Implementation Update | AIP-502: The Apemobile - Guerrilla marketing meets a KOL partnership (Resubmission)

AIP Name: AIP-502: The Apemobile - Guerrilla marketing meets a KOL partnership (Resubmission)

Implementation Status: Pending

Implementation Date: N/A

Author: @kodama

Proposal Description: ApeCoin needs more marketing. Period.
It’s not easy to stand out and get the attention of people nowadays… so, we need guerrilla marketing.

Guerrilla marketing is a highly effective strategy due to its ability to deliver high impact at a low cost. By leveraging the psychological impact and viral nature of unconventional tactics, it has the ability to generate significant buzz and engagement.

KOL partnerships and brand ambassadorships are a proven model in web3 and are widely adopted by top-tier projects in this space. To date, ApeCoin does not have a single partnership of this kind.

This AIP offers a bold mix of the above mentioned :muscle:

Educational content and marketing by kodama.eth - amplified by the Apemobile!

An ApeCoin branded BMW (an M3, 4, or 8 Competition).
Custom license plate.
ApeCoin branding such as but not limited to the ApeCoin logo on the tank cap and “Powered by ApeCoin” writing.

The car will be called Apemobile and will be established as status symbol of success within the whole web3 space. Leveraged by a multi-year partnership with web3 KOL kodama.eth and the targeted use of guerilla marketing tactics in order to amplify educational content around the DAO, ApeCoin & ApeChain.

The car will be a tool to polarize and get attention.

In an endless X feed you need to stand out. You need to grab the attention and once you have it, you use it to educate and make them one of us :wink:

NOTE: The Apemobile can be leveraged by the whole community. Not just kodama.
The pictures can be used by everyone.

The AIP author will work closely with the Marketing and Communications working group, who have the option to opt-in to particpate, to maximize the benefits of this initiative.

Overall Cost: $210,000 USD

Related AIPs: AIP-459: The Apemobile - Guerrilla marketing meets a KOL partnership

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