AIP-238: Mecha Chaotic: Forge - Add chaos to your PFP

Proposal Name: Mecha Chaotic Forge powered by ApeCoin

Proposal Category: Ecosystem Fund Allocation


Let me start by introducing myself. Hi! I’m Ethan S. Brewerton the Founder and Artist behind Mecha Chaotic, you might recognize my art before you recognize the name, as I’ve done hundreds of derivatives through the last 2 years through Mecha Chaotic. All of these were done in front of live audiences, through an interactive experience, where they can affect the outcome of each piece.


There are way too many to show here, but if you want to see more, you can find more on the Mecha Chaotic Website.

:fast_forward::fast_forward:Learn about Mecha Chaotic Raids :rewind::rewind:

I’ve also collaborated with many projects that you’ve heard of.

Click to see

I’ve worked with Alex Becker to make promotional Art for Neo Tokyo

I worked with Kaiju Kingz to create a 1/1 trait for their Mutant Kaiju Collection

As well as Augminted Scientists to create a Body trait on behalf of Mecha Chaotic

I just love collaboration and all of the ideas that come out of it.


Additionally, I lead the creation of one of the most ambitious Generative projects to date, Bedlam. We set out with one of our goals being to create a collection that was so diverse, so highly detailed, and yet so cohesive that people couldn’t tell it was generative, and wouldn’t believe you when you told them.


I think we did pretty well, how about you?

A closer look at Bedlam

1000×1000 173 KB
1536×1536 2.34 MB

In case it’s not obvious by everything above, I’m very passionate about collaboration, and my art. This is something new. I’ve been doing this long before I entered web3, and I don’t mean the making of art. Every artist has been making it in some way since they were born. I mean that I’ve been building Mecha Chaotic (though I didn’t know it at the time) since 2018 with livestreams on Twitch. This is where I formed my interactive process, allowing viewers to redeem parts off of a menu with points they obtain while watching, and I was just doing it for the passion. There was no money involved. It wasn’t until I found NFTs that things clicked into place.

All of these experiences have brought me the Forge.



Intro Video

Mecha Chaotic Forge

The Forge is an interactive, community-driven platform created by Mecha Chaotic that allows Mecha Chaotic NFT holders to customize and enhance their NFTs from other Collection. By collaborating with their artist, Ethan S. Brewerton, during livestreams, NFT holders can create and add unique traits to their existing NFTs, giving them a personalized touch. This innovative approach to NFT customization encourages community involvement and enhances the value of the NFTs by making them a one-of-a-kind companion piece.


This grant will power everything that I do for the next year. This would give me the freedom to focus on creating and innovating as I’ve done for the last 2 years in the space. One of the biggest current projects for me being The Forge.

So one of the first and most obvious things that the grant will do is that it will allow me make the best Forge possible. That’s awesome, but what does that look like?

It looks like me going from community to community making traits with them, putting them in the Forge, and those communities having a great time playing with their NFTs in a way they haven’t been able to before.

Collectors will collaborate with me to make the traits, and then again while choosing what traits they’d like to use on their PFP in the Forge.

Think of me as a traveling performer promoting myself while serving the communities I’m performing in. All the while promoting myself, Mecha Chaotic, and most importantly for you all, ApeCoin.


This would also fund a signifcant update to the User’s experience while using the Forge. Such as, while currently we can accept $APE and other ERC20s as a mint currency, we have to pick which currency to use every mint cycle. We would like to make it so that our users have the choice of what currency to use. $APE or $ETH or a number of other ERC20 tokens for whatever collection they’re Forging.


Additionally, we will be adding a feature that will allow guest artists to create traits for their own Forged collections. This will take this concept to the next level and expand this concept far beyond what I could do on my own. The Forge would take all of the following from all of the artists involved and focus them into the Forge, where $APE would be prominently featured.

To do this, we will need to implement an improved UI for adding traits to the “collection” files to populate each collection with metadata such as categories, trait layering, trait organization, as well as a way for artists to submit the trait artwork.

Currently the process is very code based and would potentially be confusing, in addition to leaving room for errors that could break their collection. We’d aim to reduce or completely eliminate that possibility with the UI.


These are just the ideas that I have right now, but I will undoubtedly have many more along the way on how to improve this experience, or how I could innovate other aspects of the space through this process. This grant would fund this and those future ideas.


It will be me managing some developers, including the developer that built the current Forge.


The Forge is a fun use case for $APE that allows for collaboration and integration of many collection communities. All of us in web3 are all in our separate communities, but The Forge facilitates a communal experience that generates discussion and then a way to showcase an interest that encourages connections outside of their established cliques.

