AIP-459: The Apemobile - Guerrilla marketing meets a KOL partnership

The Apemobile - Guerrilla marketing meets a KOL partnership

中文翻译在这里 - Chinese Translation Here


kodama.eth - 连续创业者,自2016年以来一直活跃于Web3领域,欧洲首个多链托管NFT平台的联合创始人,与顶级品牌合作,组织了2019/20年欧洲最大的加密货币活动之一,国际演讲者、建设者、天使投资人、关键意见领袖(KOL)。

megakodas.eth的创始人 - ApeCoin DAO最大的社区代表团 APE, BAYC/MAYC, (Mega) Koda持有者 热情的社区成员。





本AIP提案大胆地结合了上述内容: :mechanical_arm:


一辆全黑的ApeCoin品牌保时捷911 Carrera 4s。

定制车牌——APE 911。


侧面印有“Powered by ApeCoin”的品牌标识。

这辆车将被称为Apemobile,并将被确立为整个Web3领域成功的地位象征。通过与Web3 KOL kodama.eth的多年合作以及有针对性的游击营销策略,来放大关于DAO、ApeCoin和ApeChain的教育内容。


想象一下有多少人会加入一个名为“我如何从ApeCoin DAO获得一辆保时捷911”的讨论。

在无尽的X平台信息流中,你需要脱颖而出。你需要吸引注意力,一旦你抓住了它,你就可以利用它进行教育,让他们成为我们的一员。 :wink:





与Web3 KOL kodama.eth的多年合作




  • 在Web3领域内进行营销对项目的成功至关重要。与Kodama合作,ApeCoin将在几年内接触到相关且感兴趣的受众。


  • Apemobile将引起极大关注,确保人们的注意力。

  • Kodama每周至少发布一条内容,产生数百万次曝光。

  • 他将每天驾驶这辆车,并参加欧洲各地的重要加密活动/聚会。

  • 这将为与活跃社区成员一起创作内容创造额外的机会。


  • Kodama与他的追随者建立了信任,并成为YugaLabs和ApeCoin生态系统中的重要KOL。让他作为ApeCoin的长期合作伙伴,可以提升品牌的信誉和可信度。


  • Kodama每周至少发布一条内容。包括教育类、生活类或参加讨论,吸引不同受众的广泛组合。

  • 目标始终如一——传播ApeCoin的认知和教育。


  • 与传统广告和常规Web3 KOL合作相比,这种方式成本非常低。

  • 这完美补充了DAO最近的F1合作伙伴关系(顺便说一下,这为进一步的内容创作打开了许多可能性)。


  • Apemobile将引起极大的关注!

  • Kodama将利用这一点,促进与其追随者和更广泛Web3社区的积极互动。这将提高活动的互动率和品牌的可见性。


  • Kodama将分享个人故事和经历,使他的代言比传统广告更真诚、更贴近生活。


  • Apemobile有快速传播的潜力。它可以引起围绕ApeCoin和ApeChain的轰动。想象一下一个帖子开头是“天啊,我真的从ApeCoin DAO获得了一辆保时捷911”。


  • 与Kodama合作,为ApeCoin的营销策略增加了一个层次,多样化了当前的方式,帮助ApeCoin接触到潜在的新用户/买家。


  • 与Kodama建立长期关系,将为ApeCoin品牌带来持续的曝光。


  • 经过验证的概念

  • 成本效益

  • 品牌差异化

  • 心理影响

  • 高参与度

  • 病毒式传播潜力











**步骤1:**购买一辆保时捷911 Carrera 4s。



谁想在里斯本的ApeFest上看到Apemobile? :wink:








从ApeCoin生态系统基金申请的总金额= 185,000欧元。







特殊车牌(APE 911)、车身贴膜和汽油费用将由AIP作者承担。


kodama.eth - serial entrepreneur, web3 since 2016, Co-Founder of Europes first multichain custodial NFT platform, worked with top tier brands, organized one of the largest crypto event in Europe back in 2019/20, international speaker, builder, angel investor, KOL

Founder of megakodas.eth - the largest community delegation of the ApeCoin DAO
APE, BAYC/MAYC, (Mega) Koda holder
Passionate community member


ApeCoin needs more marketing. Period.
It’s not easy to stand out and get the attention of people nowadays… so, we need guerrilla marketing.

Guerrilla marketing is a highly effective strategy due to its ability to deliver high impact at a low cost. By leveraging the psychological impact and viral nature of unconventional tactics, it has the ability to generate significant buzz and engagement.

KOL partnerships and brand ambassadorships are a proven model in web3 and are widely adopted by top-tier projects in this space. To date, ApeCoin does not have a single partnership of this kind.

