Abstain 101 & its many misconceptions

Hello everyone!

There’s been a lot of discussion about Abstain, including it’s merits as an option but also the optics and potential influence Abstain has on voting.

The intention behind Abstain was always to give users the autonomy to show up and vote, period.

The ApeCoin.eth snapshot space was using a custom voting strategy, instead of the “Basic Voting” that is standard with Snapshot. Yesterday, the DAO Administrators and the Governance WG, with oversight from the Special Council, implemented the “Basic Voting” strategy.

This strategy still allows users to vote “For” - “Against” - “Abstain” with the big difference being that “Abstain” votes do not show in the “Current Results” section during voting, but they do show in the “Parent” Snapshot space," or


I’ve included some screenshots of what this looks like for everyone to have a better understanding of the changes.

What voting Abstain looks like during the vote :point_down:

What voting Abstain looks like after the vote has closed :point_down:

What the snapshot space looks like after the vote has closed :point_down:

Hopefully this gives everyone a better picture of what’s been implemented here by the Foundation, per AIP-200.

Please let us know if you have any questions, and of course we are happy to continue the conversation if this is not what the community believes is the best way to implement “Abstain” voting.