Additionally you’d be helping me promote myself by promoting ApeCoin at the same time. I’m a firm believer that the best deals are the ones like this, the kind that benefit all sides equally. I am motivated to promote myself through bringing the Forge to as many communities as possible, and if ApeCoin’s name is attached, that means that I’ll also be promoting ApeCoin.

When I create the Neo Tokyo collection, ApeCoin will be there.

When I make the Azuki collection, ApeCoin will be there.

When I make the Sappy Seal collection, ApeCoin will be there.

When I make the Pudgey Penguin collection, ApeCoin will be there.

Each collection I go to will be exposed to ApeCoin and a rad event that they will remember.


Boldness: We don’t shy away from the weird, the hard, or the new.

Doesn’t get much weirder, harder, or newer than Mecha Chaotic, and is especially the case with the Forge.

Persistence: Success is an ouroboros, not a straight line.

This will allow $APE to have a further reach as the Forge collection grows. Each collection after this is implemented


The Forge - The system for adding Ethan S. Brewerton’s traits to different collection’s PFPs and then minting them into the ReForged Collection.

To Forge - Minting your PFP with Ethan S. Brewerton’s traits into the ReForged collection.


:arrow_down_small::arrow_down_small: If you own a Bored Ape, you can check it out with the link below :arrow_down_small::arrow_down_small:
=== Mecha Chaotic Forge - Home ====

Current Features
  • Holder verification
  • Viewing and adding traits
  • Real time preview of traits on user’s PFP
  • Minting with $ETH or ERC20 (but offered at any 1 time)
  • Warm Wallet integration for delegating
  • Ability to add and remove Collections
  • Ability to activate Collections individually
  • Ability to add or remove offered traits
Features to be added with AIP
Enhanced User experience
  • Flexible Pay: Ability to pay with $ETH, $APE, $USDC, etc…
  • Ability to mint, but Mecha Chaotic NFT provide a Discount
  • Randomize Trait Button
  • Remove last trait Button
  • Remove all traits Button
  • Trait search functionality
  • Improved trait page format
  • Trait Category Filters
Allow Guest Artists to create traits and sell them through the Forge
  • UI for Guest Artists to create the collection files
  • A repository for Artists to upload their trait image files
Allow for Trait rarity (i.e. limited uses per trait)
  • Limited supply of traits
  • Premium Traits


  • Production Planning 500 $APE
  • Add Variable payment system 500 $APE
  • Add quality of life UI elements 1000 $APE
  • Art for UI 1000 $APE
  • Add Trait Rarity System 4000 $APE
  • Add Guest artist functionality 6000 $APE
  • Administrative Cost 6000 $APE


I request 19,000 $APE to add a variable payment system, quality of life UI elements, incorporate a feature to allow guest artists to make their own Forge Traits, A system for trait rarity (i.e. limited uses per trait), as well as other creative ideas that are spawned from this process.


Happened to hop into the WG0 discord tonight and Ethan was live streaming doing some art and talking about this AIP. Had a good 30 minute chat with him about the Forge and his vision for it.

This is a super cool idea with so much depth and possibilities. Excited to see where this ends up.



Was nice meeting you! Thanks for the kind words, and for the cool ideas! Definitely going to see what the devs think about the feasibility.

1 Like

Hey. Your initial idea & proposal looks very clean. I think there is value in simple & straightforward proposals. You have a long history in the space for doing this kind of stuff. I have a few recommendations for how to build out the proposal. Consider a few of the following points as you’re crafting this b4 snapshot vote.

  • abstract: clearly state “this is a grant proposal to power what im doing next”
  • consider explaining what you’ve done in the space in a paragraph or two
  • Explain how the forge will be powered & what this grant immediately does

You have experience & knowledge. So as you’re crafting your proposal, dont feel like its necessary to explain your complete business plans. Sometimes proposals can turn into 14 page documents!

I like your approach. You also do live discord artwork & network frequently. Id love to see apecoin power creators like you. I recommend keeping the grant ask simple as well, if its 10-15k to power you for a year, I think thatll resonate with delegates & members of the many ape communities.


Thank you, I’m glad you enjoyed the style of my proposal, and love the feedback! I’ve taken the time to craft some edits.

Here’s the new Abstract:

This is a grant application to help power what I will be doing for the next year.


Who am I? Hi, I’m Ethan S. Brewerton the Founder and Artist behind Mecha Chaotic, you might recognize my art before you recognize the name, as I’ve done hundreds of derivatives through the last 2 years as through Mecha Chaotic. All of these were done in front of live audiences, through an interactive experience, where they can affect the outcome of each piece.

Examples below:

There are way too many to show here, but if you want to see more, you can find more on the Mecha Chaotic Website.