This AIP offers a bold mix of the above mentioned :muscle:

Educational content and marketing by kodama.eth - amplified by the Apemobile!

An ApeCoin branded all-black Porsche 911 Carrera 4s.
Custom license plate - APE 911.
ApeCoin logo on the tank cap.
“Powered by ApeCoin” branding on the side, in the classic Porsche style.

The car will be called Apemobile and will be established as status symbol of success within the whole web3 space. Leveraged by a multi-year partnership with web3 KOL kodama.eth and the targeted use of guerilla marketing tactics in order to amplify educational content around the DAO, ApeCoin & ApeChain.

The car will be a tool to polarize and get attention.

Think about how many ppl will join a spaces called “How I got a Porsche 911 from the ApeCoin DAO”.

In an endless X feed you need to stand out. You need to grab the attention and once you have it, you use it to educate and make them one of us :wink:

NOTE: The Apemobile can be leveraged by the whole community. Not just kodama.
The pictures can be used by everyone.

The AIP author will work closely with the Marketing and Communications working group, who have the option to opt-in to particpate, to maximize the benefits of this initiative.


A multi-year partnership with kodama.eth, web3 KOL

Kodama has a large, engaged following within the web3 community. Partnering with him will significantly increase the brand’s exposure and reach the crypto native audience on an ongoing base. He will commit to creating content, joining spaces, visiting events with the sole purpose of spreading the message of the DAO, ApeCoin & ApeChain. EDUCATION!

Below you will find a list of several benefits:

Targeted Marketing:

  • Marketing within the web3 space is crucial for a projects success. With Kodama, Apecoin will reach a relevant and interested audience over the course of several years.

Increased Reach and Visibility:

  • The Apemobile will polarize and guarantee people’s attention. Kodama will post at least one content piece per week, mainly from Twitter/X account @kodama_eth, and will generate millions of impressions.
    He will drive the car daily and will visit relevant crypto events/meetups all over Europe.
    This will create additional opportunities for content creation with engaged community members.

Credibility and Trust:

  • Kodama has established trust with his followers and has become a relevant KOL within the broader YugaLabs and ApeCoin ecosystem. Having him as a permanent partner endorsing ApeCoin can enhance the brand’s credibility and trustworthiness.

Content Creation:

  • Kodama will post at least one content piece per week. Educational, lifestyle or joining spaces - a broad mix that appeals to different audiences. The goal remains the same - to spread awareness and to educate about ApeCoin.

Cost-Effective Marketing:

  • Compared to traditional advertising and regular web3 KOL partnerships this comes at a very low cost. It perfectly complements the recent F1 partnership of the DAO (which btw opens up many possibilities for further content creation).

Engagement and Interaction:

  • The Apemobile will polarize! Kodama will leverage this and foster active engagement with his followers and the broader web3 community. This will lead to higher interaction rates for the campaign and increased brand visibility.


  • Kodama will share personal stories and experiences, which will make his endorsements feel more genuine and relatable compared to traditional ads.

Rapid Awareness and Virality:

  • The Apemobile has the potential to go viral quickly. It can create a buzz around ApeCoin and ApeChain. Imagine a post starting with “WTF I really got a Porsche 911 from the ApeCoin DAO”

Diversified Marketing Strategy:

  • Working with kodama adds another layer to ApeCoins marketing strategy, diversifying the current approach and helping Ape reach potential new users/buyers.

Long-Term Partnership:

  • Building a long-term relationships with kodama will result in continuous exposure for the ApeCoin brand.

Why Guerilla Marketing for ApeCoin?

  • Proven Concept
  • Cost Efficiency
  • Brand Differentiation
  • Psychological Impact
  • High Engagement
  • Viral Potential

Guerrilla marketing is a must-do for every businesses aiming to maximize their marketing impact while minimizing costs. Its ability to create memorable experiences, foster strong customer connections, and differentiate your brand in a crowded market makes it an essential component of a modern marketing strategy. By leveraging the psychological impact and viral nature of unconventional tactics, it has the ability to generate significant buzz and engagement.

The Apemobile will make ApeCoin a status symbol of success.

Sports cars have always had a special status in society and especially in crypto.
They are associated with success.

This is precisely why it is the perfect fit for this marketing initiative.
On top of that it fits perfectly into the DAO’s current marketing efforts with the F1.

The AIP author will work closely with the Marketing and Communications working group to maximize the benefits of this initiative.


Start date: Upon approval or September 2024 at the earliest.
End date: 3 Years from the start date.

Step 1: Buy a Porsche 911 Carrera 4s.
Step 2: Foiling of the car and special licence plate will take around 30 days.

