Reform of the Voting Systems in the ApeCoin DAO

I am confused.

Minimum threshold to propose $100,000 APE $1,000,000 APE

Does this mean that only large holders would be able to submit AIPs?

Yup. Plain as day right there. I absolutely disagree with this. This just enables large holders to get AIPs to vote.

So you either have to be an individual with a very large holding to get an idea to pass. Or you have to have a delegate get the AIP to vote stage, and that brings on a whole other set of problems if it passes ( ex; who manages the money, how is that money distributed, can the funds be withheld from the Author because that’s what a delegate votes on, and a lot more issues).

Individuals holding one $APE should have the same ability to navigate the process as someone with 100,000 $APE.

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Yup. And I view this as part of the on-going activities to aggressively promote delegations. On one hand, it’s literally just a transfer of power, while on the other hand, it’s also a counter to other whale wallets.

And this my friends, is precisely what happens when you politicize a community.

Some people talk about how having large bags/wallets is showing “skin in the game”. It’s all complete and utter nonsense. It simply divides a community, reduces the voices of even the active and engaged people, and is precisely why our DAO - such as it is - isn’t growing. There is no plausible reason why the Apes community shouldn’t have evolved to be the biggest, baddest and best organized in all of Web3. Truth is, for as much noise as there is about “da club”, few even stopped to think about what it really takes to build an active and engaged community that’s designed to prosper. It’s how we came from a $1.4B treasury to less than $300M in 2 years - and we invested in nothing that would have generated sustained growth and prosperity because most just come through for what they can get and subsequently move on once they’ve got it.

Yet still, people are pushing to adopt the very same practices - but in different forms and by different names - that never worked in the first place.

When the vast majority of the votes are held by a few individuals, you have neither a democracy nor a DAO. You have an oligarchy or a plutocracy - a government of the rich and powerful. Historically, what they do is make rules that favor themselves and their supporters.

Michel’s Iron Law of Oligarchy states that ALL social movemens tend to start with a group of people who have a great idea to make things better for a lot of people, and quickly a small group of people rise to the top, start making good money, get power, and then do their best to keep their position of power and influence. DAOs have the opportunity to break this iron law, but I don’t see it happening here.

This would be what democracy looks like. Well said, @LOR3LORD

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A vote’s about to pass that will buy one man a BMW, so I’m sure that’ll fix the problem. :joy:

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heh. I am all but certain that Mocaverse is likely to kill it again. In fact, they’re on track to do just that.

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I’m getting smarter. I’m basically A.I absorbing information at this point. Osmosis or something.


what does it have to do with my comment you reply to? )

You wrote that “the budget proposal needs to get the majority of the votes”. I was pointing out that the “majority” of the votes may come from a few whales and not from the larger community. This isn’t necessarily a bug in the system. I hope to do more research on different DAO governance methods to see how different DAOs deal with what a “majority of the votes” would mean.

would you be up for one wallet, one vote?

Conceptually yes, but others pointed out that this is also easy enough to game, even with KYC-like barriers as you can pay people enough to jump through all of the hoops, and the actual cost of doing that can be much less than people think.

So ultimately it’s a game of trade-offs. I think I’m currently in my laissez-faire phase and it’s my belief that the free market should do whatever the free market wants to do in regards to voting power. For example Yuga just stepped in to create a new massive voting block for MBA participants, using Yuga’s $APE. In one sense it’s more active participants who can vote with a lot of power via delegation. In another sense it will further dilute the power of small and large voices alike, who actually purchased their ape. No perfect solution exists and I’m honestly fairly nihilistic about it currently.


Precisely this. As I said in my thread BREAKING! Yuga To Delegate 6.5M APE to MBA Holders on this, imo the right play would have been to delegate it to the DAO community.

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But who or which group to select if delegated to the DAO community—that’s another question.
I personally think that it will be best to delegate to Gordon and Garga for 3M each; it also can prove that they’re overseeing what’s going on in the DAO.

Both of these individuals have already been given truly unbelievable amounts of $APE, and could single handedly choose the fate of any AIP at any point in time if they haven’t sold the vast majority of what they were given. They can do this without any delegation at any point in time. Look at the token unlocks to see the incredible wealth they’ve been vested.


Running some basic numbers about the wealth the Yuga founders were given:

Total $APE supply - 1 billion
Founder allocation - 8%
Total allocation across the 4 founders - 80,000,000 $APE
Total allocation per founder - 20,000,000 $APE

Using some rough estimates by unlocks so far, each founder has received about 75%, so each founder if they didn’t dump their bags would have about 15,000,000 $APE at this moment in time.

Just to put into context about why delegating more to the founders is perhaps not a wise idea.


I hope they hodl. It’s the only way to show commitment to da club. :rofl:

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That’s easy. I actually designed a system for how that would work. AIP-474: Delegated ApeCoin Community Voting Wallet

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That’s bully to all voters :rofl:

If it makes you feel better Yuga got 15% of the total supply, or 150,000,000 $APE.