Raiding Guide

Additionally, we have one of the most ambitious Generative projects to date, Bedlam. One of the goals when creating Bedlam was to create a collection that was so diverse, and so highly detailed that people couldn’t tell it was generative, and wouldn’t believe you when you told them.

Examples Below:

All of these experiences have brought me to my latest creation.


The Forge is an interactive, community-driven platform created by Mecha Chaotic that allows Mecha Chaotic NFT holders to customize and enhance their NFTs from other Collection. By collaborating with their artist, Ethan S. Brewerton, during livestreams, NFT holders can create and add unique traits to their existing NFTs, giving them a personalized touch. This innovative approach to NFT customization encourages community involvement and enhances the value of the NFTs by making them a one-of-a-kind companion piece.


The grant will help me make the best Forge possible. What does that look like?
It looks like me going from community to community making traits with them, putting them in the Forge, and those communities having a great time playing with their NFTs in a way they haven’t been able to before.
Collaborating with me to make the traits, and then again while choosing what traits in the Forge.
Additionally we would update the User’s experience while using the Forge. Such as, while currently we can accept $APE and other ERC20s as a mint currency, we have to pick every mint cycle, which we will use. We would like to make it so that our users have the choose what currency to use. $APE or $ETH or a number of other ERC20 tokens for whatever collection they’re Forging.

I think I got most of your notes in there, but would love to hear any further feedback you might have!

Thanks again!

1 Like

The early edits look great Cant wait to hear others chime in! Well done.
Is there any additional info you can tell us abt you?
Things youd like to mention here in this thread?

Yeah, there’s always more haha. I started with the Vogu, when they hired me to make a special edition background, which went on to be the most valuable trait you could have on your Vogu during it’s peak.
I’ve worked with Alex Becker to create make promotional images for Neo Tokyo, worked with Kaiju Kingz to make traits for Mutant Kaiju and Scientists, won several community art contests, Created a special edition Battlefly on Arbitrum, and I’m sure I’m forgetting a bunch of other stuff. I’m not sure what to include and what to leave out for the sake of brevity hah.


Hi Ethan,

I don’t do BS, it helps no one, so here goes - have you looked at the list of AIPs that pass vs those that fail? No matter how many extra words you add this is going to struggle to pass via this process.

I have looked at the website and read the idea thoroughly - we are in the land of NFTs! What is driving the space forward or adding value to apecoin here?

Look I am not rubbishing your abilities, I respect @BojangleGuy and if he says you’re talented, and was amazed, that’s enough for me to know you’re pretty good at your craft, however, that’s not unique in itself in our arena.

There is hope I believe, wait for the working groups to pass & form and maybe try and get funding that way, as I’m guessing its not gonna be a high ask, and convincing a handful of people compared to the number of voters via the AIP process will be much easier?

I want to just say this - I’m just being realistic, cruel to be kind, no need to reply - I can’t predict the future and neither can others here, but what we can go by is approved and rejected AIP votes in the past.

I wish you luck, but I just don’t see this passing via AIP process ngl and blow smoke up your…


I appreciate you taking the time to provide me with your honest feedback! I know you said you don’t want a reply, but I feel obligated to explain my thought process a bit more regarding how it’s adding value to $APE.

But before I get into that, I think I need to understand how you define “value.” For me, value just means that people want it. For whatever reason people want to own this thing, and that’s what gives the “thing” value. Whether that’s because it increases income, because they just think it’s cool, or something in the middle.

So to me, it sounds like you’re asking me: “How does this make people want $APE more?”

Is that a correct interpretation?

If I got something wrong, can you explain how you define “Value”? I’d like to understand where you’re coming from.

1 Like

This is so good, after mutant if there is anything else then it should be rise of the mecha apes
~It has to be this way


Gm Ethan!

These are amazing, the art looks epic- while it’s not my personal style, I can definitely see how people would love to have these. Always love to support artists & creatives in the DAO such as @12GAUGE @Brazy @AllCityBAYC and many more, and the concept of doing custom art in a livestream seems like a great way to liven up the Discord & make it a community hangout spot :blush:

A couple questions:

  • In the website, the links to Twitter, Discord, LR, and OS currently direct to the homepage. Can you share the correct links with us?
  • Would there be plans to expand to other Yuga assets like MAYC, BAKC, Punks, Kodas, Meebits,
    HV-MTL, etc? What would the timeline look like for this?
  • ApeCoin is inclusive of everyone, including non-Yuga holders such as Doodles, CloneX, Azuki, Sappy Seals, etc. Would you include these projects as well, and if so, what does the timeline look like?
  • Since LooksRare & Opensea are featured as marketplaces, it would make sense to also add our ApeCoin Marketplace as launched by @zheerwagen in AIP-98. Would you be willing to add this & any future ApeCoin marketplaces?