The Apemobile will be ready 1 month after approval, or October 2024 at the earliest.
Content creation will start immediately.

Who wants to see the Apemobile at ApeFest in Lisbon? :wink:

KPIs: Engagement and reach on various social media channels.
Number of content pieces created.

Costs: 185,000 EUR (car + insurance+maintenance)
NOTE: The Porsche will be resold after 3 years and all proceeds will go back to the DAO.


Kodama will update the community on an ongoing base via his X account.


“Total amount requested from the ApeCoin Ecosystem Fund = EUR 185,000.”

155,000 EUR for the Porsche
0 EUR for 3 year KOL partnership & content creation
15,000 EUR for insurance for 3 years
15,000 EUR for maintenance*

*If not used it will be returned to the DAO at the end of the 3 year period as well.
If spent it will all be documented and invoices will be shared publicly.

The special license plates (APE 911), the foiling of the car and gasoline costs will be covered by the AIP author.

The car will be resold after 3 years and all proceeds will go back to the DAO.*

Making the effective costs within 3 years around 75,000 EUR aka 25,000 EUR per year.
(Assuming a resale value of 110,000 EUR for the Porsche)

*If this is not legally feasible, then alternatives such as a charitable donation can be considered.

Best AIP I’ve seen all day. You have my vote. (I mean I’d go for a Turbo S personally but I support various choices.)


What about some budget for maintenance, insurance, and gas?

Don’t want the Apemobile to be dirty or riding on a spare tire out there :apekinmegaphone:


Turbo S is too expensive imo. No need to ask too much from the DAO.
The effect will be the same with a Carrera 4s.


Budget for insurance is included in the AIP.
Approx 400€ per month → 15,000 EUR in total for 3 years.

Good points about maintenance. I will add 10,000 EUR for that. If not used it will be returned to the DAO at the end of the 3 year period as well. If spent it will all be documented and invoices will be shared publicly.

Gas will be covered by the AIP author.


Oh right, I see insurance in there.

Gas covered by @kodama is legit :fire: That has to be nearly $50k over the course of 3 years, if you’re driving around every day :gorilla::gorilla:


Edited the draft. Thank you for your feedback :slight_smile:

This is the least I can do if this idea gets funded imo.


YO you frontran my idea!!! lol




Every Ape can drive at ApeFest in Lisbon :saluting_face:


Understood. Insurance is going to be marginally cheaper too.


I see nothing wrong here.

Does it include the ballers package? It should, just saying.

Got my vote if ApeCoin blue fuzzy dice is added.


On point! I’ve been planning on buying a Gurkha coz a rally group in my country is planning to break world record + make content with this, travel the country and spread the word about NFTs and ETH in general, host meet up and onboard people to specific communities.

Might just ask for a 50k usd in $ape from Apecoin DAO, get the car and travel and host Apecoin meet ups and onboard them to the DAO, thank ape etc, wrap the car in Ape theme livery blah blah blah.

Would love to see this go ahead so that it open ways for others like me with bold and crazy ideas >:(


Thank you for the great feedback so far :slight_smile:

I have implemented everything and updated the AIP Idea.

I would like to emphasize that I am 100% serious about this AIP.

ApeCoin needs more marketing. Period.

This AIP offers a bold mix of guerrilla marketing & a KOL partnership/brand ambassadorship.

I have started inital conversations with the Marketing and Communications working group to gather their input as well.

I have a few concerns here:

  1. I’m worried you aren’t paying for a good driver to take care of this beauty. I assume you’ll be the perfect driver for it? Please include those costs.
  2. When is the AIP going to vote? The fact that you haven’t made the necessary back room deals to make this happen makes me think you don’t have what it takes to execute this AIP.
  3. You mention taking it for events, so please include your generous transportation costs. Private charter is preferable.

Thank you for your questions.

  1. I will drive it. I’ve had my driver’s license for 15 years and haven’t had a single accident yet.
  2. I am following the standard proceidure.
  3. I will drive it there and document each journey. This will be incredibly valuable content.
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How about the actual Tim Burton’s Batmobile?

Not implementable. Rest assured that I have thought through this AIP several times.

As an automotive enthusiast myself, I think adding in an additional $10k to get full PPF to prevent against rock chips etc, and ceramic coating, to make washing the car easier, would be a worthwhile investment. Good PPF can last a decade, and good ceramics can last several years, potentially bolstering the resale value. Porsche enthusiasts care about these details.

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Good point. I have my first appointment with a test drive tomorrow and will ask straight away whether the Porsche already has PPF or not :slight_smile: