum if a competitive salary for this role is deemed necessary.


I like the idea, there’s no accountability right now in the DAO. Tho I still like how there’s no central figure in its true essence of decentralization, the lack of updates on passed AIP from authors and lack of accountability regarding the milestones by various Working Group may give rise to some concerns in near future.

The current Special Council cannot be in a position nor someone above them coz we know how whale voting would prefer the popular ones or someone who has never even stepped inside the DAO or even know the basic stuffs about whats happening here.

P.S. I wish to see some feedback from the community members, more details into the scope of work required here. Good idea @buuvei


I have some thoughts here, but would really like to hear the community feedback first.

As it happens, I am working on (before this post went up) the reporting mechanisms for GWG.


I think most people don’t want to see another paid position that adds to the bureaucracy. I feel like we are at a point where we can only “restructure”. Love that @bigbull is already working on reporting. I know we have a section that’s supposed to be for accepted AIP authors that’s meant for updates, but is that even being used? I see so many posts but no replies from authors.

To be honest I can see why most people don’t want most AIPs to pass. It feels like we sink money into something and get absolutely nothing in return. ThankApe is always used as the counter example, but it would be kinda sad if that was the only successful AIP from the DAO. More accepted AIP authors need to continue to engage with the community to show progress. Maybe then people might be willing to fund cooler projects.


You should really leave a third option of no change. Or even better first have a poll asking:

Do you want an extra role to do xyz

Then part 2, give the two options.

  1. elect an independent person to lead Special Council and Working Groups
  2. elect a Chairman inside Special Council

Right now, you are only going to get people to vote who want one of your options.


Council and Working Groups electing a Chairman within Special Council I believe is a better option, they would be better prepared to successfully conclude this issue.

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@buuvei, thanks for bringing this up. I think a rotating chairman (“Great Ape?!”) makes sense personally; it’s important to balance direction and power and not have an individual be enshrined, in my opinion (I’m going to go out on a limb and guess legal counsel has an opinion on this too). Perhaps it is rolled into the role of SC members, and they each get a few months of the term as the chairman, sort of similar, IIRC, to the United Nations Security Council. I am also sensitive to the idea of a new position, as @leyota notes.

@bigbull let me know if there’s anything I can personally do to help from the Horizen side on reporting/transparency (not to put our finger on the scale but in terms of advice/intros to folks who can help), I know a number of external folks who are really thoughtful and involved in the area who would be worth talking to. I’m happy to set up those intros as you’re thinking through it.

Also, one thing to note is that many of the real or perceived governance issues are ultimately scaling and process issues. I don’t think people should feel discouraged; 95% of DAOs would kill to have to figure out effective governance at scale. I know @Lost and those guys are thinking through a lot of the AIP facilitation procedures/processes/tools as well, so I would be interested in them weighing in if they can.


Hi @buuvei,

The community feedback period for your proposal would be ending in less than 24 hours.

  • If you’re content with the feedback received, your next steps are to finalize your proposal using the AIP Draft Template.

  • A moderator will reach out to the author to finalize the AIP Draft. Upon receipt of the final Draft, we will review and provide instructions on the next steps.

  • Are you ready to proceed to the next phase or do you wish to extend community discussion for another 7 days?

We look forward to hearing from you.


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Hi ApeCoin DAO Community,

@buuvei has requested to extend the community discussion period for this AIP idea. This topic will automatically close a further 8 days from now. We encourage the community to continue to engage in thoughtful discussions through constructive criticism, honest feedback, and helpful suggestions.

Follow this Topic as further updates will be posted here in the comments.


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My voice for a “member of the Council”, but I do support the position @bigbull mentioned several posts above concerning the third option “leave all unchanged”. In this case I’d vote respectively.


Hi @buuvei,

The community feedback period for your proposal would be ending in less than 24 hours.

  • If you’re content with the feedback received, your next steps are to finalize your proposal using the AIP Draft Template.

  • A moderator will reach out to the author to finalize the AIP Draft. Upon receipt of the final Draft, we will review and provide instructions on the next steps.

  • Are you ready to proceed to the next phase or do you wish to extend community discussion for another 7 days?

We look forward to hearing from you.



This topic was automatically closed after 13 days. New replies are no longer allowed.

Hi ApeCoin DAO Community,

@buuvei has completed editing their AIP Idea to be their AIP Draft.

This proposal has been assigned the AIP ID Number 413.

Follow this Topic as further updates will be posted here in the comments.

Kind Regards,


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Unclear what “lead and be responsible for the direction of the DAO” means. What scope does this extend to. What does this proposal define “direction” as.

I’d also like to establish a baseline with regard to your understanding of how the current DAO structure operates, so I need to ask, is this an ideology and/or set of tasks that you see going on with Special Council right now, that through this proposal be allocated to one single Council member, or are you suggesting an entirely new scope.

This part is actually quite dangerous.

DAOs need to maintain a very sensitive, nuanced structure based on legalities on a jurisdiction to jurisdiction basis, so IMO, centralizing positions who are directly tied to the APE Foundation to formally manage other roles “within the DAO” creates immense risk and should be a hard stop for any proposal suggesting them.

ApeCoinDAO is governed by over 140,000 unique wallets. Whether all of them engage with our voting process or not, because at any given time they could — not one person.

It is also worth noting that Working Groups are grant recipients who do not represent the APE Foundation and in-turn are unable to be managed them. So by putting something in writing suggesting that they should, without fully understanding why they aren’t, is reckless.

If this proposal were to go through, how would it protect other Special Council members, the APE Foundation and our community if a bad actor were to be elected into this role.

Let’s also not forget that there are five total Special Council seats, so even if the 'Chair were to throw the others a bone and have them vote on something they may never even come up with a conclusion because of an even number of votes.

In the end, you’ve got 350 total words proposing to centralize the entire “direction” of a half billion dollar treasury… I suggest tapping the brakes on this for a bit.


But yo, buuvei. Maybe my tone is a little dryer on this than usual. And you and me go back a while now so you know I respect you. But it’s aggressive process changes like these without any actual supporting documentation to account for literally hunreds of potential variables that makes me more and more inclined to put something up suggesting that there should be new steps in place to assure that concepts are well-padded before going up for vote, and in-turn potentially passing.

We need to start normalizing the use of attorney’s and other legal experts when process changes are being posed, and more specifically implemented, to make sure everything is accounted for.

Anyways, touchy subject so don’t throw any bricks at my head when you see me next. We’re still fam.



Hi ApeCoin DAO Community,

We have no further questions for @buuvei. This AIP is now under Administrative Review.

Follow this Topic as further updates will be posted here in the comments.

Kind Regards,


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Hi ApeCoin DAO Community,

Edits have been made to this Topic with the author’s consent.

You can click the Pencil icon at the top of the post to see these edits.

Follow this Topic as further updates will be posted here in the comments.

Kind Regards,


@buuvei The challenge here is you need to read the AIP-426 that passed saying they are advisors and not a Board anymore.

This is the key line.

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Fair pushback now that AIP 426 has passed (it obviously hadn’t at the time of this original proposal).

Broader question though: is there benefit in having some “executive level” roles within the DAO outside of the WGs to manage the type of work described in the proposal?

If SC members are just meant to be advisors by the letter of the law, should someone have authority to ensure proper fund management of the treasury, serve as a liaison with Horizen et al re: ApeChain, etc.?