Thank you so much for sharing Ethan! Can’t wait to see the timeline & costs sections, and watch how this proposal develops.

-Halina.eth :cherry_blossom:


GM Halina!

Thanks for the feedback! Yeah livestreaming is the most fun part! Especially when I don’t know where it’s going to go :smile:

  • In the website, the links to Twitter, Discord, LR, and OS currently direct to the homepage. Can you share the correct links with us?

This will be fixed soon. Till then, here are the links:

(I can only put 1 link in this response, but you can find the Discord on Twitter)

Currently there isn’t a collection on OS or LR as we haven’t launched yet.

  • Would there be plans to expand to other Yuga assets like MAYC, BAKC, Punks, Kodas, Meebits,
    HV-MTL, etc? What would the timeline look like for this?
  • ApeCoin is inclusive of everyone, including non-Yuga holders such as Doodles, CloneX, Azuki, Sappy Seals, etc. Would you include these projects as well, and if so, what does the timeline look like?

Definitely! The idea is to keep adding collections to the list that you can mint through the Forge! So, I will certainly be adding as many collections as I can to the list!

As far as timeline goes, once the Forge goes live, I could get a new collection into the Forge within 2 weeks, unless this get’s big enough that I’ll need 80+ traits to accommodate the demand while keeping it diverse enough to stay interesting.

  • Since LooksRare & Opensea are featured as marketplaces, it would make sense to also add our ApeCoin Marketplace as launched by @zheerwagen in AIP-98. Would you be willing to add this & any future ApeCoin marketplaces?

I’d be willing to feature the ApeCoin marketplaces, of course.

Thanks again for the feedback! Let me know if you have any further questions!


Thanks! Glad you like it! Would love to do a Mecha Apes collection!


While, currently we can accept $APE as a mint currency, we would like to make it so that our users have the option to use $APE or $ETH or a number of other ERC20 tokens for whatever collection they’re Forging.

Hi @EthanSBrewerton,

Interesting proposal that will be fun to watch evolve on your journey. Keeping that in mind, in my limited experience, I found that it may be difficult to incorporate ApeCoin and Ethereum in the same drop at the same time.

I believe one solution by Dan @4437 from NiftyKit is providing users with the ability to toggle one of the two tokens on while the other is off. Perfect for presale opportunities where you may want to provide first-access to people buying with APE, then switch to ETH as needed.

Please explain how you plan on combining multiple tokens for your mint, or if I’ve misinterpreted anything along the way.

Also, shoutout to @Halina.eth for the mention :muscle: :muscle:



Hi Ethan,

Thank you for taking my feedback in the way it was intended - simply no BS - I guess I am possibly too outspoken about how the DAO’s funds should be spent. The part about “no need to reply” was really just me saying I’d take no offense if you didn’t, and due to how I view/decide on AIP ideas currently, you’d be hard-pressed to convert my position unfortunately.

I’ve tried to answer your question for over half an hour now but I cannot find the words to make my response seem less like I’m totally condemning your idea; so I’ll defo spare you that, and ofc myself the possible community backlash/outrage. (Two condensed points - AIP funding bar is very high rn, you also compete with yield from apecoin staking when trying to get ‘non-belivers’ to spend theirs.)

One other point to note - since it was suggested that we add stats to the snapshot UI to try and ‘invalidate’ votes & voters with small amounts of apecoin (without changing the voting process itself ofc), and after personally shilling the DAO entry threshold as 1 $APE, out of principle I now only ever hold 1 apecoin in my public facing/main voting wallet. (Ethan jumps for joy!!)

GL mate, sincerely mean that, hope to see more ideas from you in the years to come. I have added “Recommended OG Artist” to your name on my database btw (this is not up for debate in my mind - your skills are top tier), but this idea, this time, just isn’t for me. LFG!!!


Thank you for the kind words and the feedback!

I’m not a developer, so I don’t know the specifics, but I’ve reached out to my devs to see what solution they’ll be using to resolve this.


@EthanSBrewerton I can help out here. Curious to learn and chat more. Will reach out.


Talked to my developers and they’ve assured me that they have a solution. One of them mentioned that is often used for things like this.

I’m pretty confident in the abilities of my developers. They’ve had some tricky situations to solve and they’ve conquered those with ease.


Hi @EthanSBrewerton,

Your topic will be moving to the AIP Draft phase in less than 24 hours. Are you content with the feedback received or do you wish to extend community discussion for another 7 days?

If we do not hear from you within 48 hours after your topic closes, your topic will be moved straight to the AIP Draft process.

We look forward to hearing from you.


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