ApeCoin AIP Information Dashboard (WIP)

Here is a interactive spreadsheet for the community that contains various stats about the all the AIPs that have been put up to vote. There is still plenty of work for me to do and add, but it seems that the community is looking for something current and up to date. I believe this should hold everyone over until I’m finished.

Should you notice any issue or have any questions please either comment below or message me privately here or on discord.

Please note that this is just data that I have copied over from the document I am working on as the file is way to big to be hosted on Google Sheets or even Microsoft 365. As I make substantive changes I will add it to this document.


This is amazing information @LiveFast9986! Thank you so much for taking the time to put all of this together! I have a few questions:

  • Is the column “For Total as Calculated from CSV” is the same as “For Total”?

  • Regarding the difference between “In Wallet” vs. “Delegated” votes, are “in wallet” votes just those that weren’t delegated?

  • Column AV shows the “# of Delegates that actually voted in the AIP”. In order to find out how many votes the delegates exercised on an individual vote, would we just add the “for delegated”, “against delegated” and “abstaining delegated” columns?

  • Since the start of this year, the number of delegates voting has held steady at somewhere between approximately 25-30. How many total delegate are there, and is it possible to see which delegates voted, whether the delegates who voted are the ones with a significant amount of tokens delegated to them?

  • The last monetary AIP to get over 500 non-delegate votes was AIP-304 on 9/14/23 which allocated $11 million. Since then, the number of voting wallets had steadily decreased to a low of 77 wallets. However, the last AIP on the spreadsheet, AIP-436, had only 112 non-delegate wallets voting, but almost 18 million For votes. My question is - do you feel that the goal is to get more individual non-delegates voting, or to have more holders delegate their voting power?

Thanks again for putting this together. Very valuable info.


Yeah, this is pretty great. Can’t wait for the final product.


Yes, but there may be slight differences due to “dust” in users accounts as they are calculated from two different data sets. One of the main reasons for having two of the same data is to helps check and verify my work. I’ll eventually do a report on why there may be small “dust” errors later once its all complete.

In Wallet refers to tokens that are in said wallet, and Delegated are tokens that were delegated to said wallet. It may be better to look at In Wallet as compared to the other options like Staked where Staked tokens leave the wallet. Does that make sense?

Yes, but we are going to put an * on that because I noticed something that I’m still trying to solve/figure out. Once I do I will have a more proper answer.

Column AS tells you exact how many delegates there were at the time of the vote, and Column AT tells you how many wallets had delegated to a delegate (making them a delegator). Yes it is possible, but not on this sheet. That is something I am working on.

I don’t particularly have a goal, but this is a great question. I’m going to work on adding a new column that tells you of the # of delegates that voted, how many delegators were assigned to that delegate and then add them all together for grand total of how many wallets contributed to said vote. I think once we have those numbers, we can start to ask better questions.


Mind blowing work as usual bro!
I think marking AIP row/column whatever they are called horizontally should be marked blue or green for passed AIPs and red/orange for rejected AIPs.
Even better if one segment is all passed AIPs and others rejected.
Not sure if you have already planned this but just suggesting.


Thank you so much for the detailed answers! They definitely made sense and helped to clarify. Knowing the number of delegates available to vote, how many wallets delegated votes to them, how many votes each delegate had to exercise in total and, especially, how the delegates vote over time would certain yield valuable insights to the governance structure.

I realize that is just the beginning of you organizing such a large amount of data. As it progresses, I bet there are some interesting ways to run these numbers through statistical software packages like Stata or Minitab to find some really meaningful patterns.


@DavidW @Evil

I just made an update that includes how many of the delegators voted based on if their delegate voted in each AIP, and included a new total of wallets voted + delegators if their delegate voted.

Also changed Column Y to have more Green or Red based on if it was In Favor or Against.


The legend strikes again… The DAO appreciates you ser!!



This is for all of us with a data fetish - and I’m here for it. Well done, ser! :muscle: :saluting_face:


Updated to include the most recent AIPs, also include a new column that indicates whether the AIP is subject to the 69% threshold.


Incredible work here, friend. Well done. :muscle:


Can’t wait to get back from out of town so I can deep dive this. Thank you for putting it together.


Amazing! Thank you for it!


Finally getting to look at the spreadsheet. This thing is AWESOME! I hope folks from Ape U get a hold of this, because I think it would be insightful for AIP authors. Appreciate you putting the time and effort into this.

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Updated to include new AIPs from the completion of yesterdays Snapshot vote.


Updated to include all additional authors, and fixed all links to snapshot vote.

Note: The names for the authors were taken the corresponding AIP or from previously submitted AIPs by said author.


Updated to include votes that concluded on 10-02-2024


you rule for doing all of this. Absolute W.


super duper mega helpful !! <33


Updated to include voting results of AIP-524 and AIP-466.

Be on the lookout for posts/tweets that provide a more comprehensive breakdown.