Implementation Update | AIP-254: FREE ApeCoin NFT Shields to First 150,000 ApeCoin Holders and FREE NFT Shields to all BAYC, MAYC, CryptoPunks, Meebits, BAKC, Otherside owners for only $1 Budget!

AIP Name: AIP-254: FREE ApeCoin NFT Shields to First 150,000 ApeCoin Holders and FREE NFT Shields to all BAYC, MAYC, CryptoPunks, Meebits, BAKC, Otherside owners for only $1 Budget!

Implementation Status: Pending

Author: @AaronLeupp.eth

Abstract Summary:
FREE ApeCoin NFT Shields to First 150,000 ApeCoin Holders.

FREE NFT Shields to all BAYC, MAYC, CryptoPunks, Meebits, BAKC, Otherside owners.

FREE Golden ApeCoin NFT Shields to the top 690 ApeCoin Holders.

Goal is to Multi-Link the NFT as wearable weapons in Decentraland, OtherSide, Sandbox and more as we are did with Waifumon.

Overall Cost: $1

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